PamG's Reviews > Last Seen in Santorini

Last Seen in Santorini by Vivian Conroy
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Last Seen in Santorini by Vivian Conroy is the second book in the Miss Ashford Investigates cozy historical mystery series. Atalanta Ashford has recently inherited her grandfather’s wealth and his occupation as a detective for the wealthy and famous. While on holiday in Venice, Italy, she is approached in Murano by a woman wearing a veil. Atalanta is asked to investigate her daughter Letitia’s death. Letitia had been working on the Greek island of Santorini as a companion to Delilah Bucardi. Atalanta takes over as the companion and starts her investigation with some help from racecar driver Raoul Lemont.

Atalanta is a likeable character, but tended to rehash questions repeatedly. She is rational, inquisitive, analytical, wants to travel, and doesn’t enjoy crowds. Raoul is impulsive, irreverent, adventurous, and a risk-taker. The secondary characters are well defined and easy to visualize.

While the location of Santorini is beautiful, readers only get occasional glimpses of anything outside of the Bucardi family’s home. I wanted to experience more of the island. Additionally, while the novel is set in 1930, there isn’t much of a historical feel to it. Despite these quibbles, the premise is excellent and the story line kept me engaged. The plot has several twists as Atalanta sorts through the lies, questions, and deceptions. Themes include death, guilt, family loyalty, friendship, betrayal, and much more.

Overall, this entertaining novel brings out the inner sleuth in readers as they try to solve the mystery along with Atalanta. This novel works as a standalone novel, but readers will get more background if they start with book one. I am looking forward to finding out her Atalanta’s next case will take her.

HarperCollinsUK, One More Chapter and Vivian Conroy provided a complimentary digital ARC of this novel via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own. Publication date is currently set for January 06, 2023.

My 3.44 rounded to 3 stars review is coming soon.
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Reading Progress

January 2, 2023 – Started Reading
January 2, 2023 – Shelved
January 2, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
January 2, 2023 – Shelved as: january-2023-3k-book-a-thon
January 4, 2023 – Shelved as: historical-mystery
January 4, 2023 – Shelved as: mystery-thriller-suspense
January 4, 2023 – Shelved as: netgalley-2023
January 4, 2023 – Shelved as: read-2023
January 4, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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message 1: by Sarka B (new)

Sarka B I am going to read this serie as well as it seems really interesting. Thanks for inspiration.

PamG Sarka B wrote: "I am going to read this serie as well as it seems really interesting. Thanks for inspiration."

You're welcome. I've just barely started it, but I'm looking forward to it.

PamG Vincent wrote: "It's nice to read"

I'm about 2/3 of the way through the book.

message 4: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace Very good review, Pam! And wishing you a prosperous 2023! ;)

message 5: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth Wonderful review! 🤗

Margaret M - (too far behind to catch up although trying to spend more time on GR) Excellent review Pam. Best wishes for 2023 💜

message 7: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha Superb review, Pam.

PamG Mary Beth wrote: "Wonderful review! 🤗"

Thanks, Mary Beth.

PamG Margaret M - Semi Hiatus - wrote: "Excellent review Pam. Best wishes for 2023 💜"

Thanks, Margaret. Happy New Year and Happy Reading in 2023.

message 10: by PamG (new) - rated it 3 stars

PamG Srivalli wrote: "Superb review, Pam."

Thanks, Srivalli.

Melissa (Trying to Catch Up) Great review Pam!

message 12: by PamG (new) - rated it 3 stars

PamG Melissa (LifeFullyBooked) wrote: "Great review Pam!"

Thanks, Melissa!

message 13: by Kristine (new)

Kristine Pam~Really good and honest review. Sorry to hear there were some drawbacks. I agree Santorini sounds like a fascinating place to get to know and sorry it stayed mostly indoors. Glad, overall you enjoyed it and the entire series. Happy Reading for 2023 💕

message 14: by PamG (new) - rated it 3 stars

PamG Kristine (Trying to Get Back to Reading) wrote: "Pam~Really good and honest review. Sorry to hear there were some drawbacks. I agree Santorini sounds like a fascinating place to get to know and sorry it stayed mostly indoors. Glad, overall you en..."

Thanks, Kristine. I still enjoyed the book and like Conroy's writing style. Happy Reading to your, too.

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