Nina (ninjasbooks)'s Reviews > Don't Let Her Stay

Don't Let Her Stay by Nicola Sanders
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's review

it was amazing

I’m still sweating after reading this one. A perfect psychological thriller that I didn’t want to end. The characters were consistent in their behavior and personality, and the tension of uncertainty was thick. The last chapters were really thrilling and the twist was brilliant!
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Reading Progress

May 30, 2023 – Started Reading
June 1, 2023 – Shelved
June 1, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-45 of 45 (45 new)

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message 1: by Emma.catherine (new)

Emma.catherine Sounds like my kind of book!! Glad you enjoyed it ❤️

Deeksha Bhardwaj Short and honest review! Love it, Nina💕

message 3: by Karly (new)

Karly Glad you loved this one Nina 🩷

message 4: by Fran (new)

Fran Short but most powerful review, Nina! Well done!🌹

message 5: by Teres (new)

Teres Love a thriller with a good twist! 🙌🏻

message 6: by CoachJim (new)

CoachJim I am familiar with that feeling. This sounds like a winner.
Great review Nina.

Nina (ninjasbooks) Thank you all :)

Sujoya(theoverbookedbibliophile) I'm intrigued! Yay for the 5⭐️ read!

Tonya Excellent review! I enjoyed this one too!

Shelley's Book Nook Great review, Nina and a five star read! 🤩

Lit with Leigh Oh damn!!¡ Ok!! Great review 💖

message 12: by Rowan (new)

Rowan Excellent review, Nina. I hope you have recovered from the sweating Haha This sounds like a gripping read!

Nina (ninjasbooks) Thank you 🙏🏻 have taken a shower since then so hopefully I’m now sweat-free 😆

message 14: by Dun's (new) - added it

Dun's Great review! Added to my TBR.

Nina (ninjasbooks) Thank you 🙏🏻

message 16: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Clynes "I’m still sweating after reading this one." is one huge endorsement for a book, beats the top score of 5 stars!

Nina (ninjasbooks) So glad you enjoyed it as well! I’m still thinking about this one! Hope she writes another one soon!

message 18: by Ibrahim (new) - added it

Ibrahim Because of this wonderful review, Nina ! .. I definitely want to read it . This sounds like one I would enjoy

Nina (ninjasbooks) It is perfect if you want some suspense!

message 20: by Hailey (new) - added it

Hailey Powner This comment is making me read it! I can’t stand when characters aren’t consistent so def downloading today! Thank you!!

Nina (ninjasbooks) Hope you like it hailey!

message 22: by Amy (new)

Amy Machray Can you message me the trigger warnings for this book please?

Nina (ninjasbooks) I don’t remember everything, but I will try :)

Debbie Mathis PA I just finished this one and loved it!

Nina (ninjasbooks) So glad you liked it as well!

message 26: by Fiza (new) - added it

Fiza Pathan A concise & precise review Nina! Glad you enjoyed this thriller & rewarded it 5 stars! Seems like something worth reading, especially if a seasoned thriller reader like you loved it. Will check it out. Happy Reading to you in the near future! :)

Nina (ninjasbooks) Thanks for the thoughtful and sweet comment Fiza! You’re comments always make me happy 😊

message 28: by Fiza (new) - added it

Fiza Pathan Nina wrote: "Thanks for the thoughtful and sweet comment Fiza! You’re comments always make me happy 😊"

A pleasure as always! Your reviews are uplifting as well & I love to read them. God bless! :)

Pamela Francine Didn’t like the beginning
It got more interesting and twisted. I hate to say but I’m not happy with the ending .

Nina (ninjasbooks) I can get why you didn’t like it!

Jordan Dellaquila Such a great thrilling book! Couldn’t put it down

Nina (ninjasbooks) Glad you enjoyed it as well Jordan!

message 33: by David (new)

David Allen Thank you for the review! Good to know!

Nina (ninjasbooks) You’re welcome 😇

message 35: by LTJ (new)

LTJ Wow, that's so awesome to hear and glad you loved it!

message 36: by Ale (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ale Rangel Omg same here!!!!!

Nina (ninjasbooks) Glad you felt that way Ale!

Teri Ceola Just finished reading it. I started at 1 o’clock today and finished at 8 o’clock tonight. Could not put it down! My question is where is part two? I’m so invested in these characters from your book that I need to know what happens to them in the next phase.

Nina (ninjasbooks) Yea, that would have been lovely!

Jessica Exactly!!

Sherri Yesssss! Those last few chapters had me biting all my dang nails off…

Nina (ninjasbooks) Hope you have long nails so you still have some left for that next great reAd 😂

Leeanne 🥀 The Book Whor3 🥀 Added to my TBR, because of your wonderful review 🙂

Nina (ninjasbooks) Thank you !!

Sagittarius girl§ *~·:·~* If Chloe is 20 years old, can't she just buy a house, get a job and live by herself? She dosen't need to come to her dad's house and ruin everything. And she hasn't spoken to him in 2 years?! Even Joanne is trusting her to look after the baby?!

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