Chantel's Reviews > The Last House on Needless Street

The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward
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did not like it
bookshelves: états-unis, suspense, gothique

If I can clock the twist in the first two (2) pages of a book, along with the entire layout of the plot-it is certainly not a book worth reading. I simply do not have the energy to describe how dreadfully disappointing this book was for me.
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
October 3, 2021 – Shelved
October 3, 2021 – Finished Reading
October 6, 2021 – Shelved as: états-unis
December 9, 2021 – Shelved as: suspense
February 1, 2022 – Shelved as: gothique

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message 1: by Yun (new) - rated it 4 stars

Yun You deserve a good one soon, Chantel! 😥

Chantel Yun wrote: "You deserve a good one soon, Chantel! 😥"

Thanks, as always, for your support, Yun🤎

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) Oh dang! This one is so popular lately too... I totally feel you though, I'm reading Rock Paper Scissors and I'm not feeling mind blown from the twists :(. I'm going to stay away from hyped books for a while especially this one! Hope your next one is better!!

Chantel Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) wrote: "Oh dang! This one is so popular lately too... I totally feel you though, I'm reading Rock Paper Scissors and I'm not feeling mind blown from the twists :(. I'm going to stay away from hyped books f..."

It's so so disappointing when a book which is currently so highly praised ends up being such a dud ): I wasn't even exaggerating when I say that I was able to clock the twist literally before the first chapter was over...a huge letdown.
I agree! I think steering clear of 'hyped' books for a while is a good call! I hope your next read turns out to be a great one too! :)

alittlelifeofmel I love this review! I thought the “twist” and “plot” were so obvious I didn’t realize they were not meant to be obvious until there was a big reveal. What people think is the twist I thought was the whole plot of the novel.

Chantel Mel wrote: "I love this review! I thought the “twist” and “plot” were so obvious I didn’t realize they were not meant to be obvious until there was a big reveal. What people think is the twist I thought was th..."

Thanks, Mel!
Such a frustrating experience to get to the end having spent the whole book aware of what was meant to be some shocking revelation...
I hope your next read is a great one! :)

Wendy Fowler YES! The "twist" was so obvious. I can't believe that so many people didn't see it coming a mile away. I felt exactly the same way I felt when watching "The Crying Game" a million years ago. I kept thinking, "well, the very obvious direction this is going in can't possibly be the twist, so I'll keep pushing through to see what is". So disappointing.

Chantel Wendy wrote: "YES! The "twist" was so obvious. I can't believe that so many people didn't see it coming a mile away. I felt exactly the same way I felt when watching "The Crying Game" a million years ago. I kept..."

Glad you also agree, Wendy!! Utterly frustrating as this book was so highly anticipated. I'm not sure how more people didn't clue-in but, I suppose I'm glad they could blissfully enjoy the read haha
I hope your next book is a great one!! :)

alittlelifeofmel I had to unlike this review to like it again because honestly same.

Chantel Mel wrote: "I had to unlike this review to like it again because honestly same."

You're too funny! hahaha thank youuuuuu :)

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