
Caravan Quotes

Quotes tagged as "caravan" Showing 1-11 of 11
“The dogs may bark, but the caravan moves on”
Joseph Needham

Alistair MacLean
“Bowman turned his back on her and began to search the place methodically and exhaustively. When one searches any place, be it a gypsy caravan or a baronial mansion, methodically and exhaustively, one has to wreck it completely in the process.So, in a orderly and systematic fashion, Bowman set about reducing Czerda's caravan to a total ruin.”
Alistair MacLean, Caravan to Vaccares

Enid Blyton
“Oh, I wish I lived in a caravan!’ said Jimmy longingly. ‘How lovely it must be to live in a house that has wheels and can go away down the lanes and through the towns, and stand still in fields at night!”
Enid Blyton, Mr Galliano's Circus

Arthur Machen
“It was difficult to say which were the more dismal, these deserted streets that wandered away to right and left, or the great main thoroughfare with its narcotic and shadowy life. For the latter appeared vast, interminable, grey, and those who travelled by it were scarcely real, the bodies of the living, but rather the uncertain and misty shapes that come sand go across the desert in an Eastern tale, when men look up from the sand and see a caravan pass them, all in silence, without a cry or a greeting. So they passed and repassed each other on those pavements, appearing and vanishing, each intent on his own secret, and wrapped in obscurity.”
Arthur Machen, The Hill of Dreams

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If you want to know what surrealism means, watch the camel caravans traveling in the desert under the moonlight!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Dorothy Gilman
“quoting Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyat:
"Good friends beware! the only life we knows Flies from us like an arrow from the bow, the Caravan of life is moving by, Quick! to your places in the passing show.”
Dorothy Gilman, Caravan

“There's no power in the unfaith caravan even one true worship can end a war”
Waseem bhat

“4. Thou shall attempt a staycation, even if thou detests the word staycation.
There are two types of people in the world. Those who will camp, and those who won't.
Those who fall in the former category need little encouragement to pack up their sleeping bag and a Kelly Kettle and head out into the countryside. The ones who wander freely clearing up after themselves can set up a tent anywhere they fancy, as long as they show respect.
This freedom to roam also lends itself well to the coorie movement. Braving the night-time chill around a fire with a furry friend at your feet and a hot chocolate in your hands after a day of toiling to create a coorie campsite is pretty special.
A caravan stay in Aberfeldy is a more realistic option for the extended family than schlepping abroad en masse.
Bonding time between grandparents and wee ones also gives mums and dads the chance for a gin on the banks of the River Tay before sundown.”
Gabriella Bennett, The Art of Coorie: How to Live Happy the Scottish Way

Tomas Adam Nyapi
“It was uncertain how seriously the police would take the situation, or if I could expect much defence from the law in Spain, where my lawyer had already betrayed me for some reason due to the same coffeeshop, rather working with the mafia.

Amina and Nico might have been involved with the Camorra next door, however, their affiliation was uncertain even after multiple attempts to connect their names further. I had notes back home on the table connecting the criminals and their hubs. I was writing to uncover what I knew happened. To discover what I knew.

Perhaps it was a mistake to withhold any information from those two officers regarding the coffeeshop. It's possible that I should have informed them that Ruan was working for individuals who intended to use my identity to operate one of the largest, if not the largest, coffeeshops in town. The club was located in the Port of Ciutat Vella, where the Camorra had seemingly established a monopoly since 2014. I was still unsure if Adam, Sabrina, Nico, Amina, and the others had already made a deal with them or not. Yet.

She had keys to my home and I had been unable to sleep for weeks already. She had my IDs. I was unsure and concerned as to why she would take them, what was her purpose? If I died somehow and I had no documents, it would be a longer process to identify me. That means more time to sell marijuana behalf my name and get rich.
How can one identify a body without any IDs or with missing fingerprints? By examining dental records.

Who was the individual inside the circle? The circle within the circle? The Eye within the Eye? The focal point of the wheelcart? With all the spikes pointing towards it. Who was the fictitious Robin Hood, the Boss of their nasty and drug-addicted mafia?”

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“The clever is the one who quickly saves himself from the stupids caravan otherwise he will remain at the same place and loses his strength.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Camel caravans have never been as impressive as the silhouettes of camel caravans, because a camel caravan wrapped in that extraordinary unknown called mystery is always more fascinating!”
Mehmet Murat ildan