Laura Lovesreading's Reviews > Ask for Andrea

Ask for Andrea by Noelle W. Ihli
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really liked it

The tension in this book was electrifying

Ask for Andrea is a unique plot following the aftermath of three girls who are k!lled by a scumbag Serial K!ller.
This one had my attention from the get go, because its not like anything i have read before. This is not your typical thriller and read more like a character driven read.
Monsters don't always appear scary. They can be handsome, charming and very convincing.
This book really highlighted how women can easily find themselves in danger to no fault of their own, and raises deep thoughts on what we can do to make ourselves more vigilant and aware in romantic settings.

⋆。°✩ WHAT I LIKED ⋆。°✩
➽ The even pace of the book was great
➽ Short Chapters
➽ The Trio perspectives
➽ The tension and anxiety was executed well
➽ Had me all in my feels!
➽ No over exaggeration and implausible actions.
➽ Satisfied ending

⋆。°✩ WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE ⋆。°✩
➽ It took a long time for the girls to all meet.
➽ The naivety of the wife to all of a sudden having an epiphany, was half believable to me.

All in all i really enjoyed this book and will continue with reading this authors backlist.

3.5 ⭐

⋆。°✩ pre read ⋆。°✩

Having read Run on Red and Gray after Dark by this author I loved both!
I obviously now need to complete her backlist right!?
The blurb on this one… 😮‍💨😮‍💨
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Reading Progress

June 4, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
June 4, 2023 – Shelved
April 28, 2024 – Started Reading
April 28, 2024 –
page 23
8.46% "When will men understand no means no. To learn to have some self control and freaking boundaries!! 😖😖😖"
April 28, 2024 –
page 104
38.24% "Ugh! I don’t want to put this book down but I have work in the morning!
So far I’m so invested in each girls timeline! I’m anticipating the moment when they all finally link up!
The scumbag k!ller is absolutely rattling my last nerves and I just can’t wait to get to his comeuppance!!!! 😖"
April 30, 2024 –
page 154
56.62% "Ughhhh why is the wife being an idiot!!!! You literally have kids with a serial k!ller and your ACTIVELY choosing to ignore all the red flags! DPMO!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬"
May 1, 2024 –
page 204

*sitting on the edge of my seat rn*"
May 2, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-45 of 45 (45 new)

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message 1: by Tay (new) - rated it 4 stars

Tay Loved this one!!!! The suspense is 😓😭

message 2: by Ash (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ash Oh I loved this one. Hope you enjoy!

lacey 💌 My favorite read so far this year. It’s so heartbreaking but beautifully written 🥺

Laura Lovesreading Tayler wrote: "Loved this one!!!! The suspense is 😓😭" I hope the girls make this sick prick pay!!!! 🤬🤬🤬

Laura Lovesreading Ash ♡ wrote: "Oh I loved this one. Hope you enjoy!" thank you Ash! I’ve been heavily angry thus far and don’t think it will stop. Those innocent girls 😭😭

Laura Lovesreading lacey 💌 wrote: "My favorite read so far this year. It’s so heartbreaking but beautifully written 🥺" the heartbreak hits you from the first page, I need the girls to get justice and make that asshole pay for his sins!!

Denise (hiatus) happy reading lovely💖

message 8: by Surajat Debbie (new)

Surajat Debbie Oh lord! Another Noelle book for you?! Good luck love, happy reading 💗💕

Laura Lovesreading Denise wrote: "happy reading lovely💖" thank you love 💖

Laura Lovesreading Surajat Debbie wrote: "Oh lord! Another Noelle book for you?! Good luck love, happy reading 💗💕" babes I’m ready to read this woman’s whole backlist! She always has me locked in!! 💖💕

♥︎ Heather ⚔ Sounds good! Hope you love it babes! 💗

message 12: by Meagan✨ (new)

Meagan✨ Hope you enjoy beautiful 💖

Laura Lovesreading ♥︎ Heather ⚔ (Semi Hiatus-Moving) wrote: "Sounds good! Hope you love it babes! 💗" Thank you so much hun ❤️

Laura Lovesreading Meagan✨ wrote: "Hope you enjoy beautiful 💖" thank you gorgeous❤️

message 15: by daniella (new)

daniella happy reading hun 🤍 hope you enjoy this . have you read any of her other books ?

Laura Lovesreading daniella wrote: "happy reading hun 🤍 hope you enjoy this . have you read any of her other books ?" thank you love! Yes i have read Run on Red and Gray after Dark by her, both fantastic books! Have you read any of hers?? ❤️

message 17: by daniella (new)

daniella ahh okay, which one would you recommend 👀 no i haven’t. I’ve been thinking about picking up on of her books

Laura Lovesreading daniella wrote: "ahh okay, which one would you recommend 👀 no i haven’t. I’ve been thinking about picking up on of her books" omg you have to read gray after dark first! it was such a traumatic read! 💕

message 19: by daniella (new)

daniella okay going and add it now before i forget😅 traumatic read?? help no😭I’ll let yk how it goes when i get to it

message 20: by Vivian (new) - added it

Vivian Diaz Happy reading lovely! 💖

Laura Lovesreading daniella wrote: "okay going and add it now before i forget😅 traumatic read?? help no😭I’ll let yk how it goes when i get to it" wooop wooop! yes girl please let me know when you read it 💕

Laura Lovesreading Vivian wrote: "Happy reading lovely! 💖" Thank you beautiful! 💕💕

kendyl ʚ♡⃛ɞ happy reading gorgeous!!

Getlyn♡ Happy reading sweetie!! 💕 I really loved this one, so refreshing and I remember it got so intense I had sweaty hands while reading hahah. There´s also a short post-script for closure called the River (free on her website I think).

Laura Lovesreading kendyl ʚ♡⃛ɞ (semi-hiatus) wrote: "happy reading gorgeous!!" thank you Angel 💕💕

Laura Lovesreading Getlyn♡ wrote: "Happy reading sweetie!! 💕 I really loved this one, so refreshing and I remember it got so intense I had sweaty hands while reading hahah. There´s also a short post-script for closure called the Riv..." thank you love! i feel tense, i feel stressed, and beyond angry at that scum! cant wait for the climax to arrive! 💕

message 27: by Cara (new) - added it

Cara Happy reading, baby cakes💕!!!!!!!!

Maeghan 🌸 Happy reading cutie pie 💗🦋

crystal🎈 Ahh! Enjoy!!

Laura Lovesreading Cara wrote: "Happy reading, baby cakes💕!!!!!!!!" thank you my love! 💕💕

Laura Lovesreading Maeghan🔆 BUSY wrote: "Happy reading cutie pie 💗🦋" thank youuuu beautiful! 💗💗

Laura Lovesreading Crystal wrote: "Ahh! Enjoy!!" thank youuuu 💗

message 33: by Amanda Kay ♡ (last edited May 01, 2024 09:12AM) (new)

Amanda Kay ♡ Happy reading beautiful! Hope you enjoy! 💖💕💕

Laura Lovesreading Amanda Kay ♡(Catching Up) wrote: "Happy reading beautiful! Hope you enjoy! 💖💕💕" thank you soo much lovely 💕💕

crystal🎈 😅 I said the same thing about the girls taking too long to meet & no one will ever convince me that a wife doesn’t realize what kind of man she’s married to

Laura Lovesreading Crystal wrote: "😅 I said the same thing about the girls taking too long to meet & no one will ever convince me that a wife doesn’t realize what kind of man she’s married to" yess i would have enjoyed it more if they had met much sooner. AHH I dont want to be annoyed at the wife, but I'm lowkey annoyed at the wife! 😅

mehta (a little inactive atm) love it when books have short chapters, makes me psychologically feel like I'm getting through the book faster (regardless of whether that's actually true or not lol)

Kristy Riley Yesssss! Theres a short story called The River going into a little more with the wife that made me less annoyed with her. I think there’s a link to it at the end of Ask For Andrea if I’m remembering right

message 39: by Vivian (new) - added it

Vivian Diaz Glad you enjoyed it love! Another book added to my tbr! ☺️

Laura Lovesreading Mehta wrote: "love it when books have short chapters, makes me psychologically feel like I'm getting through the book faster (regardless of whether that's actually true or not lol)" haha yes i thought i was the only one! plus my short attention span cant cope with long chapters haha 🤣🤣

Laura Lovesreading Kristy wrote: "Yesssss! Theres a short story called The River going into a little more with the wife that made me less annoyed with her. I think there’s a link to it at the end of Ask For Andrea if I’m rememberin..." ahhh yes ive just checked my book again and in the authors note, she says to go to her IG for a link to see what happens to April. Let me just go and read it, because i have v mixed feelings about her! 🤣

Laura Lovesreading Vivian wrote: "Glad you enjoyed it love! Another book added to my tbr! ☺️" Eyyyy hope you enjoy it as much as me beautiful! ❤️

Kristy Riley Ooooo good let me know if your opinion changes 😂🩷

message 44: by farhia (new)

farhia lovely review beautiful, I’m glad you enjoy it ♥️

Laura Lovesreading farhia wrote: "lovely review beautiful, I’m glad you enjoy it ♥️" thank you sm gorgeous ❤️

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