Michelle 's Reviews > Bright Young Women

Bright Young Women by Jessica Knoll
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: library-books, 2024-favorites


A round of applause and my immense gratitude to Jessica Knoll for writing this story and honoring women and victims everywhere.

“I’ve tried to make sense of how someone who didn’t stalk his victims in advance ended up going after the best and the brightest. And I think that’s it, the thing they all had in common—a light that outshone his. He targets college campuses and sorority houses because he’s looking for the cream of the crop. He wants to extinguish us—we are the ones who remind him that he’s not that smart, not that good-looking, that there’s nothing particularly special about him.”

I'd be lying if I said that this book didn't make me furious. The ineptitude of so many people involved in this case was disheartening to say the least. Bright young women made to look like hysterical unreliable narrators. Why? Because they were women, plain and simple. It makes me want to punch my fist into this unfair universe where women are still treated like this to this very day. Yes, we've come a long way, but we've got a lot further to go.

Nothing I say or write will do this book the justice it deserves. I can only urge each and everyone of you to read this. All. The. Stars! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Reading Progress

March 20, 2023 – Shelved
March 20, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
February 26, 2024 – Started Reading
February 26, 2024 – Shelved as: library-books
February 29, 2024 – Shelved as: 2024-favorites
February 29, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-34 of 34 (34 new)

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Melissa (Trying to Catch Up) I can't wait to see your thoughts about this one.

Michelle Melissa (Life Fully Booked) wrote: "I can't wait to see your thoughts about this one."

Thanks, Melissa! I am loving this so far.

message 3: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) So glad this earned all the stars for you Michelle, Stellar review! 🩷

message 4: by Kaceey (new)

Kaceey Fantastic review Michelle! Adding!

message 5: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Amazing review! 💝

message 7: by Terrie (new) - added it

Terrie  Robinson (short break) Waiting for my Libby hold to deliver! Fabulous review, Michelle!!❤️I can't wait to listen to this one.

message 8: by Rachel (new) - added it

Rachel Hanes Fantastic review, Michelle! 💗 I’m looking forward to reading this!

TARA (semi-hiatus): My dog’s health is not good🐕‍🦺❤️‍🩹my reviews WBL— Fabulous review Michelle! I’m so delighted to see this was a 5-star read for you too!

message 10: by Kat (new) - added it

Kat Outstanding review, Michelle! Adding it to my list right now! 💗

Michelle Holly wrote: "So glad this earned all the stars for you Michelle, Stellar review! 🩷"

Thanks very much, Holly! 💖 Now having read it I can understand all the praise this book is receiving.

Michelle Kaceey wrote: "Fantastic review Michelle! Adding!"

Thank you, Kaceey! 💝 This one is definitely worth your time.

Michelle Jayme wrote: "Amazing review! 💝"

Thank you so much, Jayme! 💛

Michelle Melissa (Life Fully Booked) wrote: "Totally agree!"

Thanks, Melissa! 🧡 This managed to exceed my already high expectations.

Michelle Terrie wrote: "Waiting for my Libby hold to deliver! Fabulous review, Michelle!!❤️I can't wait to listen to this one."

Yay! Thanks, Terrie! 💖 I have a feeling this book will make you as angry as it did me.

Michelle Rachel wrote: "Fantastic review, Michelle! 💗 I’m looking forward to reading this!"

Thanks a bunch, Rachel! 💗 I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this one.

Michelle Tara (Trying to catch up after my diagnosis and treatment plans🌼💛) wrote: "Fabulous review Michelle! I’m so delighted to see this was a 5-star read for you too!"

Thanks so much, Tara! 💚 This book deserves all of the accolades it is receiving.

Michelle Kat wrote: "Outstanding review, Michelle! Adding it to my list right now! 💗"

Yay! Thank you, Kat! 💖 It's an upsetting story but Knoll did an impeccable job in telling it.

Debra Fantastic review, Michelle!

message 20: by Suzy (new)

Suzy Awesome review Michelle! I’m looking forward to getting a hold of this one soon! 😊

message 21: by Kristy (new) - added it

Kristy Great review, Michelle!

message 22: by Tina (new)

Tina A brilliant review Michelle! 🌟

Michelle Kristy wrote: "Great review, Michelle!"

Thank you so much, Kristy! 💙

Michelle Debra wrote: "Fantastic review, Michelle!"

Thanks very much, Debra! 💖

Michelle Suzy wrote: "Awesome review Michelle! I’m looking forward to getting a hold of this one soon! 😊"

Thanks a bunch, Suzy! 💗 I can't wait to hear what you think of this one. 🤞

Michelle Tina wrote: "A brilliant review Michelle! 🌟"

Thank you kindly, Tina! 💝

preoccupiedbybooks Fab review Michelle!

Melissa ~ Bantering Books I'm so glad you experienced the beauty of this book, Michelle. :)

Michelle preoccupiedbybooks wrote: "Fab review Michelle!"

Thanks so much, Fran! 💝

Michelle Melissa wrote: "I'm so glad you experienced the beauty of this book, Michelle. :)"

Thank you, Melissa! 💙

message 31: by Sheyla ✎ (new)

Sheyla ✎ Fantastic review, Michelle!

Michael David (on hiatus) Fantastic review, Michelle! 💕

Michelle Sheyla ✎ wrote: "Fantastic review, Michelle!"

Thank you, Sheyla! 💚

Michelle Michael wrote: "Fantastic review, Michelle! 💕"

Thanks so much, Michael! 💙

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