Fiona's Reviews > Ask for Andrea

Ask for Andrea by Noelle W. Ihli
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really liked it
bookshelves: crime-and-punishment, serial-killers

I thought about him a lot. About how warm and kind his eyes had been while we were talking at Gracie's. About how cold and angry they looked, flashing in the moonlight as I regained consciousness in the dark, in the woods, in the spot I had never gotten up from.
He'd either carried or dragged me quite a way from the car. The spot where my body lay was at least 100 yards from the edge of the dirt road. It would have been impossible to park in the rocky, tree-tied terrain. Even if another car did come up the dirt road, they weren't going to see anything unless they wandered to the right spot and noticed the bones that were becoming just another part of the landscape, more and more every day.

Ask for Andrea was a great read that felt like it took no time at all. Were I doing an objective review I might have placed it closer to a 3-star read - but here we are on Goodreads where I can rate just based on my own taste, and so it's a 4.

Think The Lovely Bones, but told by multiple victims of a man who (like so many do) flies right under everyone's radar. But while these women are dead, they're far from gone, and determined to do everything they can to keep their number from growing.

The writing is straightforward; nothing especially lyrical, which is the biggest reason I thought about a 3, but it was a storytelling style that was really easy to read. Each of the women we heard from felt like she had her own voice and her own story; and this version of the afterlife I thought was a fantastic idea, one I've never heard anything even vaguely like. Some parts of the story could have used a little more fleshing-out, but overall there was a good balance between past, present, and each characters part of the story.

I enjoyed this, and given I'm having my first run-in with Covid (booooo), it turned out to be exactly the entertaining and relatively short read I needed. Definitely one I'd recommend.
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Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by Nataliya (new)

Nataliya First run with Covid? Ouch! Mine was earlier this year and it was absolutely miserable. Hopefully you don’t feel too awful and will recover quickly.

Fiona Nataliya wrote: "First run with Covid? Ouch! Mine was earlier this year and it was absolutely miserable. Hopefully you don’t feel too awful and will recover quickly."

Thank you! Yeah, first time - and hopefully last, absolutely miserable is definitely the word! It's easing up now, but the nights suuuuck and focus is nonexistant. Fingers crossed it's on it's way out :)

message 3: by Nataliya (new)

Nataliya Hopefully you don’t get stuck with a few weeks of fatigue 🤞I’m glad it’s easing up though.

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