Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽'s Reviews > Ruby Fever

Ruby Fever by Ilona Andrews
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YES!! I got approved for the ARC on NetGalley! Really looking forward to this read!

Something about the title "Ruby Fever" - and that cover image - has made me start singing the old disco song "Boogie Fever" ...
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Reading Progress

May 2, 2022 – Started Reading
May 4, 2022 – Shelved

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Critterbee❇ Awesome! I am still waiting for approval for mine, cannot wait to hear what you think of it.

Cathy I can‘t find it on Netgalley…?

Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽ Cathy wrote: "I can‘t find it on Netgalley…?"

Hmm, I just tried again (and was not signed in) and it still showed up. I saw on the Ilona Andrews blog that they're only approving a limited number of ARCs, though.

Cathy Did a google search and found it on Netgalley like that. Not available for request. Wished for it! Oh well… 😊

Nicole I am so jealous!! Enjoy!

Adina (way behind) Enjoy! I will start Catalina series after this one is published because I might want to read them all three one after the other.

Corina woohoo enjoy!!!!!

Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽ Corina wrote: "woohoo enjoy!!!!!"

Thank you!! :D

message 9: by Tandie (new) - added it

Tandie I just sped through Sapphire Flames and Emerald Blaze to prepare myself for this. I wasn’t actually expecting to be approved for this one on NetGalley. Happy Surprise! I read the first few pages & then cut myself off. I’m going to make this one last for…4 days? Maybe a week? At least 3 days!

Critterbee❇ I just got a galley! Copying Tandie and going back to re-read the previous two in the sub-series, so excited!

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