Michelle 's Reviews > What Lies in the Woods

What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: netgalley-arcs

Naomi, Cass, and Liv were childhood best friends. They spent their days roaming the woods all while playing the Goddess game. One day while out playing Naomi is attacked. She was brutally stabbed 17 times but lived to talk about it. Their testimony helped put a serial killer in jail.

Now adult Naomi is questioning if they put the right man away.

Unlike most other reviewers who claimed they struggled with the first 30% due to the slow burn style and then became invested in this story thereafter but, not me, I was the opposite. I enjoyed the first 30% and then it went off the rails for me. This is my first novel by Kate Alice Marshall and apparently it's her first adult thriller but strangely enough it still read as more YA to me. A lot of our time is spent with the girls when they're young and playing the Goddess game and you know what I think of that? Magic schmagic. I was so not interested in this storyline. 🤦‍♀️

Naomi was a character that I just didn't enjoy spending time with. She was rude to almost everyone and I just couldn't muster any sympathy for her. Cass was a stuck up bitch and Liv was a mousy little cry baby. As you can see I didn't like anyone in this book. And that goes for the extraneous characters as well.

At one point there is a conversation between Naomi and Cass. Naomi says they have to go to the police with the information they have while Cass insists it's a terrible idea. Then on the very next page Cass insists they go to the police and now Naomi thinks it's a terrible idea. That feels like sloppy writing to me.

There was one twist that managed to surprise me but it wasn't enough to redeem the book.

The grand finale turned out to be predictable and unsatisfying all at the same time. My opinion is only my opinion as you can see by reading all the other glowing reviews for this novel. 2 stars!

Thank you to NetGalley and Flatiron Books for my complimentary copy.
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Reading Progress

August 25, 2022 – Shelved
August 25, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
August 25, 2022 – Shelved as: netgalley-arcs
January 6, 2023 – Started Reading
January 10, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 55 (55 new)

message 1: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Is this the audio?

Michelle Holly wrote: "Is this the audio?"

No, it's the digital version. I'm enjoying it quite a bit too. Yay!

message 3: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Oops, looks like your enjoyment went downhill! I was considering the audio! I'll wait for Libby I think! Hope you love the next Michelle! 🤞💗

Melissa (Trying to Catch Up) Yes, one twist was pretty good but I agree with you. This definitely had some issues.

Michelle Holly wrote: "Oops, looks like your enjoyment went downhill! I was considering the audio! I'll wait for Libby I think! Hope you love the next Michelle! 🤞💗"

Thanks, Holly! 💗 Definitely make sure it's a free copy!

Michelle Melissa (LifeFullyBooked) wrote: "Yes, one twist was pretty good but I agree with you. This definitely had some issues."

Thank you, Melissa! 💖 I'm glad I'm not the only one to think so.

message 7: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Agh! I went from excited about this to wondering if it’s isn’t for me…no patience for a slow burn that then gets crazy! I agree, one good twist is never enough to redeem a book when that’s the outcome. Hope your next book is fabulous, love your review Michelle! 💕

Michelle Catherine wrote: "Agh! I went from excited about this to wondering if it’s isn’t for me…no patience for a slow burn that then gets crazy! I agree, one good twist is never enough to redeem a book when that’s the outc..."

Thanks a bunch, Catherine! 💜 It's always a bummer when a book starts off well enough and then fizzles out. 😞

message 9: by NZLisaM (new) - added it

NZLisaM This one’s on my tbr, but I think I’d get it through the library rather than buy a copy. Thanks for your thorough review, Michelle. 💕

Michelle NZLisaM wrote: "This one’s on my tbr, but I think I’d get it through the library rather than buy a copy. Thanks for your thorough review, Michelle. 💕"

Thank you, Lisa! 💜 I think you're making an excellent choice. Whenever I'm unsure about a book or author I grab it from my local library or Overdrive.

message 11: by Ceecee (new)

Ceecee Oh no! Hope you enjoy your next one! Great review Michelle 💙

message 12: by Zain (last edited Jan 10, 2023 11:16AM) (new)

Zain So loved your review, Michelle! It was soul satisfying. 👏🏽👏🏽

message 13: by Melissa (new) - added it

Melissa ~ Bantering Books Oh geez! I bought it from BOTM when I saw some positive early reviews for it, but now I definitely don't think it'll be a slam dunk read for me. It sounds like has its problems. Yikes!

Michelle Ceecee wrote: "Oh no! Hope you enjoy your next one! Great review Michelle 💙"

Thank you kindly, Ceecee! 🤍

Michelle Zain wrote: "So loved your review, Michelle! It was soul satisfying. 👏🏽👏🏽"

So kind of you to say! Thank you, Zain! 😍

Michelle Melissa wrote: "Oh geez! I bought it from BOTM when I saw some positive early reviews for it, but now I definitely don't think it'll be a slam dunk read for me. It sounds like has its problems. Yikes!"

Thanks very much, Melissa! 💜 I'm an outlier so I hope that you fare better than I did.

message 17: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Sorry this disappointed! I am so glad that I held off on downloading this one! Fantastic review! 💕

Michelle Jayme wrote: "Sorry this disappointed! I am so glad that I held off on downloading this one! Fantastic review! 💕"

Thank you, Jayme! 🧡 This is another author I'll be scratching off my list of must reads.

Margaret M - (too far behind to catch up although trying to spend more time on GR) What a disappointment. Excellent honest review Michelle 💞

Michelle Margaret M - Semi Hiatus - wrote: "What a disappointment. Excellent honest review Michelle 💞"

Thank you kindly, Margaret! 🧡

message 21: by JanB (new) - rated it 2 stars

JanB ugh, so sorry I have this on my NG shelf...sigh...

Thanks for a great review and a head's up. YA and young MC's are not for me. Even though I have the ARC, I'll skip!

message 22: by Kerrin (new)

Kerrin Great review, Michelle. Thanks for the warning!

JaymeO Great honest review Michelle! I enjoyed this a bit more than you, but I do understand why you feel this way! I hope you love your next read!

Sheyla ✎ I enjoyed it more than you did. Great review, Michelle.

message 25: by Kat (new) - added it

Kat These sound like characters I'd rather avoid. Great review, Michelle! I hope your next read is much better! 💕

preoccupiedbybooks Great review Michelle! These characters sound horrible!

Michelle JanB wrote: "ugh, so sorry I have this on my NG shelf...sigh...

Thanks for a great review and a head's up. YA and young MC's are not for me. Even though I have the ARC, I'll skip!"

Thank you, Jan! 💛 This was an author I've heard great things about so I was eager to try her first adult novel but it was a miss for me and I think you would be aggravated by these characters too.

Michelle Kerrin wrote: "Great review, Michelle. Thanks for the warning!"

Thank you, Kerrin, and you're welcome! 🧡

Michelle JaymeO wrote: "Great honest review Michelle! I enjoyed this a bit more than you, but I do understand why you feel this way! I hope you love your next read!"

Thanks so much, Jayme! 💗 I'm glad this worked out better for you. I don't know why I struggle so much with magic even if it is just a made up kid game. These gals were so obsessed with it and I just couldn't wrap my head around it.

Michelle Sheyla ✎ wrote: "I enjoyed it more than you did. Great review, Michelle."

Thank you, Sheyla! 💙 I'm so happy you enjoyed this.

Michelle Kat wrote: "These sound like characters I'd rather avoid. Great review, Michelle! I hope your next read is much better! 💕"

Thanks very much, Kat! 💛 I am enjoying my current book....so far! 🤞

Michelle preoccupiedbybooks wrote: "Great review Michelle! These characters sound horrible!"

Thanks very much, Fran! 💖 These aren't ladies I'd choose to spend time with.

message 33: by Tina (new)

Tina Sorry to hear this was disappointing. I hope you love your next one!

Michelle Tina wrote: "Sorry to hear this was disappointing. I hope you love your next one!"

Thank you, Tina! 💙 I am enjoying my current book, yay!

Michelle Tina wrote: "Sorry to hear this was disappointing. I hope you love your next one!"

Thank you, Tina! 💙 I am enjoying my current book, yay!

Debra Great review, Michelle! Sorry it was disappointing. I hope your current book is more enjoyable.

message 37: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Hope your next one is better, Michelle

message 38: by Terrie (new)

Terrie  Robinson (short break) Love your informative review, Michelle, and sorry it was a 'fail' for you! Hoping your current read is amazing!💖

Michelle Debra wrote: "Great review, Michelle! Sorry it was disappointing. I hope your current book is more enjoyable."

Thank you so much, Debra! 💚

Michelle Jen CAN wrote: "Hope your next one is better, Michelle"

Thank you kindly, Jen! 💛

Michelle Terrie ("in and out" intermittently) wrote: "Love your informative review, Michelle, and sorry it was a 'fail' for you! Hoping your current read is amazing!💖"

Thanks a bunch, Terrie! 💕 I am reading a fantastic book at the moment, YAY!

Derek (I'M BACKKKK!) I'm so glad I passed on this for BOTM! Sorry this was a turd, but thanks for taking one for the team 😊 Fantastic review!

Michelle Derek wrote: "I'm so glad I passed on this for BOTM! Sorry this was a turd, but thanks for taking one for the team 😊 Fantastic review!"

Thanks, Derek! 💗 You made a fine choice to skip this because I don't believe you would have enjoyed the YA feel the book had.

message 44: by Nazanin (new)

Nazanin Great review, Michelle! Sorry for the miss! Hate when it happens! 💟

Michelle Nazanin wrote: "Great review, Michelle! Sorry for the miss! Hate when it happens! 💟"

Thank you so much, Nazanin! 🧡

message 46: by Ellie (new)

Ellie Spencer (catching up from hiatus) I am so sorry that this one was a miss for you and went downhill after a promising start! I struggle so much to enjoy a book when I don't like the characters! Thank you for your wonderful and honest review Michelle! 🧡

Michelle Ellie wrote: "I am so sorry that this one was a miss for you and went downhill after a promising start! I struggle so much to enjoy a book when I don't like the characters! Thank you for your wonderful and hones..."

Thank you so much, Ellie! 💜 I seem to be in the minority but this had too much of a YA vibe for me.

Sujoya(theoverbookedbibliophile) Hope your next read is more enjoyable!😊

message 49: by Rowan (new)

Rowan Fantastic review, Michelle! Love your honesty. Im sorry this one went off the rails for you. I hope you enjoy your next read more! ☺️

Michelle Sujoya (lots of catching up to do!) wrote: "Hope your next read is more enjoyable!😊"

Thank you, Sujoya! 💖

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