PamG's Reviews > The Poisoner's Ring

The Poisoner's Ring by Kelley Armstrong
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bookshelves: may-2023-3k-book-a-thon, historical-mystery, netgalley-2023, read-2023

In The Poisoner's Ring Kelley Armstrong combines a murder mystery and a time travel aspect in a historical setting in this second book in the Rip Through Time series. Since May 20, 2019, Vancouver homicide detective Mallory Atkinson was in Edinburgh, Scotland to be with her dying grandmother when she is attacked. It’s May 20, 1869 and housemaid Catriona Mitchell is discovered in a lane where she has been left for dead. It’s the exact spot where Mallory was attacked 150 years later. Mallory wakes up in Catriona’s body in 1869 and quickly has to adjust to being a housemaid to an undertaker in Victorian Scotland. The undertaker, Dr. Gray also assists Detective McCreadie in his police investigations.

Now that Dr. Gray and his sister Isla Ballantyne know what happened to Mallory, the situation is not as full of subterfuge within the house except around the maid and housekeeper. She is now officially an undertaker’s assistant. Men in Edinburgh are dying of poison, and the widows are thought responsible, the latest of which is Gray’s oldest sister Annis. Where will the investigation take them? Is Annis a murderer?

Mallory is a character with plenty of depth. She’s hardworking, kind, relatable, and makes for a strong female protagonist that readers can cheer on. However, she is also an independent thinker unafraid to speak her mind which isn’t normal for women in Victorian times. Gray is passionate about his work, enthusiastic, confident, occasionally relaxed and teasing. The supporting cast of characters are well-developed and provide insight into individuals in various roles in a Victorian household as well as those they interact with.

Kelley Armstrong has a fluid writing style that quickly brings readers into the well-paced story. They also get insight into the state of police forensics during this early era and a few insights into chemistry, diversity, and how servants are treated as well. Other themes include family, relationships, friendship, sanitary (and other) conditions, racism, gender identity, poverty, homesickness, and much more. There is a hint at a couple of potential romances, but nothing more. The world-building was wonderful and felt accurate for the times. The ending has plenty of action and wraps things up nicely.

Overall, this is well-written, engaging, and entertaining with complex characters in a historical setting. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series. Understanding how Mallory gets to this time in history is explained in depth in book one so I recommend starting with it. However, if you accept the time travel situation, then this can be read as a standalone novel.

St. Martin’s Press – Minotaur Books and Kelley Armstrong provided a digital ARC of this novel via NetGalley and the opportunity to provide an honest review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. Publication date is currently set for May 23, 2023.
My 4.28 rounded to 4 stars review is coming soon.
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Reading Progress

January 27, 2023 – Shelved
January 27, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
May 3, 2023 – Started Reading
May 3, 2023 – Shelved as: may-2023-3k-book-a-thon
May 5, 2023 – Shelved as: historical-mystery
May 5, 2023 – Shelved as: netgalley-2023
May 5, 2023 – Shelved as: read-2023
May 5, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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John Warner Pam, if you enjoy these books you might like the Kendra Donovan series by Julie McElwain. Kendra Donovan is a FBI agent who finds herself in the Regency English era. There is romance but the primary focus on these novels (there are currently six in the series) involve Kendra solving murders without the benefit of 21st century forensic tools.

PamG John wrote: "Pam, if you enjoy these books you might like the Kendra Donovan series by Julie McElwain. Kendra Donovan is a FBI agent who finds herself in the Regency English era. There is romance but the primar..."

Thanks, John for the recommendation. I have the first book added to my long, long TBR.

Marilyn (recuperating from hip replacement surgery Wonderful review, Pam! I have the audiobook of this coming up. I usually don’t gravitate towards time travel books but this one sounded intriguing.

PamG Marilyn wrote: "Wonderful review, Pam! I have the audiobook of this coming up. I usually don’t gravitate towards time travel books but this one sounded intriguing."

Thanks, Marilyn! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Happy Reading!

message 5: by Donne (new) - added it

Donne Great review, Pam!!! While I don't read a lot of historical fiction, I do really enjoy the ones with a time travel twist. Armstrong is also a really good writer and storyteller; I've been a fan for years. I haven't read any of her historical time travel series, but have had the first installments for two of them on my to-read list. Would your recommend I start with A Rip Through Time or A Stitch in Time?

PamG Donne wrote: "Great review, Pam!!! While I don't read a lot of historical fiction, I do really enjoy the ones with a time travel twist. Armstrong is also a really good writer and storyteller; I've been a fan for..."

Thanks, Donne. I would start with A Rip Through Time, but that's only because I haven't read A Stitch in Time. It is on my long, long TBR though.

message 7: by Donne (new) - added it

Donne Yeah, I've had a Stitch in Time on one of my GR shelves since 2020, but a Rip in Time only since last year.

message 8: by Lou (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lou Jacobs Great review of a fun read!

PamG Lou wrote: "Great review of a fun read!"

Thanks, Lou! Enjoy!

Christine *poking my head over the cubicle wall* I took John’s advice to read the Kendra Donovan series by Julie McElwain. I’ll add my recommendation for the series! *goes back to my own cubicle* 😏

message 11: by PamG (new) - rated it 4 stars

PamG Christine wrote: "*poking my head over the cubicle wall* I took John’s advice to read the Kendra Donovan series by Julie McElwain. I’ll add my recommendation for the series! *goes back to my own cubicle* 😏"

I'm looking forward to reading the Kendra Donovan series. Thanks for the additional recommendation.

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