mimi (taylor’s version)'s Reviews > What Lies in the Woods

What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall
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The first rule about mysteries: trust no one.
The second rule about mysteries: always assume everyone is lying to you.
And last, but not so necessarily obvious, there's a reason why it's always the butler: the most unexpected suspects, the ones who break your heart for their cruelty, are usually the killer.

And I didn't see that coming.
I couldn't wait to finally grab my computer and write a review about all the paths the author tried to make me follow, all the suspects on my list - basically the whole town -, and all the different theories that my mind came up with in the past days. And even if I got something right, most of them were wrong.
I mean, there are lots of unpleasant people in this story, and it's not so difficult to blame all of them just for being shitty people, but not for a single moment I thought about what had actually happened.
Apparently, I'm not the great detective I thought I was.

Kate Marshall is a revelation in the thriller field for me. I don't always get along with how thrillers are written and the characters portrayed; also, the suspense can be an issue if you don't know how to build the feeling.
But here, she fooled me. Not only that, she actually made me hate and love - mostly hate - the characters, sympathize with some of them and then shockingly stare at the page when she ripped off all my knowledge and certainties.
I've never stopped thinking for one second about who could have done what and why. I lived there. I touched the trees in that damn wood. I got shot.

Since this was supposed to be a spoiler-free review I'm gonna shut up now, but first I need to express one last opinion: I find outrageously disrespectful the hate towards Naomi just because she’s survived when someone tried to KILL HER.
Now that I’ve finished the book and read the whole story I can understand some things, but not all of them. She still didn't deserve any of that.

4 stars
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Southern Lady Reads (Crazy Busy-Will Catch Up!) A lot of people are liking this one, I think because like you said it's so twisty and so many paths to go down - Great review!

mimi (taylor’s version) Southern Lady Reads wrote: "A lot of people are liking this one, I think because like you said it's so twisty and so many paths to go down - Great review!"

thank you very much, i’m glad you liked it!

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