Junta's Reviews > And Then There Were None

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
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's review

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bookshelves: mystery-thriller, british, fictional-reviews, reviewed

"Ten literary Goodreads reviewers chatting online;
One bot was discovered and then there were Nine.
Nine literary Goodreads reviewers on a thread until late;
One lost his Wi-Fi signal and then there were Eight.
Eight literary Goodreads reviewers groupreading Austen;
One only read males and then there were Seven.
Seven literary Goodreads reviewers averse to using pics;
One blasphemed with GIFs and then there were Six.
Six literary Goodreads reviewers booktubing live;
One revealed too much and then there were Five.
Five literary Goodreads reviewers trying out Coelho;
One rushed back home and then there were Four.
Four literary Goodreads reviewers adored Harper Lee;
One sequel led to suicide and then there were Three.
Three literary Goodreads reviewers re-reading Pooh;
One thought it only for children and then there were Two.
Two literary Goodreads reviewers engrossed in Hamsun;
One died of hunger and then there was One.
One literary Goodreads reviewer left all alone;
He deleted his account and then there were None."

"Ten little soldier boys went out to dine;
One choked his little self and then there were Nine.
Nine little soldier boys sat up very late;
One overslept himself and then there were Eight.
Eight little soldier boys travelling in Devon;
One said he'd stay there and then there were Seven.
Seven little soldier boys chopping up sticks;
One chopped himself in halves and then there were Six.
Six little soldier boys playing with a hive;
A bumblebee stung one and then there were Five.
Five little soldier boys going in for law;
One got in Chancery and then there were Four.
Four little soldier boys going out to sea;
A red herring swallowed one and then there were Three.
Three little soldier boys walking in the Zoo;
A big bear hugged one and then there were Two.
Two little soldier boys sitting in the sun;
One got frizzled up and then there was One.
One little soldier boy left all alone;
He went and hanged himself and then there were None."
Loved the idea of this novel.

October 21, 2015
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Reading Progress

March 19, 2015 – Shelved
September 22, 2015 – Started Reading
September 22, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-48 of 48 (48 new)

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Elham I must start thinking about Agatha Christie more seriously!

Junta I came in with average expectations but was blown away by how entertaining it was - hopefully I'll have time for writing reviews soon.

Elham Good to know this and looking forward to reading your review!

Elham Woww! What a creative and outstanding poem! Seriously magnificent, I'm envious! Please publish your collection, I'm going to read it instead of Christie. ^^

message 5: by Junta (last edited Oct 21, 2015 09:34AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Junta Thanks Elham, glad you liked it! I had the idea of writing a Goodreads version of this rhyme since reading the novel a month back, and tonight I somehow felt like tackling the task - it was very enjoyable, although I struggled with some of the lines. I think one of the inspirations to attempting this was reading your creative review in the morning. :-)

Elham I really didn't think that my modest review could inspire for such a great poem! I wan't sure even to share it in Goodreads, but now so glad I did :)
But is the original poem in the book (and related to the story) or from somewhere else?

Junta Well, it did make me want to try a new way of reviewing too. Yes, I know how that feels - it's quite reassuring to have kind comments when you weren't sure of the quality of a review.

Ah, yes the original rhyme is from the book - ten unrelated people are invited to a manor on an island, and in each of their rooms stands this rhyme carved in stone - could it be prophetic?

Elham It looks very mysterious. Is it part of a puzzle in the story that will be revealed at the end??

Seemita Oh boy! This is FABULOUS, Junta! What a clever, witty, interesting poem, peeling all that was necessary and hiding all that was equally necessary! Loved it! And there is SOME thing about Christie; I so know it! :)

message 10: by Florencia (new) - added it

Florencia Fine review, Junta. I was captivated not only by its creativity, but by its subtle humor and sharp wit, something a bit rare around here; so I applaud anyone who can pull that off.
Even though I feel bad for the three casualties of the poem, liked it anyway. :)

Jibran Haha lovely spoof!

message 12: by Junta (last edited Oct 21, 2015 03:27PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Junta Elham wrote: "It looks very mysterious. Is it part of a puzzle in the story that will be revealed at the end??"

Well, let me tell you that one of the ten people chokes and dies in everyone's presence, just as in the rhyme - you must read it to find out the rest.

Junta Seemita wrote: "Oh boy! This is FABULOUS, Junta! What a clever, witty, interesting poem, peeling all that was necessary and hiding all that was equally necessary! Loved it! And there is SOME thing about Christie; ..."

Glad you like it Seemita, thank you for the compliments! Yes, it was a fun endeavour to try and keep the sentences concise - one of the inspirations for tackling this last night was reading your review of The Waves. I love the idea with this novel that I fear other Christie works won't be as entertaining, but I do look forward to reading more of her.

Junta Florencia wrote: "Fine review, Junta. I was captivated not only by its creativity, but by its subtle humor and sharp wit, something a bit rare around here; so I applaud anyone who can pull that off.
Even though I fe..."

Thank you for the kind words Florencia - very glad to hear. The Coelho line was a little too crude (and an unnecessary whack on the head for Coelho fans, but they are literary after all) so the casualty count is down; always humbling to read the compassion in your words, in this case extending to imaginary reviewers. :)

Junta Jibran wrote: "Haha lovely spoof!"

Thanks Jibran! It is much easier to imitate than create.

Rowena Very witty!:)

Junta Rowena wrote: "Very witty!:)"

Thank you Rowena! :-)

message 18: by Philippe (new) - added it

Philippe Malzieu Fine and intelligent review. And funny also. I will read again this book with another point of view.

Junta Philippe wrote: "Fine and intelligent review. And funny also. I will read again this book with another point of view."

Thanks very much Philippe! I'd also be keen to re-read this one, now that I know the truth.

Samadrita This is genius. :DDD

Junta Samadrita wrote: "This is genius. :DDD"

Glad you like it. :DDD

Junta Desislava wrote: "Your poem is just outstanding! It's very clever and witty. My favourite part is about the blasphemed with GIFs.

My favourite Agatha Christie mystery and I also love the idea for this novel. You m..."

Thanks for reading Desislava! I'm glad to hear you like it.

I've only read this one by her so far (not sure what took me so long) so I hope to read another Christie soon - maybe Murder on the Orient Express, which you've also rated highly.

message 23: by Fionnuala (new)

Fionnuala Junta - so glad we're friends because
I love parody reviews,
I love creative reviews,
I love reviews that don't take themselves too seriously,
I love reviews that don't take books to seriously
I love reviewers with a sense of fun like yours!

Junta Fionnuala wrote: "Junta - so glad we're friends because
I love parody reviews,
I love creative reviews,
I love reviews that don't take themselves too seriously,
I love reviews that don't take books to seriously

Fionnuala - thank you for the comment
Made me smile for more than a moment
I also love those kinds of reviews
If my own are decent it's wonderful news
In life I tend to take things too seriously
But books I just want to enjoy, mysteriously! :-)

Junta Fatty wrote: "Haha, this is so very clever. I somehow managed to go through life without reading any Agatha Christie and with only a mild inclination to do so in the future. But your review has definitely raised..."

Thank you very much Fatty. I was the same until this book, and I was pleasantly surprised. An added attraction for me was that I had read some chapters of a manga based on this story, but this original was just so much better.

Junta Carol ♪ Blinded by the Light ♪ GR Background wrote: "Clever!"

Thank you Carol!

Poojan Patel Lol Nice one!

Junta Poojan wrote: "Lol Nice one!"

Glad you liked it Poojan!

message 30: by Ilse (new) - added it

Ilse Great fun, Junta :). We sang a song based on this idea in the youth movement, with lyrics not translatable and even less suited to be made public, and of course 9 casualities.

Junta Ilse wrote: "Great fun, Junta :). We sang a song based on this idea in the youth movement, with lyrics not translatable and even less suited to be made public, and of course 9 casualities."

Cheers, Ilse! Singing a song based on this idea, in a youth movement no less - that's wonderful. I wish we could read them in your review of this book. Perhaps youth survived as the tenth guest of society? ;-)

shanghao Cool poem, almost made me want to reread this again after all those years! This was the first Christie I read and she wrote many more stories containing such folk song/nursery rhyme motifs, and most of them are similarly entertaining.

Junta sanny wrote: "Cool poem, almost made me want to reread this again after all those years! This was the first Christie I read and she wrote many more stories containing such folk song/nursery rhyme motifs, and mos..."

Thanks, sanny - this was also my first Christie, and I've read a couple of others but they just didn't compare to this one - maybe I need to narrow it down to Christies with rhymes...

Helene love this review! :)

Junta NH wrote: "love this review! :)"

Glad you enjoyed this, NH! :-)

message 36: by [deleted user] (new)

Totally brilliant! Now that was something insanely good and refreshing :D

Junta Waqas wrote: "Totally brilliant! Now that was something insanely good and refreshing :D"

Thanks, Waqas! I had a lot of fun writing this one up. :-D

tianiita your verse is rockin' ^^

Junta Nita wrote: "your verse is rockin' ^^"

Glad you liked it, Nita!

Petra on hiatus but getting better.Happy New 2024! That was really good :-)

message 41: by Junta (last edited Feb 07, 2017 05:08AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Junta Petra Eggs wrote: "That was really good :-)"

Glad to hear, Petra Eggs!

message 42: by Yara (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yara بالنسبة لي أنها فعلًا واحدة من أروع أعمال العبقرية أجاثا كريستي .

الرواية تتحدث عن عشرة أشخاص أُحتجزوا بطريقة ما في جزيرة ، ويبدأ أبطال الرواية بالموت واحدًا تلو الآخر كل ذلك بطريقة محترفة وغامضة تشُد القارىء للإكمال دون ملل أو كلل بالإضافة الى وجود قصيدة في إيطار يثير الشبهات و الأعصاب .
أتذكر صدمتي عند معرفة القاتل/ة ، رغم جميع تكهناتي ولا أنكر أني شككت فيه/ا ، لكن دون دليل دامغ ، اعتمادًا على حدسي فقط .
ومع ذلك تلك الرواية لن تُنسى ما دمت حية .

Mikanviola nice poem. enjoyed

Junta Yara wrote: "بالنسبة لي أنها فعلًا واحدة من أروع أعمال العبقرية أجاثا كريستي .

الرواية تتحدث عن عشرة أشخاص أُحتجزوا بطريقة ما في جزيرة ، ويبدأ أبطال الرواية بالموت واحدًا تلو الآخر كل ذلك بطريقة محترفة وغامضة ..."

Yes, it is quite a memorable story indeed.

Mikanviola wrote: "nice poem. enjoyed"

Glad you enjoyed it, Mikanviola.

Mikanviola 10/10

Connie Curtis Excellent!

Junta Glad you liked it, Mikanviola and Connie!

message 48: by Hana (new) - rated it 5 stars

Hana Creative.

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