m.'s Reviews > Don't Let Her Stay

Don't Let Her Stay by Nicola Sanders
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did not like it
bookshelves: kindle-unlimited

** spoiler alert ** I feel like the story dragged on and after reading so many psychological thrillers by Freida McFadden, I’m just unfazed to any twists. And to be quite frank, the author should have left the twist alone instead of double backing.

I could not stand any of the characters. The mc Joanne had no backbone, and continued to sweep everything under the rug for the sake of not arguing with her husband but miss girl, STAND YOUR GROUND!! Handle that little scrawny stepdaughter b✨tch from hell. And don’t get me started on her whack ass excuse of a husband. Gaslighting her, and always having her think there was something wrong with her, when in fact, he’s known the truth all along. He withheld so many information that could’ve saved his family (himself included). He was the problem just as much as his crazy ass daughter was.

1 star for me.
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Reading Progress

March 31, 2023 – Shelved
March 31, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
June 12, 2023 – Started Reading
June 12, 2023 – Shelved as: kindle-unlimited
June 12, 2023 –
page 112
39.58% "Never wanted to throw my phone out the window soooo bad 🤬😤"
June 13, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-19 of 19 (19 new)

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message 1: by Dani (new)

Dani Sorry it was a bit disappointing! Hate when a twist is too predictable or gets ruined, ugh

message 2: by m. (new) - rated it 1 star

m. Dani right?! Hopefully this next read makes up for it 🤞🏽

message 3: by Sabrina (new)

Sabrina Damn, I’m sorry this didn’t work out for you! I had high hopes for this but have been seeing mixed reviews recently about how gaslit the book actually makes u feel 🥴 it was gonna be my next read before I decided on if we were villains but idk now probably not 😅 I hope your next read is way better!! 🫶🏼

message 4: by m. (new) - rated it 1 star

m. Sabrina thank youuu!! 💕 and still, give it a read anyway. You might enjoy it more than I did or just be as irritated 😂

message 5: by Sabrina (new)

Sabrina Idk I keep hearing everyone say how irritated they were with this 😭😂 esp this girl on tiktok that I watch her @ is Larryreads. I think u did a great job at summarizing it anyway so thank u for your honesty!! 💖

message 6: by m. (new) - rated it 1 star

m. Sabrina oooh! I’ll check it out. And you’re very welcome 😌🫶🏽🫶🏽

Estefany McFaul I feel the same way. Also, what was up with Roxanne, I expected her to be involved in some way as she seemed to be spying on Joanne at the beginning and then nothing.

message 8: by m. (new) - rated it 1 star

m. Estefany I thought so too. I just don’t get why she was spilling literally everything to Chloe, or what did she even have against Joanne to begin with?

Angelee If I was married to that guy, I would have told him to F off multiple times.

Lauren Sollohub Yes!! I agree with everything you said! I absolutely hated the characters, and the ending had me rolling my eyes.

message 11: by m. (new) - rated it 1 star

m. Angelee He made my blood boil so much!

message 12: by m. (new) - rated it 1 star

m. Lauren Right! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Tamara I feel exactly the same! Richard was unbearable and so was Chloe. The first 20 chapters were a collection of “she said this” …”no, I didn’t”…”you’re so forgetful you’re just, like your mom”. Like we knew from the prologue Jo and Evie would be in danger. We knew from the title it had to be Chloe that would most likely put them in danger. I never believed once that the Richard was behind all that.

simulationgf heavy on frieda mcfadden because nothing fazes me at this point like i was just mad at joanne for not recording her saying this stuff ...

Inioluwa Fakolade you had me ar frieda mcfadden

message 16: by Eric (new) - rated it 1 star

Eric Hancock THANK YOU. I could not finish reading this effing book, as I couldn't stand ANY of the central characters! I stopped shortly after the b*tch@ss daughter became the babysitter and kept denying things the mom said/asked her to do. This book sucked.

April Exactly!!

Stefanie Fuqua The back and forth whinny dialogue is driving me nuts, but I’m a sucker and must know how this ends. I’m about 60% of the way done so… I’ll keep going!

Ashley Thomas I spent an entire day reading this and I was so mad and disappointed at the end I couldn’t believe I spent a whole day reading it haha

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