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Tristan and Lancelot: A Tale of Two Knights

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In this queer reimagining of an Arthurian legend, Knights of the Round Table Lancelot and Tristan set out on a quest to find the missing magician Merlin but instead discover an unexpected romance perfect for fans of The Prince and the Dressmaker and Squire.

When Merlin goes missing and Camelot falls under attack, King Arthur sends his estranged half-sister, Morgan le Fay, and esteemed Knights of the Round Table, Tristan and Lancelot, to find him. As the reluctant trio travels through Albion saving towns from treacherous foes and battling fae, their bonds deepen, and sparks fly between the two knights. Before they can sort through their complicated feelings, an unexpected dark force appears, bringing what just might be the end of Camelot. 

From debut author James Persichetti and new talent L.S. Biehler, Tristan and A Tale of Two Knights will sweep readers away with an epic quest and a love story for the ages.

336 pages, Paperback

First published June 4, 2024

About the author

James Persichetti

3 books10 followers

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Profile Image for Charlie.
96 reviews503 followers
April 18, 2024
Now one thing about me is I don’t play about Arthurian legend. Ever since I saw my first episode of Merlin, I’ve been obsessed with it. I also had the pleasure of seeing a production of Tristan and Isolde at the Globe Theatre many moons ago, so I particularly enjoy their tale. The production I saw was very queer, so this feels like a full circle moment.

I won’t beat around the bush. I absolutely loved this. From the art to the storyline to the characters – everything was exactly as I hoped it would be. The search for Merlin was the perfect catalyst for a relationship to form between the two boys. The long days and nights on the road forced them to confront their trauma and secrets, which in turn allowed them to open up to one another. I appreciated the interpretation of the legend and history, and adored how queerness was normalised.

I loved the little trio of Lancelot, Tristan, and Morgan. I hope there will be more graphic novels in the future. I’d even love one focused solely on Morgan looking for her mother. I’d also love to learn more about the fae. They were one of my favourite parts of this graphic novel.

I’d recommend this to fans of queer retellings and gorgeously drawn graphic novels. Thank you to the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy.

I post about queer books on: Instagram Twitter TikTok
Profile Image for Lance.
668 reviews232 followers
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April 2, 2024
My name is Lance and I’m gay, so I feel absolutely obligated to read this 🤭
Profile Image for ♠ TABI⁷ ♠.
Author 15 books507 followers
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May 20, 2021
Arthurian mythos retelling where Lancelot and Tristan fall for each other
Profile Image for Anniek.
2,134 reviews825 followers
April 8, 2024
"These two are going to be a handful." Oh, Morgan, how right you were.

I love an Arthurian retelling, and this is a fun, adventurous, easily digestible one with a lovely romance between Tristan and Lancelot. When Camelot is under attack and Merlin is missing, Morgan gets sent on a mission to retrieve him, and she's accompanied by Tristan and Lancelot. Chaos ensues, and I had so much fun with this graphic novel!
Profile Image for Cassandra.
1,198 reviews91 followers
June 15, 2024
my first mistake was trying to read this only at work. I loved it though. The YA graphic novels that I've picked up recently have all been so cute so I was happy to see that this one would be no different there. My one wish was that there was a bit more dialogue but what we got was still great and building out story.

Morgan is on a mission to find Merlin after he goes missing from the kingdom and Tristan and Lancelot embark on this journey with her. What should've been a very awkward and quiet quest turns into one of friendship as the three get to know one another. They may be looking for Merlin but the three have personal journeys they face as they walk this path together and I liked how they all shared a part in getting one another over their finish line. This, by the end of the book, felt very low-stakes fantasy and had I not left this to be read at work, I would've finished it in a day.

Profile Image for Johnee.
161 reviews376 followers
June 24, 2024
I quite enjoyed this story! It wasn’t mind blowing or anything, but I was entertained, the artwork was decent and I loved how each of the three main characters had their own layered character development. The plot lacked a little “wow” factor, which I think even if it had a little “wow”, it could have reached a four star rating, but I’d give this a 3.5 (rounded down).
Profile Image for Thérèse.
355 reviews51 followers
June 5, 2024
i don't know if it's because i've actually studied arthurian legend both academically and leisurely or if i'm just picky, but i found this to be so bad. not only that, but it just completely rips off bbc merlin??? i admit i love the show, but it has become a curse in some sense, especially as it relates to arthurian adaptations.

reasons why i think the author only watched bbc merlin and did not do any outside research:
- morgan is uther's daughter in this story

- uther is described by morgan as more of an absent father who cared more about the kingdom than his children, a characterization that is reminiscent of uther in bbc merlin

- everyone calling guinevere "gwen"

- lancelot's entire backstory!! it's quite literally ripped from his backstory in the show ahaha. like huh??

even if we cast the bbc merlin comparisons aside, i just don't think this was good. i am in no way saying that everything has to be entirely accurate to the actual legend— after all, legends are fluid, and one of my favorite "retellings" (the winter prince by elizabeth wein) is not accurate whatsoever. but what stories do have to be are engaging, and this was not.

i was initially interested in the romance between tristan and lancelot, but my interest quickly fizzled when it was evident that the chemistry between them was non-existent. there was no build-up either, which was disappointing.

and morgan, my love. what did they do to you?? i HATED how she was portrayed in this story. to be honest, i pretty much hated how everyone was portrayed. all of the characters had the same sense of humor and were not interesting people. i didn't feel like i was reading an arthurian re-imagining at all.

oh, well. one day i will find a gay arthurian retelling that is actually good.....
Profile Image for Ash.
15 reviews13 followers
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September 5, 2020
From PW: "Knights Lancelot and Tristan set out on a quest to find the missing magician Merlin, but instead discover an unexpected romance."
Profile Image for Peter.
674 reviews10 followers
May 15, 2024
3.5 ish.

I liked this but didn't love it. Good story and the romance was very slow-burn because of circumstances. I liked the message of believing in yourself.
Profile Image for Carly Stevens.
Author 10 books40 followers
June 21, 2024
Charming story! I loved Morgan, and the relationship was cute. Clever nods to the canon (like, why aren’t Tristan and Isolde together?)
Profile Image for Kayla.
179 reviews11 followers
June 9, 2024
Super cute!! Always love a good Camelot story, lmao

Beautiful art too!!
Profile Image for Myra.
90 reviews2 followers
June 26, 2024
Good for a short graphic novel
Profile Image for Neha Garg (thereadingowl_).
224 reviews50 followers
June 30, 2024
A Tale of Two Knights is a spin-off from the Arthurian legend. In the story, Merlin is missing and the kingdom is being attacked by Fae. Morgan is sent to find him..along with Tristan and Lancelot. What ensues is an adventure where secrets are revealed, feelings are shared, and strong will reigns over curses.

Even though it’s the story of these two knights, my favourite character was Morgan. Fierce, powerful, and focus-minded, she is almost like a force of nature. Nimue(one of the Fae sisters) is also amazing.

The story is beautifully illustrated and spins a beautiful story of friendship and strong will. It highlights the need to have balance in nature and promotes acceptance of people/things that may not fit your normal.

I loved it and would totally recommend it even if you are just starting with graphic novels.
Profile Image for Abigail Beckwith.
1,086 reviews
July 8, 2024
I think I first saw "Tristan and Lancelot: A Tale of Two Knights (An Arthurian Love Story)" via some fanart one day (not sure if it was fanart-fanart or official-au-art...because I can't find it anymore on my IG). Either way, this FANTASTIC King Arthur/Merlin graphic novel was fabulous. It was written by James Persichetti (his first book) and illustrated by L.S. Biehler (another newcomer to the publishing world).

["When Merlin goes missing and Camelot falls under attack, King Arthur sends his estranged half-sister, Morgan le Fay, and esteemed Knights of the Round Table, Tristan and Lancelot, to find him. As the reluctant trio travels through Albion saving towns from treacherous foes and battling fae, their bonds deepen, and sparks fly between the two knights. Before they can sort through their complicated feelings, an unexpected dark force appears, bringing what just might be the end of Camelot. "]

This graphic novel was cute as hell! I mean, it had everything! Far off places, daring sword fights, princes in disguise!! Well, no, it didn't have any prince is disguise (Arthur was Arthur; Merlin was Merlin). But it did have curses and classic Arthurian characters and fae and in-fighting and found family and queer love (from a few angles, actually).

I would have LOOOOVED to see a Merlin/Arthur romance, but this timeline didn't match the timeline of BBC's Merlin, so it was weird (plus, Gwen was badass, so I'm not upset she got to keep Arthur here, too).

Tristan was closed off and scared and running from his past and trying to break a curse and trying not to fall in love with any certain knight. Lancelot was brave and strong and outgoing but shy towards the mysterious boy he had a crush on (and harboring a secret of his own). Like any good book, as they grew closer together (from acquaintances to friends to ...), they grew individually, accepting their downfalls and overcoming them.

And OKAY, the second picture miiiiiight spoil the end (it is the last page after all), but we were promised a tale of two knights and and a love story, so the HEA kiss isn't THAT big of a spoiler if you really think about it. ;)

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Profile Image for Insomniac Library (Drew).
178 reviews10 followers
June 18, 2024
4 Stars - 39 / 100 for 2024 - Paperback
Thank you as always to PrideBookTours for sending me a copy in exchange for an honest review
The Queen of the Fae can't be killed. No more than you can kill the sun or the river. She is a force of nature.
Tristan and Lancelot-A Tale of Two Knights follows the titular knights as they journey with King Arthur's half-sister and mage, Morgan to locate Merlin who has suddenly disappeared. The Fae have returned and Camelot is in danger, it's down to our trio of heroes to find Merlin and save the realm, but everyone has their secrets and when they come to light it may change everything...
This was ADORABLE!
I will admit until about the half way mark this was a three star read for me, the art is pretty and the story enjoyable but it wasn't anything that different. But I loved the characters and their dynamic and the final act was really good!
The trio of Lancelot, Tristan and Morgan was really fun, Morgan is at first pretty irritated she must be accompanied by two knights, but over their journey they become good friends, she has a kind of sibling relationship with them, lots of banter and snappy comments but an overall care for one another.
I'm not super familiar with Arthurian legends, but there were names and ideas I did know from other adaptations I have read / watched. I always appreciate Fae in legend re-tellings like this and the art did lend itself to a medieval / fantasy setting.
The way Morgan's magic is shown is really lovely, the use of colours and the hand movements really bring the magic and fight scenes to life.
Lancelot and Tristan's romance is kind of rushed but with graphic novels the pacing usually is fast and whilst it is a fast moving romance, they do have a lot of chemistry together.
I did really enjoy the idea that Tristan and Isolde are in love because of spell and again the art showing how that curse affects them both is really pretty, you truly believe they are bound together but not by choice.
Side notes: Arthur and Gwen are a power couple and I am obsessed. TRISTAN AND LANCELOT AS HEDGEHOGS THAT'S IT THAT'S THE TWEET
1,283 reviews38 followers
June 24, 2024
I think this was just a bit too 'young' for me (maybe best for 12- or 13-year-olds), and a bit rushed or not-quite-polished feeling. The art was okay, but not outstanding, and reminiscent of several popular styles like Totally Spies and La Rose Ecarlate (plus Nimue looked a lot like Ayashi no Ceres). Nothing really stood out enough to make it memorable: most of the characters didn't have enough depth, and some of the changes felt slightly 'off'. King Arthur, who is supposed to be the ideal wise king, comes off as having a somewhat childish attitude in the first half, and I didn't feel any chemistry between him and Guinevere - in a story where there will be no future affair with Lancelot (because Lancelot is gay), and where Guinevere & Arthur are BOTH gifted fighters so should presumably have more in common and less power imbalance, so what gives? I was left thinking "Why is she with him?"
The book is billed as a romance between two knights, but the way it's written it feels more like Morgan LeFay is the protagonist. To make it worse, I didn't feel the romance between the knights - it felt like it was assigned by the narrative (we don't really know each other - one of us actively resents/dislikes the other. A day later, we're in LOVE!), not like a relationship that progressed naturally.
Supposedly-wise Merlin has a weak-feeling personality.
Supposedly terrifyingly-powerful Mab never does anything to demonstrate that, she just...orders her lackeys to do things.

The one interesting spot was the treatment of the Tristan & Isolde legend, but that alone was not enough to carry the rest of the story. The conclusion felt too easy for such a deep-rooted problem, and left that thread not completely resolved.

Content concerns: no swearing, no drugs/alcohol, no nudity/sex (just a couple of non-heated kisses); no homophobia, though one mention that another kingdom is not accepting of gay relationships like Camelot is; prejudice against fae and magic-users; attempted extermination (not graphicly portrayed); use of a love potion to attempt to force a(n implied abusive) relationship (though this is portrayed as a bad thing)
Profile Image for Kristina Romero.
143 reviews14 followers
June 5, 2024
My mom's side of the family has always had a soft spot for all things Arthurian legend. We grew up with the storybook tales and I watched every episode of BBC Merlin together with my mom and sister. It's no surprise I was very excited to see this queer retelling of Tristan and Lancelot and immediately went to NetGalley to find a copy (Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins for the e-ARC!).

What really works for this story is the group as a whole. I really loved reading about Tristan, Lancelot, and Morgan's journey to find Merlin so that, together, they can protect Arthurs Kingdom from impending trouble with the Fae. I would even love to see another volume that included Guinevere into the group.

My problem with the book was that, based on this cover, I thought we would get to spend a lot more time with getting to know just Tristan and Lancelot. Sadly, it feels like we don't get any time alone with them and the affection that grows between them seems to come out of nowhere. I would have liked to get a lot more background about each of the three main characters. Mostly, it felt like rushed plot about finding Merlin and defeating bad guys, which is fine, but not what I was expecting. Morgan was a compelling character and I wish the author had expanded on her place at Camelot and her complicated feeling towards Arthur/her family. Overall there was a lot of potential here I felt that the author didn't take the time to explore but it was still a fun read if you like retellings or twists on Arthurian legend!
246 reviews3 followers
June 26, 2024
Where to start. This story was very promising, but I just didn't love it.

First, the title is quite rude to Lady Morgan who is literally equal to Tristan and Lancelot, or in my opinion is the main character of the story. Lady Morgan gets sh*t done, and if it wasn't for her, the plot would not get anywhere. You could omit Tristan and Lancelot, snd the story would work out.

Second, the romance between Tristan and Lancelot was so forced. They barely talked to each other, but the love each other??? What in the high school logic??? Before the journey, they are already just blushing at each other when not talking to each other -.- Even during the journey it's a lot of snapping at each other. Not even romantic tension, just regular tension because they haven't worked together before.

Third, why is Lady Morgan 90% pure anger in this story? She's constantly snapping at people, and her face is often drawn scowling. Like I can see the artist can draw other expressions, you could give Lady Morgan a break with even just an indifferent expression once in awhile.

I think what went wrong is that in the attempt to twist so many parts of the Arthurian legend, the story comes out messy and unpolished.

Overall, this could have been good.
Profile Image for Rhion.
86 reviews
July 10, 2024
I love graphic novels, and this one truly did not disappoint. The story was excellent and exciting, a really interesting and fun take on Arthurian legend. I loved the Arthurian setting and all the Fae influence and reference. The great quest was great and true to fantasy adventure form. It really had everything I could want out of a story: magic, fae, dnd class archetypes, queerness, fantasy settings, high adventure, etc.

The story falls short for me when it comes to the romance. There are moments where the romantic connection makes sense and shows development and growth, but ultimately the characters lacked chemistry to me and their initial love and attraction came out of nowhere and did not seem natural. I know it’s hard to do in a graphic novel where words and inner thoughts are lacking, but the connection was just not there for me. And frankly, I just personally did not like Tristan very much.

The only other drawback I had was with the art style. The art is absolutely incredible and the artist is so talented! The art just came across a little too anime/manga for my personal preference.

I really would love for this novel to launch a series because I definitely want more time in the world this book created!
Profile Image for Andrew.
874 reviews140 followers
March 20, 2024
***eProof gifted by UK publisher, HarperCollins, via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review/reaction***

In this queer reimagining of Arthurian legend, Merlin has gone missing and Camelot is under attack, King Arthur asks his estranged half-sister, Morgan le Fay, and two Knights of the Round Table, Tristan and Lancelot, to go find him. But as the trio travel through Albion, saving towns from an uprising of fae and each struggling with their own secret, their reluctant bond deepens, ea and sparks fly between Lancelot and Tristan. But can they find Merlin and save Camelot…

This was such a fun read and a refreshing take on Arthurian legends, which is grand as there’s only so many takes some of the stories such as Lancelot and Guinevere. It’s lovely to see a deep friendship between them and not a romantic relationship and that Guinevere is a knight herself as well as her and Arthur’s relationship with Morgan (close but distant rather than rivals and villains), as well as queerness.

Both the story and the illustrations were sweet and clean (though I do like a hint of spice on both fronts as this feels very clean-teen), but made a refreshing change on the stories we all know.
Profile Image for Brady.
530 reviews5 followers
April 14, 2024
Thank you Harper Collins and Netgalley for this eARC, these opinions are my own. A cute adventure! Morgan is called to Camelot, her half brother King Arthur needs her help. Merlin is missing and the Fae have returned and are terrorizing the kingdom. He needs her to find Merlin and bring him back. She won’t be alone on her quest, she’ll be accompanied by Sir Lancelot and Tristan. Both of whom harbor their own secrets. Can they trust each other enough to complete the quest? Will they be able to stop the Fae? As Lancelot and Tristan’s feeling for each other bloom will their secrets derail everything in the end? I loved this queer take on the classic King Arthur stories! I grow fonder of graphic novels with each one I read, and L.S. Biehler’s artwork is amazing! I loved the relationship between Morgan, Lancelot, and Tristan as they get to know each other and become friends! I also enjoyed the connections to Morgan and King Arthur’s past and how their relationships with their father impacted their relationship with one another! James Persichetti does a wonderful job with the story! A fun, charming, adventure with a queer twist!
Profile Image for Ashley.
Author 5 books25 followers
February 16, 2024
This is my first time reviewing a graphic novel, and it was exciting to see a queer reimagining of Arthurian legend.

First and foremost, I really loved the illustrations. Not only did they serve to showcase each of the characters as individuals, but they brought in the setting. There were several panels, that I wouldn’t mind ordering prints if the artist ever offered them up. The art added to the story rather than pulled away from it. It was cohesive.

Tristan and Lancelot join Morgan le Fay on a journey to locate Merlin. In the beginning of their journey, Tristan and Lancelot do not like each other. It’s a matter of misunderstanding of course. Tristan is quiet, keeps to himself around the castle. While Lancelot, very much lives up to his reputation. He’s a man of the people, for the people.

The romance was on the light side. Lots of cute moments between the two of them thought. Especially, as they travelled further and further to find Merlin and then back to Camelot. They got to learn more about each other. It was very sweet.

I do feel like anyone could read this, teenagers upwards. I definitely would recommend it to anyone who enjoys graphic novels or is in need of a light romance.
Profile Image for Anna (BooksandRubberducks).
373 reviews22 followers
March 14, 2024
Ahhh this is such a fun and sweet queer graphic novel reimagining stories from Arthurian legend.

It’s adventurous, romantic and feel good. The balance between fantasy plot and character development is great!!

The art is vibrant and expressive making it easy to interpret. One of those graphic novels where I kind of forgot it was a graphic novel and just got lost in the story.

Even though the title indicates it’s a Tristan and Lancelot story, I’d say it’s just as much about Morgan La Fey. The friendship that grows between the three of them, while on their adventure, is just as important as the romance between the men. I’d definitely be up for another story that follows Morgan on her quest to find more about her mother.

Really enjoyable easy read that I whizzed through because I was loving it. One I’d pick up again for a comfort read. If you’re a fan of shows like BBC’s Merlin, I think you’d probably love this!

Thanks to Harper360YA and Netgalley for an advanced digital copy in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for brianna.
490 reviews
July 2, 2024
SPOILER This book was gay but also homophobic. There was a gay man and a lesbian woman who were placed under a curse to love each other. Like idk maybe the curse shouldn't have worked in the first place bc of who they are?!? Also in the end the curse only breaks for the gay guy and not the lesbian so she, a lesbian, is searching for a way to break the curse to stop longing for a gay man. Also, a lot of characters withheld a lot of information so every other 100 pages they would be like "oh yeah I knew this whole time." This works in the world of the story but I feel like maybe there could have been a more creative narrative solution to the problems. I really like the idea though of queerness in the Arthurian legend world such as "Gwen and Art Are Not In Love" by Lex Croucher. Knights regardless seem very fruity. I liked Morgan and Gwen's friendship as well as Gwen's friendship with Lance and her being a knight as well. As for the art style, maybe it's not my style but it kind of had the "same-face" syndrome. The most unique characters were the antagonist and her sister.
Profile Image for Jenn.
887 reviews22 followers
March 18, 2024
Everyone knows the basics of the Arthur legends, and we all know that different authors interpret them differently. One of my favourite things about new versions of the story is seeing the differences between versions. This version, apart from the obvious romance, has Morgan le Fae as a good guy, helping in the search for Merlin as enemy supernatural beings bear down on Camelot. Tristan, more usually associated with Iseult, is here a young member of the Round Table.

I love the art style; I've mentioned in other reviews that I'm mildly face blind, so graphics don't always suit me, but all the characters here are distinct enough that I had no trouble telling them apart. I was reading on a screen and couldn't zoom in, which is a shame because I'm sure I was missing details in the illustrations. That won't be a problem in the physical book, of course!

The story is sweet rather than sexy and moves at a nice pace. I'd be interested to read more set in this world! It's fantastic fun.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews

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