Lit with Leigh's Reviews > Ask for Andrea

Ask for Andrea by Noelle W. Ihli
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Honda Civic Reliable 3.5 rounded up for the unique premise

One sentence review: An interesting social commentary take on haunting


Three women. Three victims of a serial killer who finds his victim on a dating app. When they meet in the after life, they're determined to find a way to stop him from killing again.


Thank you so much @rebby.reads for my gifted copy. Without her rec, I definitely wouldn't have picked this up. No shade, I'm just not into ghost stories.

It's always a good sign when I have limited notes as I'm reading LOL. The more notes = the saltier the review. This book is EXTREMELY bingeable. At 260ish pages, I devoured it in one sitting in my "reading sleigh". Unlike Hidden Pictures and Ghost Eaters, Ihli takes the time to – in a natural way – explain the abilities and limitations of the ghost powers. By doing so, I could focus on the plot instead of wondering why the ghostie didn't do xyz. Tbh Ihli did a fantastic job of addressing any potential plot holes and answering questions the reader might have. This was a HUGE plus as a reader who is always asking qs like the nosey hoe I am.

As I said in my one sentence review, this was a social commentary take on haunting. It explored the challenges and dangers of being a woman in the modern dating scene. Hindsight truly is 20/20. It's a good reminder to check yourself before victim blaming. Sometimes I think back on my college days and I thank my lucky stars I'm not dead in a ditch. Just something as simple as walking home from class with my headphones on could've ended me up in the back of a trunk. Scary tings. Anyways.

It was also a creative way to show how "normal" abusers can be. It's not the scary strangers in the bushes. It's the charming guy who opened the passenger side car door for you. It's the married man with the picture-perfect family and doting wife. And all of this makes sussing out the baddies even harder for a woman who just wants to enjoy her night without a cloak of paranoia.

I also liked the inclusion of the detectives. Again, another great display of how misogyny can be the difference between a family getting answers or forever wondering if their daughter really just dipped on them.

My main rich homie qualm was some parts dragged. The synopsis says the three girls link up, but this doesn't occur until the 60% mark. You spend a lot of time with each girl as they figure out their after life status and what they should do. This was interesting... to a point. The book is pretty short but I would've liked to spend more time with the girl gang.

All in all, an interesting and easy-to-devour read. The writing was straightforward. No turgid prose here. Another plus for me.


Pros: interesting premise, straight forward no fluff writing, pander-free social commentary

Cons: dragged a bit in the second half - I would've liked more time with the girls together
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Comments Showing 1-39 of 39 (39 new)

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message 1: by Karly (new) - added it

Karly Oooh I wondered about this one. I read Run on Red by this author and loved it.

message 2: by Debra (new)

Debra Terrific review, Pink!

message 3: by Gayle (new) - added it

Gayle (OutsmartYourShelf) I've got this one out from Kindle Unlimited, just haven't had time to read it yet. Looks good. Great review.

message 4: by Carmen (new)

Carmen Great review.

message 5: by Karly (new) - added it

Karly Great review!!! And the fact you liked it eve with ghosts is high marks !!! 💕

message 6: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Brilliant review Pink 👏🌸

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fantastic review, Pink! Glad to see that this was Honda Civic plus, lol!

Margaret M - (too far behind to catch up although trying to spend more time on GR) Glad this was interesting. Fabulous ‘Honda Civic’ reliable review to match 💖

message 9: by Angela (new)

Angela Brilliant review, Pink! Glad you enjoyed. Always a bonus to be gifted something you might not ordinarily have picked up and enjoyed it!

message 10: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Terrific review Pink. 💚

Lit with Leigh Karly wrote: "Oooh I wondered about this one. I read Run on Red by this author and loved it."

Yes I saw your review! I think I downloaded that one as well. Def interested to see how you like this one.

Lit with Leigh Debra wrote: "Terrific review, Pink!"

Tysm Debra 💖

Lit with Leigh Gayle wrote: "I've got this one out from Kindle Unlimited, just haven't had time to read it yet. Looks good. Great review."

Yes it's quite interesting!

Lit with Leigh Carmen wrote: "Great review."

Tysm Carmen 💖

Lit with Leigh Maureen wrote: "Brilliant review Pink 👏🌸"

Tysm Maureen 💖

Lit with Leigh Meredith (Slowly Catching Up) wrote: "Fantastic review, Pink! Glad to see that this was Honda Civic plus, lol!"

LOL yes it was Honda Civic Sport Touring Reliable 😂😂

Lit with Leigh Margaret M - semi hiatus wrote: "Glad this was interesting. Fabulous ‘Honda Civic’ reliable review to match 💖"

Tysm Margaret 💖💖💖

Lit with Leigh Angela wrote: "Brilliant review, Pink! Glad you enjoyed. Always a bonus to be gifted something you might not ordinarily have picked up and enjoyed it!"

Right!? Love that about the bookstagram community.

Lit with Leigh Lisa wrote: "Terrific review Pink. 💚"

Appreciate it Lisa 💖

message 20: by Ellie (new)

Ellie Spencer (catching up from hiatus) Ohh this sounds like such a unique read and right up my street! I’m so glad you ended up enjoying this against expectations Pink! Wonderful review 🧡

Lit with Leigh Ellie wrote: "Ohh this sounds like such a unique read and right up my street! I’m so glad you ended up enjoying this against expectations Pink! Wonderful review 🧡"

Thanks Ellie! If you read it, I hope you like it 💖

message 22: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Terrific review Pink as always.🥰❤️

Lit with Leigh Lisa wrote: "Terrific review Pink as always.🥰❤️"

Tysm Lisa 💖💖

message 24: by Kaceey (new)

Kaceey Excellent review Pink!💖

Melissa (Trying to Catch Up) Glad it was satisfactory for you. Definitely not for me with the ghosts.

Dorie  - Cats&Books :) Wow two good ones in a row Pink, you're on a roll :)

Theresa (mysteries.and.mayhem) Excellent review! You got me curious about this book. I might need to check it out! :)

Lit with Leigh Thanks Kaceey 💖

Lit with Leigh Melissa yes I'd never willingly pick up a ghost story but I'm glad I stepped out of my comfort zone with this one

Lit with Leigh Dorie I know look at me go 🙂

Lit with Leigh Tysm Theresa ! I think it would be worth your while just for the uniqueness of the story

message 32: by Kat (new)

Kat Awesome review, Pink! I'm not much into ghost stories, but it sounds like the author used the idea in a clever way! 💗

Derek (I'M BACKKKK!) Compelling review, Pink! Love the ghost angle here.

Lit with Leigh Kat wrote: "Awesome review, Pink! I'm not much into ghost stories, but it sounds like the author used the idea in a clever way! 💗"

Kat I'm definitely with you there, so I was pleasantly surprised to have enjoyed this as much. Tbh, if I didn't I wouldn't have rated it because I knew the premise isn't for me. So it would be unfair to the author

Lit with Leigh Derek wrote: "Compelling review, Pink! Love the ghost angle here."


Donna I am so grateful your review put this book on my radar. These afterlife/ghost type books are my absolute favorite. There are far too few of them without romance. This one is well worth that Audible credit!

Taylor Heath I absolutely loved this book!!
I think Ihli hid the nail on the head with how she portrayed each victim and even the potential victims! This books really shows the potential of what dating is like with women, especially nowadays… the plot just continued to thicken and there were so many twists and turns! Ihli also did an amazing job at portraying an abused mother with children that knows she needs to do the right thing for the safety of her children.
Highly recommend this book!!

Jayla Edwards I definitely agree with your dislikes because I had the same. I also just wish the ghost had more abilities because I felt like they were soo helpless.

message 39: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Harris Just the description has turned me away. It’s like a book for the romance person trying to get into thrillers. Hard pass.

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