Claire Mahoney's Reviews > Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers

Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto
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did not like it

Only finished because I had to for book club. Somehow the 60 year old main character came off more like an 80 year old, and the 2 year old character was talking about inflation 😵‍💫. No character depth or development. Cheesy and unrealistic storylines. Cringey, forced dialogue between characters. It was just all around bad. The whole book came off as super juvenile and cheesy, and I couldn’t stop rolling my eyes.
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Reading Progress

March 28, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
March 28, 2023 – Shelved
March 30, 2023 – Started Reading
April 16, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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Nadya Lol irk. I had to remind myself throughout the book that Emma is only two. I work in Pre-K and I'd say Emma behaves more like a 5-year-old.

Diane Nejman I couldn’t agree more.

message 3: by Janet (new)

Janet I was personally offended that 60 year old Vera is repeatedly referred to as an 'old' woman. Maybe 'older' or 'mature' would be more appropriate.

Wendy with a book Completely agree with your review. I’m about halfway through and want to give up. I was hoping to find a review with spoilers.

Colby Taylor Ong. I fully thought she was 80 by the descriptions.

Begum Yes! I was convinced the author had never met a child or anyone over 50 (Turns out she has two children). She really didn’t capture either demographic with any accuracy.

Valerie I was wondering if the author was 16 based on her fictional description of a 60 year old! Seriously? Orthopedic shoes, creaking bones, walking stick??? I agree with others that she is writing about an 80 year old. I put the book down. Very offensive to me.

Valerie I hate when that happens when you have to finish the book for book club! I had to do the same thing in January for my book club. I put this one down after the description of the 60 year old. What a joke

Jennifer 100% agree. Vera wakes at 4 AM and walks miles a day, yet she is old and frail? Makes no sense. That set the tone and got in the way of the rest of the book for me.

Amber Totally agree! Great review

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