
Anne Of Green Gables Quotes

Quotes tagged as "anne-of-green-gables" Showing 1-30 of 70
L.M. Montgomery
“Why must people kneel down to pray? If I really wanted to pray I’ll tell you what I'd do. I'd go out into a great big field all alone or in the deep, deep woods and I'd look up into the sky—up—up—up—into that lovely blue sky that looks as if there was no end to its blueness. And then I'd just feel a prayer.”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

L.M. Montgomery
“We pay a price for everything we get or take in this world; and although ambitions are well worth having, they are not to be cheaply won, but exact their dues of work and self denial, anxiety and discouragement.”
Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

L.M. Montgomery
“I wouldn't want to marry anybody who was wicked, but I think I'd like it if he could be wicked and wouldn't.”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of the Island

L.M. Montgomery
“I've loved you ever since that day you broke your slate over my head in school.”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of the Island

L.M. Montgomery
“I don't know, I don't want to talk as much. (...) It's nicer to think dear, pretty thoughts and keep them in one's heart, like treasures. I don't like to have them laughed at or wondered over.”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

L.M. Montgomery
“Do you think amethysts can be the souls of good violets?”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

L.M. Montgomery
“You're never safe from being surprised until you're dead.”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea

L.M. Montgomery
“The world looks like something God had just imaged for his own pleasure, doesn't it?”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

L.M. Montgomery
“You're not eating anything," said Marilla sharply, eying her as if it were a serious shortcoming. Anne sighed.

I can't. I'm in the depths of despair. Can you eat when
you are in the depths of despair?"

I've never been in the depths of despair, so I can't say," responded Marilla.

Weren't you? Well, did you ever try to IMAGINE you were in
the depths of despair?"

No, I didn't."

Then I don't think you can understand what it's like. It's very uncomfortable a feeling indeed.”
Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

L.M. Montgomery
“One June evening, when the orchards were pink-blossomed again, when the frogs were singing silverly sweet in the marshes about the head of the Lake of Shining Waters, and the air was full of the savor of clover fields and balsamic fir woods, Anne was sitting by her gable window. She had been studying her lessons, but it had grown too dark to see the book, so she had fallen into wide-eyed reverie, looking out past the boughs of the Snow Queen, once more bestarred with its tufts of blossom.”
L.M. Montgomery

L.M. Montgomery
“I've just been imagining that it was really me you wanted after all and that I was to stay here for ever and ever. It was a great comfort while it lasted. But the worst of imagining things is that the time comes when you have to stop and that hurts.”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

“Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it...well with no mistakes in it yet.”
Ms. Stacy

L.M. Montgomery
“It's not what the world holds for you, it's what you bring to it.”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Ingleside

L.M. Montgomery
“But you have such dimples," said Anne, smiling affectionately into the pretty, vivacious face so near her own. "Lovely dimples, like little dents in cream. I have given up all hope of dimples. My dimple-dream will never come true; but so many of my dreams have that I mustn't complain. Am I all ready now?”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

L.M. Montgomery
“Everything is made new in the spring. Springs themselves are always so new, too. No spring is ever just like any other spring. It always has something of its own to be its peculiar sweetness.”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of the Island

L.M. Montgomery
“Anne, look here. Can’t we be good friends?”
For a moment Anne hesitated. She had an odd, newly awakened consciousness under all her outraged dignity that the half-shy, half-eager expression in Gilbert’s hazel eyes was something that was very good to see. Her heart gave a quick, queer little beat. But the bitterness of her old grievance promptly stiffened up her wavering determination. That scene of two years before flashed back into her recollection as vividly as if it had taken place yesterday. Gilbert had called her “carrots” and had brought about her disdain before the whole school. Her resentment, which to other and older people might be as laughable as its cause, was in no whit allayed and softened by time seemingly. She hated Gilbert Blythe! She would never forgive him!”
L.M. Montgomery

L.M. Montgomery
“I love my garden, and I love working in it. To potter with green growing things, watching each day to see the dear, new sprouts come up, is like taking a hand in creation, I think. Just now my garden is like faith - the substance of things hoped for.”
Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne's House of Dreams, 10 Books

L.M. Montgomery
“Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it yet.”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

L.M. Montgomery
“But we can't have things perfect in this imperfect world.”
L.M. Montgomery

L.M. Montgomery
“I suppose we’ll get used to being grownup in time. There won’t be so many unexpected things about it by and by–though, after all, I fancy it’s the unexpected things that give spice to life.”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of the Island

Mariko Tamaki
“She sings it like she'd telling you a truth you don't necessarily see right away.”
Mariko Tamaki, Anne of Greenville

L.M. Montgomery
“I did make a mistake in judging Anne, but it weren't no wonder, for an odder, unexpecteder witch of a child there never was in this world, that's what. There was no ciphering her out by the rules that worked with other children. It's nothing short of wonderful how she's improved these three years, but especially in looks. She's a real pretty girl got to be, though I can't say I'm overly partial to that pale, big-eyed style myself. I like more snap and color, like Diana Barry or Ruby Gillis. Ruby Gillis' looks are real showy. But somehow- I don't know how it is but when Anne and them are together, though she ain't half as handsome, she makes them look kind of common and overdone- something like them white June lilies she calls narcissus alongside of the big, red peonies, that's what.”
L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

L.M. Montgomery
“There was nobody else— there never could be anybody else for me but you.”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of the Island: Anne of Green Gables Book 3

L.M. Montgomery
“Yet somehow [Marilla’s letter] conveyed to Anne of the wholesome, simple life at Green Gables, with its savor of ancient peace, and the steadfast abiding love that was there for her.”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of the Island

L.M. Montgomery
“I'll thank you to restore yourself to yourself.”
L.M. Montgomery

Mariko Tamaki
“She sings it like she's telling you a truth you don't necessarily see right away.”
Mariko Tamaki, Anne of Greenville

Courtney Walsh
“Peggy is all Rachel Lynde from Anne of Green Gables. She’s blunt and assuming and in everybody’s business.”
Courtney Walsh, Can't Help Falling

“I might have known. Nobody ever does want me. I might have known. It was too good to
be true. Dreams never last,” I sniffed, “I should have known that even you wouldn’t want
I plopped down on a nearby bench and tried to swallow my sobs. Matthew and Marilla
glanced at each other confused. Oh, why did I always let my hopes run away with me?
Nothing would ever change. Who would ever want a homely, emotional, sixteen year old?”
Hannah Beth

“Oh, chicas, chicas, mirad esa alfombra de violetas! Allí hay algo para la galería de cuadros del recuerdo. Cuando tenga ochenta años, si es que llego, cerraré los ojos y veré las violetas tal como las veo ahora”
Lucy Maud Montgomery, Ana, la de Avonlea

L.M. Montgomery
“I don't want to be anyone but myself, even if I go uncomforted by diamonds all my life”
L. M. Montgomery, Anne Of Green Gables

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