Nilufer Ozmekik's Reviews > The Hacienda

The Hacienda by Isabel Cañas
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Rebecca meets Mexican Gothic: a great combination of gothic house theme, historical fiction takes place after Mexican War of Independence, an impossible love story, powerful characters including terrifying horror house itself.

There are so many qualities in this book prevent you put it down, deserving your entire focus and energy!

Definitely one of the most brilliant, interesting, capturing reads I’ve recently had!

Beatriz: daughter of disgraced general, loses everything including father’s property, family’s reputation, rejecting to be reliant on her uncle’s charity and sour aunty’s goodwill, accepting her only choice that may give a proper wealthy life for herself and her mother: she accepts to be second wife of Don Rodolfo despite the rumors about suspicious death of his first wife. Because marrying with Don Rodolfo means she will have her own hacienda: San Isidro even though she has to live with eccentric and hostile sister in law.

But as soon as she moves to the hacienda, she realizes she’s trapped in a haunted place controlled by evil spirits. She has to take action before the house breaks her completely.

Beatriz’s path crosses with our other POV belongs to priest Andres, who has truly mysterious past, coming to the hacienda to perform exorcism. But we shockingly realize this mysterious priest is not we thought who he was.

I have to admit the haunted hacienda is the most interesting character of this book scared the living daylights out of me!

Overall: well written, perfectly blended: historical fiction- horror- Latin culture-Daphne Du Maurier’s classic earned my scary, jaw dropping, eccentric, spine tingling, one of the best 2022 reads stars!

Special thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for sharing this amazing digital reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest thoughts.
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December 28, 2021 – Shelved
December 28, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
January 13, 2022 – Started Reading
January 20, 2022 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Ceecee (new)

Ceecee Fantastic review Nilufer! ❤️🌺❤️🥂🍾🥰📚🥳🥰😘

Nilufer Ozmekik As always thank you my dear friend 🦋🌻💋🎈🥂🥂💞📚🥰🥳🌈

message 3: by Fran (new)

Fran Awesome review as always Nilufer!🌹✨💖✨🌹

Nilufer Ozmekik Thanks Fran💞🌻🥰

message 5: by Kristy (new) - added it

Kristy Wow, this sounds like an amazing book! It is definitely going on my to read list. Thank you so much for this awesome review! Oh

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