Angel's Reviews > Don't Let Her Stay

Don't Let Her Stay by Nicola Sanders
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did not like it

Just started, but I can’t stand Joanne. Why the hell does she let that disrespectful ass bitch talk to her like that??? And in her own home! She needs to kick Chloe’s stupid ass out of her house along with her husband if he disagrees. Her husband Richard is a complete asshole. This is definitely white women’s drama because it would never happen in my house. She even agreed to let that crazy bitch look after her baby. Wtaf? I don’t think I can finish this. The wife is a dumb ass spineless doormat. Instead of beating Chloe‘s ass into the ground, she lets her do whatever the hell she wants.
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May 17, 2023 – Shelved
May 17, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
May 23, 2023 – Started Reading
May 25, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 89 (89 new)

Amber Ray Halfway through and my thoughts exactly!! This book is making so mad and she asks like she’s such a victim and has no voice. And is ok being treated like a child by her husband

Angel Yes! I was actually arguing with the book. Couldn't be me.

Tabitha Glisson Joanne is insufferable! I completely agree with all you said. The only reason I finished it was because I wanted to see if that little bitch stepdaughter and the husband got theirs.

message 4: by Ana (new) - rated it 2 stars

Ana Yes, Chloe should’ve tried that in an Eastern European household lmao she would’ve been in the shed by the second morning lol

Osfees This was so infuriating. Joann(a), if you don't rip her spine out the second she ate a 6-egg omelet, I have no sympathy for you. Evie and pup deserved better!

Heather Getting so frustrated!!! And I’m listening to the audiobook, so I can’t just skim ahead!

Allison Hartman I listened to this book while painting my bedroom and actually found myself answering the main characters questions out loud!!!! This book made me so mad!

Lit with Leigh WHITE WOMEN'S DRAMA LMAOOOOOO I'm dead 😂😂😂

vanessa tiyera the audiobook got my fists like that Arthur meme

message 10: by Marin (new)

Marin Johnson My thoughts exactly. Ugh I have to DNF.

message 11: by Katy (new) - rated it 1 star

Katy Clements Lol yes it sure is! I love the *a white woman's drama ". I can stand is grating me. If my husband talked to me the way he talked to her he'd be on the floor

message 12: by Katy (new) - rated it 1 star

Katy Clements Lol " instead of beating her ass into the ground" lol yes yes


Alicia Benefield I have never agreed more with a review!! 😂😂😂 I found myself talking back to the audiobook like “Sus are you really gonna let this girl talk to you reckless like that in your house?!? Beat her ass and put her out!” I couldn’t relate to this AT ALL

message 15: by Janiska (new) - added it

Janiska nordstrom Thanks for this review, I won’t read the book. I don’t like white Women’s drama 😂.

Susan Listening to the audio and two thoughts kept running through my mind. 1) evie sure does sleep a lot, behave ALL.THE.TIME, 2) your phone can record conversations, record Chloe talking to you like this.

Julia OMG YES like the husband isn't THAT much of a catch, just leave him and his daughter!

message 18: by Abby (new) - rated it 4 stars

Abby I agree with this 1000000%. I’m listening to the audiobook and am at 34%. The whiney Chloe drives me nuts and Joanna refuses to stand up for herself and I am SHOOK she stays with Richard after all the gaslighting and toxic behavior he’s shown. I hate every character. Hahaha!

Kelly Wells I just started too and I am RIGHT THERE WITH YOU - if this doesn't end with her crazy-murdering both her shitty husband and his daughter, I'm already disappointed.

Urša Zgonec hahah im on 22% of the book and im fuming....seriously if this doesnt end with Joanne murdering both of them, than idk 😅

Natasha You literally took the words out of my mouth. I’m halfway through and I don’t know if I can finish for my own sanity.

Renee Totally agree.

message 23: by Hana (new)

Hana God, this small review just made me laugh out loud and totally skip the book

message 24: by Lori (new) - added it

Lori Anest These characters made me so angry! This nonsense would not be tolerated in this white woman's house. Richard and Chloe would have been out on their asses! I can't stand reading a book with characters this stupid.

Samantha Stanis I was thinking the same thing!! I literally had to put it down a few times because I was so pissed at how Joanne doesn't stand up for herself.

theactivesquirrel I agree. Chloe is hateful and awful and Joanne is weak. The husband is the worse. Completely gaslighting both his wives. He has no problem telling his daughter everything about Joanne yet important details he never tells his wife and gets mad at her for questioning him. I had no empathy for him. The grandma was the only person with strength.

message 27: by Lisa (last edited Nov 27, 2023 01:15PM) (new)

Lisa Rynk This review made me laugh 😂, changed my mind on borrowing the book.

message 28: by Kristianna (new)

Kristianna Jones Okay I’m glad I’m not the only one!! 😂😂 I’m about 20% in and idk if I can finish this one.. the way this fictional little girl is working my last nerve and Joanne is just letting her talk to her any type of way?? And the husband is making fun of her and letting his daughter make fun of her too?! 🥴 couldn’t be me lol

message 29: by Michaiah (new) - added it

Michaiah Johnson

message 30: by Mari (new)

Mari You took the words right out of my mouth.

message 31: by Dana (new) - rated it 2 stars

Dana Sudhisasanakul Joanna (lol I had to) is the worst most annoying character ever.

Miranda P. 🤣🤣 best review ever!

Rachel T This review is absolutely everything 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 You hit the nail on the head.

Diana  Davis Did you finish the book? I'm so furious and I'm only at chapter 27! Does it get more unbearable??

Holly I just finished it. It’s infuriating but yea the twist at the end is like “daaammmmnnnn”

message 36: by Abby (new) - rated it 4 stars

Abby Peacock 😂😂😂😂

message 37: by Eric (new) - rated it 1 star

Eric Hancock THANK YOU. I could not finish this book. Joanne was pissing me off, the husband was pissing me off, and that b*tch daughter was pissing me off.

Stina Marcell I had to send you a friend request after reading this review 😂😂😂 I look forward to reading this and being vexed the entire time lol

Kendra Yes but trust me y'all hang in there. It will come together

message 40: by ms (new) - added it

ms sueri i feel you. everyone pissed me off and was having second thoughs about continuing but i pushed through and boy!!!

Chloe ‘this definitely white womans drama’ 🤣🤣🤣

Stefanie Fuqua Just finished chapter 27, and danggg. I keep hoping she’ll grow a dang spine! Chloe is annoying and whinny and frustrating that her dad treats her like an angel! And Joanne, come on girl… from day ONE I would have put her in her place! I get trying to get along and all that, but NO ONE is going to disrespect me in my own home!

Chloe Never been so angry at characters so much

message 44: by Callie (new)

Callie Ruley The best review I have read in a long time 😂

Ellie McGill Honestly couldn’t have said it better myself never been so angry at a book 🤦‍♀️

Abigail J Literally one of the most frustrating books I've read. I finished it and still hate everyone in the book.

message 47: by Alexandra (new)

Alexandra Pullen 😂😂😂😂

Qaadira Jackson Omg I’m only about 80 pages in and I’m so annoyed like wtf is this?!?? Joanne is spineless af and Chloe and Richard are pissing me off so much

Courtney Banks Joanne kept relying on her husband and didn’t put her foot down bc I wouldn’t tolerate that in my house.

Vanessa Marie 🤣🤣🤣 spot on

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