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Kindred's Curse #1

Spark of the Everflame

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When old secrets catch fire, everything will burn.

In a mortal world colonized by the gods and ruled over by the Descended, their cruel offspring, Diem Bellator yearns to escape the insular life of her poor village.

Her mother’s sudden disappearance—and the discovery of a dangerous secret about her past—offer Diem an unexpected opportunity to enter the dark world of Descended royalty and unlock the web of mysteries her mother left behind.

With the dying King’s handsome, mysterious heir watching her every move, and a ruthless mortal alliance recruiting her to join the growing civil war, Diem will have to navigate the unwritten rules of love, power, and politics in order to save her family—and all of mortalkind.

Spark of the Everflame is the first book in The Kindred's Curse Saga, a four-book fantasy romance series. This slow burn, enemies-to-lovers epic is perfect for lovers of magic, dragons, angst, and banter and will appeal to fans of books like A Court of Thorns and Roses, From Blood and Ash, Gild, and The Serpent & the Wings of Night.

438 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 1, 2023

About the author

Penn Cole

5 books2,106 followers
While my life has taken me through a lot of ups and downs, my love for reading and writing has forever been my true north. I’ve been writing stories since my childhood, filling mountains of notebooks with wild worlds and angsty romances. After a detour as an attorney and small business owner, I am thrilled to finally be pursuing my lifelong dream of becoming an author.

Though I’m a Texas girl born and bred, I currently live in France with my husband, where I can usually be found drinking far too much wine and eating far, far too many pastries.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,627 reviews
Profile Image for SK.
450 reviews6,843 followers
August 26, 2023
"I'm not afraid, Devourer of Crowns, Ravager of Realms, Herald of Vengeance."

✔️ Enemies to lovers
✔️ Slow burn
✔️ Fiesty fmc x brooding prince
✔️ "Touch her and die"

Huh, am kinda conflicted about this one. There were some good bits but the second half in particular was quite messy.

Starting with the world building is simplistic and fairly easy to understand. Although, I would have loved for the author to build more on it as it does seem interesting but I don't have much to picture it. The pacing of the book is quite fast and is consistent.

The first half is really well written. I enjoyed it as the characters were introduced and the stage was being set. But as I closed in towards the second half, I realized not much has happened, at least nothing significant. This is where the author messed up. So not only she attempts to speed things up plot wise, she has realised that the romance was not set up properly and in order to achieve that, she misses out on angst, feelings, emotions for a slow burn. The author also makes the "badass fmc" turn into a really "dumbass fmc" and it was something that really annoyed me.

Diem, our fmc is truly fiesty. I really liked her in the first half. Her personality was so balanced and she seemed mature. Her powers were something that intrigued me throughout the book, so no complaints there. But the problem started in the second half when she continues to despise the mmc, Luther, for no strongly backed reason. She also loses her personality when she joins the Guardians. Spy work did not suit her at all. She continues to make poor decisions even though she is presented as a smart woman in the first half. By talking down to the 'soon to be king' in front of his subjects just for the sake of being fiesty did not suit her. Her mood swings gave me whiplash. Her powers deserved more clarity.

Luther, the dark brooding prince with a scar on his face sounds hot. But I have no opinion of him. He doesn't have enough screen time. He was there for about 30% of the book? He went from staring at her, occasionally having some conversations to "touch her and die" which did not suit him. The trope came across as included just for the sake of it. His protectiveness for her did not make sense at all when nothing happened.

The supporting characters- I didn't like Henri from the start. It seems he's going to become a Tamlin like personality soon, I hope to be proven wrong. I like Teller, who was Diem's brother. I honestly couldn't careless about their mother or father. Maura was a good friend but Diem did her dirty.

The romance is presented as slow burn enemies to lovers, both fall short. The slow burned did not burn at all, and there was no angst. It shouldn't be called enemies to lovers. It was more of "I'm a fiesty girl so am supposed to despise him but there's no genuine reason for it." I don't believe that Luther ever despised her, he just never knew her enough. The emotions and romance hit all of a sudden around 80-85% mark and it felt out of place. There was little chemistry. Hopefully, the second book will be better in that regard.

The ending was okayish. The epilogue was super confusing. Again, I do not care about the mother. Never really see her enough to care.

Tbh it has a lot of potential but the second half was a mess. The author rushed it all, and it directly makes it look like a poorly executed book. It could have used a few more 100-200 pages and then the romance and character building would've been immaculate.
I'm still gonna read the second book and see what happens but fingers crossed🤞

Been hearing a lot of positive things about this one. Let's see how it goes🤞
Profile Image for Charity (Booktrovert Reader).
664 reviews476 followers
April 23, 2024
"Spark of the Everflame" by Penn Cole, literally pulled me out of a book slump and on into another one. It was that good. Everything that other readers were saying about this book is 100% accurate. 

Want a review with spoilers? Check out this blog review: [Spark of the Everflame by Penn Cole]

This book reminded me of my first love, Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. So if you like that series, you will certainly love the vibes of this one.

Spark of the Everflame is a spellbinding journey into a world where ancient secrets and powerful destinies collide. From the moment I delved into the pages of this captivating fantasy romance, I was enraptured by its intricate plot, rich world-building, and compelling characters.

The story follows Diem Bellator, a young woman yearning for answers about her missing mother and as she was searching, she was discovering some truths about herself. As old secrets unravel and newfound powers emerge, Diem finds herself thrust into a world of Descended royalty, political intrigue, and forbidden love. Diem's journey is not just about unraveling the mysteries of her past but also finding her place in a world torn apart by war and ambition.

Penn Cole's writing is nothing short of enchanting, weaving a tapestry of magic, and complex relationships that kept me turning pages late into the night. The slow burn romance between Diem and the heir to the throne adds a layer of tension and longing that will resonate with fans of epic fantasy and enemies-to-lovers tropes.

If you're a fan of immersive fantasy worlds, strong heroines, and epic romance, "Spark of the Everflame" is a must-read that will leave you eagerly anticipating the next installment in this captivating saga. Penn Cole has crafted a gem of a novel that sparks the imagination and kindles the flames of excitement for what's to come. Highly recommended for lovers of magic, dragons, and epic adventures!

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Profile Image for aeryn rose.
122 reviews452 followers
March 17, 2024
4.5⭐️ (rounded up)

For anyone who has every been told their spark shouldn't burn so bright
and for all the people who loved them precisely because it did.


Diem Bellator yearns to escape her mortal world that has been colonized by the gods and ruled over my the Descended, their offspring. After her mother's disappearance (and a dangerous, secret discovery about her past), Diem is offered the opportunity to enter the dark work of Descended royalty and uncover the truth behind her mothers disappearance. Now that the King is dying, Luther, his son, is watching her every move, and Diem must unravel the world of magic, politics, and love before war ensues.


The Plot: I absolutely DEVOURED this book and its plot. The entire thing was just written to perfection. I loved the politics and the world building. There was always something going on but it never felt crowded enough to the point where it got jumbled! There were twists and turns and everything in between and I just ate it up. Ate it all up. The politics played a major part in this book, as well as the magic system. I think it was written and explained so well!! The only thing I'd say would be that sometimes it got confusing with the amount of subplots and trying to keep up with them. This book has left me speechless. The ending of this book??? MY JAW WAS ON THE DAMN FLOOR. I was NOT expecting the ending and I just know I'm going to love the rest of this series. This first book set up such a good standard for the rest of the series that I hope keeps up!!

The Characters: Diem was one of the strongest FMC's I've read this year. I loved her. So. Much!!! SO MUCH!! She was so witty and sarcastic and has such a badass attitude. It's Diem's world and we're all just living in it. I really do not like Henri. I could not get into his affection and love for Diem from the very beginning I don't know why I just couldn't. As the book went on, my feelings were justified. Henri can kiss my ass. Now let's talk about Luther. Luther and Diem? I am ROOTING. If they don't end up together I'm gonna riot I loved them so much. Their personalities just fit so well together and the chemistry??? Off the charts. I was eating up their tension with a knife and a fork.

Overall, I can already tell this series is going to have a special place in my heart. I'm a little intimidated by the amount of pages in the next books but at this point I don't even care I will eat up every last bit of it. This is an adult slow-burn romantasy that I recommend everyone give a try at some point!!! Loved Loved Loved. 🩷


"That's what family is all about. Standing by each others side, even when you make the worst mistakes."

But I was made of swinging fists and rash words, my edges too jagged and my temper too hot. Nothing about me was delicate.

I knew I should be more worried, perhaps try to convince him away from an activity that could so easily get him killed, but it kindled a hearth in my heart to see him full of joy again. Maybe he needed a purpose as much as I did.

"Don't choose a mediocre life for a mediocre man. Go be exceptional. If he's worth it, he won't judge you. And if he's really the one, he'll come along for the ride."

"You're mortal, remember? Your body is too fragile."
"First of all, if you ever call me fragile again, I'll slice your precious royal balls off and shove them down your throat."

"You think I fear my own death? Every day I draw breath is as much a curse as a gift. I've been living on borrowed time for longer than you can imagine. If you're the way my fate finally catches up to me, I can't fathom a more beautiful end."


Influenced by one of my fav booktubers to read this so I have such high hopes for this!!! 💛✨
Profile Image for ♥︎ Heather ⚔ .
620 reviews1,122 followers
May 23, 2024
From about 30% forward I started disliking this book more and more.

Edit to change rating from 2 Stars to 3 Stars

The story is set in a mortal world colonized by gods and ruled over by descended.

Diem is our FMC and is a trainee/assistant healer to her mother who is the chief healer for the kingdom- mortal and descended. One day after eavesdropping on a questionable mysterious conversation that her mother is having with one of the descended and after her own run in with a shady woman with magical powers who knows everything about Diem (things no one else knows) her mother disappears. This opens the opportunity for Diem to become chief healer and basically be the doctor on call for the descended and giving her access to the palace. When she shows up to an emergency call at the palace one day, she heals the princess - it seems as though she did it with some kind of magic but brushes it off saying it was the princess’s healing properties (even though for her age she doesn’t have powerful enough healing abilities to heal from a lethal wound) okay, now I’m interested right?

All of the descendants have light eyes, all mortals have brown. Diem was born with auburn hair and brown eyes, but at a young age that faded away and she now has white hair and grey eyes which is questionable- is she a descendant? Is she a half mortal half descendant?

Lemme go back to that shady woman conversation- basically Diem has been taking this powder for almost her whole life, when she first lost her hair color and eye color she had what she described to be hallucinations and with this powder she took it made them go away- the shady witch like woman told her to stop taking it, and of course she does.

From this point forward I really start to get frustrated and annoyed. Without the powder there’s this inner voice that keeps yelling at Diem to fight, and destroy. Not just the mortals and not just the descendants- literally anyone that she disagrees with- like to the point she wants to shred them apart and literally destroy them. Friends and family 🤷🏻‍♀️ doesn’t matter.

As the story moves along, I find Diem to be so erratic, irrational, and hypocritical.
She decides to be a spy for the “guardians” (a group working against the royals) yet she’s the total opposite of a spy. Drawing every attention in the world to her and not being remotely stealthy. She flip flops on her loyalty all the while this inner voice keeps yelling at her to fight and destroy literally everyone that NGL it gave me mf anxiety! Like she was possessed or something.

These descendants are portrayed to be so evil and so powerful that they can wipe out a mortals life with the snap of a finger and yet Diem is blatantly defiant and crossing the line with no strategy, knowledge or regard for her life or her brothers life that is tied up in this agreement to be the doctor on call for the royals. Is she a feisty, stabby FMC? Sure, but without any concern for herself or her family. Look, I get plot armor but this was too much for me to believe.

With the king deathly ill the crown is to be passed down to the next most powerful descendant. It’s not a choice of the kingdom but is passed on by magic- we think we know who that’s going to be but do we really?

This book is getting high praise but the pacing was off for me in the middle of the book and all this back and forth with the FMC as far as loyalty really just bothered me. I get she’s young and is learning etc but she makes all these big bold moves based on nothing more than a pissed off teenager in my opinion. I found myself not really liking her or almost anyone around mid story. I do really like Lily the Princess, the FMC brother Teller and the mysterious Prince Luther.

I feel like there’s a lot to work with here, it didn’t really come together for me personally, I found the FMC to be really grating and not fleshed out very well, I may read book 2 which is out this week just to see if that happens..
Profile Image for Kerry.
121 reviews57 followers
January 3, 2024
This is without a doubt in my top 5 books from 2023- might even be in the top 5 of all time. From the very first page I was hooked and dove head first into the world spun up by Penn Cole. I can safely say this is the only book that has ever made me audibly laugh out loud while I was reading. It felt like I was a fly on the wall following around the FMC Diem Bellator - I felt her conflict, felt involved in her decisions, and even cringed a few times when she did something silly/out of line/down right embarrassing. (lol) I was never able to predict what was happening next which made me all the more invested in the story. I cant even count how many times I would finish a chapter, close my kindle, and say "Gosh, this is such a good book" or telling my partner "This book is so good!!!!" to which his response was and I quote "woman control yourself!" I will be recommending this book to anyone who will listen and be patiently waiting for the next in the series!
Profile Image for Lindsey♡  (Semi-Hiatus).
99 reviews38 followers
May 13, 2024
After seeing a few of my GR girlies rave about this series, I knew it was time to give it a try. I can sit here and say I was NOT disappointed at all. I honestly feel like over the past few weeks I have been in a slump and this got me out of that. Not only did I sit down and binge read this but I DEVOURED it! The author's writing was so easy to read. I will say the only reason I gave it 4⭐s was because about 40%-80% the pace did slow down signficantly. However, I feel that was the author setting up for the next books. I can not wait to continue the next one as soon as I am done with this review!

Plot: AHHHH I LOVE OUR FMC DIEM!!! Diem lives in a mortal world that was colonized by the gods and ruled over by their offspring, the Descended. One night Diem overhears her mother speaking to a man, where she learns a secret about her mother's past, and then her mother disappears. The King is dying, and Diem keeps crossing paths with the brooding/grumpy prince Luther. Diem soon realizes prince Luther is the same man that was with her mother the last night she was seen and might have some answers she has been searching for. Diem battles with honoring her mother's wishes, being a healer and taking care of her brother, and helping her best friend while fighting the call to "fight" inside of her. Diem will have to learn the rules of politics, power, and love to save her family and potentially all of mankind.

Favorite Quotes:
"For anyone who has ever been told their spark shouldn’t burn so bright and for all the people who loved them precisely because it did."

"It was a creature of its own, this thing inside of me. It was a lit match that eternally wavered above the pile of kindling that was my shredded soul, a drumbeat that called my temper to arms at every provocation.

"I’d always been a spitfire, and proud of it. An unbreakable spirit in a world that wanted me to be quiet, small, subservient. But no longer was that spark manifesting in courage or innocent mischief. Now, it had become something destructive. Something deadly.

“I am not afraid, Devourer of Crowns. Ravager of Realms. Herald of Vengeance.”

“Every day I draw breath is as much a curse as a gift. I’ve been living on borrowed time for longer than you can imagine. If you’re the way my fate finally catches up to me, I can’t fathom a more beautiful end.”

I am so happy that my GR girlies convinced me to read this with their wonderful and stunning reviews. Book two here i come!!!💕💕💕
Profile Image for BookishByTammi.
225 reviews1,770 followers
June 23, 2024
4.5⭐️rounded up
I had a fabulous time reading this!
Demi gods, magic, rebellion, shadow daddy, SLOW burn romance!
The ending had my mouth on the FLOOR!
Jumping into book 2 straight away.
Profile Image for Sam.
436 reviews60 followers
September 13, 2023
this was not good.

it had a really solid premise and stylistically I enjoyed it. butttttt.... the characters and the way that their relationships with each other developed/functioned was so unrealistic and clunky that it totally took me out of the story. diem is unbearable in the way that she acts with luther, calling him names, refusing to use his title, demeaning him in front of his guards and people- it was ridiculous. especially since he's supposed to be somewhat of a fearsome character and diem is supposedly this smart warrior woman, so these actions felt jarring and dumb. things go pretty much the same with diem and luthers relationship, it goes from 0 to 100 to 0 so fast and with no real development to support these relationship changes it felt entirely contrived. it was all too much to stomach.

such a waste of potential :(
Profile Image for Céloise.
246 reviews113 followers
May 29, 2024
DNF 48% I'm just too frustrated with Diem's willful ignorance / lack of logic to keep going, especially since this ends on a cliffhanger and we only have her single 1st person POV. I liked her spunk and courage from the jump, but couldn't understand how she failed to pick up on all the obvious clues regarding the Big Questions. A lot of her decisions just don't make sense to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️

For example, Diem's devastated about her mother's disappearance but doesn't demand answers from the person who apparently saw her last--even though she argues with him about everything else each time she sees him? AND everyone knows who her mother was healing at the palace and who the royal family is--except for Diem, even though she was her mother's apprentice? Yeah...sorry, can't do it. Plot devices inserted just to draw things out illogically make me sleepy. 🫠

BR with my girl Elle Jae 😎 Let’s do this! 🔥🙌❤️‍🔥
Profile Image for booknuts_.
804 reviews1,737 followers
April 28, 2024
To all those who got me to read this book, I thank you!!! I AM LOVING IT!!!

Already on book 2 and I am eating it up!!!

Sassy strong female character, YESSSS! dark brooding misunderstood male character, YESSSS! mystery and stunning gripping story had me immediately reach for book 2 YESSSSS!!!!

This book was so fun!

Sexual Content: mild/moderate
Spice-O-Meter: 1.5 chili peppers
Violence: moderate
Drugs/Alcohol: mild
Language: moderate/heavy
LGBTQ: yes
Profile Image for cha ☾.
177 reviews33 followers
May 16, 2024
-ˋˏ 4 stars

WHAT THE HELLLL?? this was so good!! I went into this not expecting much, but that ending???? CHILLLLS

I'm gonna be honest the book didn't do it for me until around the 77% mark. I KNOW!! But please trust me it's so worth it to get to the last 30%. It's not that the first half was bad, I just wasn't vibing with the story-building that much, because it was too obvious when I was being fed important information (like the way some of those convos were written isn't flawless), and it took me out of my immersion a bit. And Diem, the fmc, was so hard to follow. It was a bit hard to like her. She did and said some dumb lame shit that made me roll my eyes, but then she would make up for it by saying or doing something badass. So it was a push and pull with her, and for a bit there I didn't know if I was gonna stick around. It was getting irritating being in her head with how dumb she was lol

But she was so cool nearing the end of the book, and I hope she stays that away or gets even better. I'm relieved to know that at least she has it in her to be awesome. I hope she never loses that throughout the series, I would love another bad bitch heroine.

And Luther, my man, thank you for giving me the pining plot I deserve. He's your typical broody dark mmc but I'm not complaining. I think there's more to him, we just don't get to see it in this book. So excited to see where his story goes.

Anyways, I'm so glad I found this series. The feelings I had reading this book were almost the same as when I was reading ToG. The story is nothing like it but the vibes are similar, at least for me. I hope the rest of the series don't disappoint. I NEED THE NEXT BOOK ASAP
Profile Image for Pia.
258 reviews103 followers
May 20, 2023
Rating: 4.5✨
Spice: .5🌶

First off, I would like to thank the author for the eARC opportunity. Like always, this review will be voluntary & honest.

WOW. Okay so I had theories on certain characters & things that would happen but OH MY GOODNESS. The way this plot unfolded, the revelations, the ENDING! Penn Cole wrote this story beautifully & I'm so excited that it is just the beginning! And don't let the low spice rating fool you because the TENSION, the banter! Both made this such a delicious read, I don't know a better word to describe the giggling & giddy mess it made me at times.

Diem, such a Queen. She did grow up in a sheltered type of environment so sometimes you may feel like her thoughts & decisions make you wanna scream, but I'm 100% rooting for her. Her desire to help others, her kindness, her inner warrior that wants to FIGHT. I see some amazing growth & development for her in the future books & I cannot wait to go on this ride with her. She's also incredibly relatable because who isn't easily irritable at times & prefers to eat & nap the whole day away? But she's also passionate & has so many emotions that make her conflicted at times which makes her seem so REAL.

Luther, I'm a goner for him. I am team Luther. Luther is on my book boyfriend list already & we haven't even FULLY gotten to meet him. We've seen glimpses of different sides of him but I adore them all already. He is intimidating, a formidable force & yet he is also caring & just. He is protective in the most amazing of ways that will leave you feeling all tingly inside. You can tell that he deep down wants to show those he cares for who he is besides the Heir to the Throne. Who Luther is besides Prince Luther.

Truly enjoyed it from beginning to end. This book is a must read! 🧡
Profile Image for Bailey Mcknight.
Author 2 books2,843 followers
May 27, 2024
I loved this book! I was GLUED to the pages the entire time wondering what was going to happen next. Diem’s journey in this book of discovering her powers, her love, her life, etc felt so realistic and captured me. To be honest, I haven’t felt this attached to a storyline since I read Fourth Wing, which makes me extremely excited to pick up the next book. 5/5 stars!!
Profile Image for Josie Bullard.
108 reviews696 followers
July 8, 2024
5⭐️ OMGGGGG I was not expecting this book to be SO good. Definitely feels like this has the makings of becoming a favorite series of mine. This book has awoken feelings inside me that I don’t think I’ve felt since reading ACOTAR & Throne of Glass. Really curious to see if the rest of the series continues down that same path. Can’t wait 😍
Profile Image for Bella P (semi-hiatus).
149 reviews61 followers
April 30, 2024
"You think I fear my own death?" he whispered in my ear. "Every day I draw breath is as much a curse as a gift. I've been living on borrowed time for longer than you can imagine. If you're the way my fate finally catches up to me, I can't fathom a beautiful end."

NOI I swear you knew it ended that way and didn't warn me. If you didn't live halfway across the world I'd strangle you. Also that ending I'm dead.
Please read this book...

"Let me die with the taste of you on my lips."

Forbidden Romance
Slow burn
Enemies to Lover
Badass Fmc
Annoying childhood best friend (I'm joking not really I see you Henri)

"Don’t choose a mediocre life for a mediocre man. Go be exceptional. If he’s worth it, he won’t judge you. And if he’s really the one, he’ll come along for the ride.”

”For anyone who has ever been told their spark shouldn’t burn so bright and for all the people who loved them precisely because it did.”

This sounds so good Noi I’m trusting you with this one 💗🤗🫂
Profile Image for Clarice.
349 reviews91 followers
April 23, 2024
2 frustrating stars, because the fmc drove me nuts.

Diem is the embodiment of all my most hated ya/na romantasy troupes. She’s reckless and doesn’t care how her actions impact others, and doesn’t learn from her actions. She thinks she’s a badass and feisty and brave, but she’s really just selfish and stupid. She makes random sexist comments to men, a troupe I hate when authors use to make their fmcs appear “tough”. Making your fmc take on the qualities of douchey 80s action hero’s doesn’t make your fmc seem tough, just sexist and dumb as hell. I get that she’s most likely a Descended from Fortos, so “fighting” is in her nature, but man it still makes her look reckless and crazy and dumb. Hurting her friends and loved ones just bc she’s about to hulk out was not a look.

Don’t even get me started on the love triangle. Think Peta and Gale from the Hunger Games, but 1000x worse.

Also in a world where people have to grow up fast, Diem acts like she’s a 12 year old girl in Sephora who’s mom won’t get her the $100 eye cream that she saw on instagram.

The ending of this book made me want to throw my phone across the room. Her quitting being a healer just bc she doesn’t want to do it anymore, even though it was one of the main sources of income for her family? And she got all pouty when her dad asked her to chip in? Like bro there’s a war on and you don’t want to do your job bc you don’t “feel like it anymore”? I wish I could do that with my job lmao and I live in the fricken suburbs.

The lack of character development for Diem drove me nuts she never learned from her mistakes and only got more selfish.

Also the LGBTQ+ rep was terrible in this book. I usually don��t like to go after authors on that, but I’m really tired of people using the community or examples of people in the community as a way of selling their books and making themselves seem inclusive. Can we get books where the random “Aunt” or side character isn’t just there to show that the main character is down with the LGBTQ+ community. Like can these characters play a role in the plot and not just be there to be the main characters set pieces or character armor.If your going to represent the community can you do it well and not make it seem like your hetero characters are there just to use them as props.

I’m going to read the next book as I hear the pacing and characters get a bit better. But it might be awhile before I try it.
Profile Image for Sarah (silvy).
334 reviews92 followers
July 18, 2023
add this to your TBR right now.

this is the perfect KU romantasy — it has enemies-to-what-i-hope-will-be-lovers, rebel groups, hidden identities, LAYERS of mysteries, and a cute gryphon/wyvern combo named sorae who i’m sorae-ly hoping becomes a staple in the next few books. i’m such a sucker for animal sidekicks. and bad puns, ok???

spark of the everflame centers on diem, a healer with a feisty spirit in a world where mortals are second-class citizens to the ‘descended’ — a race of people born into bloodlines tying back to the kindred, who were gods that came into their world and reshaped the religious, social, and political aspects to fit them. they interbred with mortals, and thus birthed a hybrid race of people who are strong, blue-eyed (at least in lumnos, where our story takes place!), and often entitled. and royalty, of course.

this book tackles a lot of social politics from the lens of justice, and what that justice looks like to a healer torn between her vow to heal all and harm none, and the incandescent rage at how mortals are neglected and often killed by the descended in power.

when i tell you i couldn’t put this down. i think i finished it in a day. it has ROMANCE (and a burgeoning love triangle that is obviously leaning one way, my favorite thing), it has exciting WORLDBUILDING (every realm has a thing it’s known for), it has plot twists, mysteries, and a scene where the enemy pats her down for weapons. one of my favorite tropes. the TENSION. *swoon.*

my only struggle with this one is that diem gives me anxiety, LMFAO. with her recklessness and instinct to jump headfirst into whatever whim strikes her without PLANNING. i spent the entire book sweating and panicking and begging her to STOP AND THINK CRITICALLY instead of running full-speed into trouble at every opportunity. i love her, but i need her to not just run willy-nilly through the palace and expect her schemes to work. it’s giving aries-leo-sagittarius triple threat and i need her to find an earth sign bestie to talk some sense into her ASAP.

this was so, so much fun, and i’m so glad i can slide directly into the sequel today because THAT ENDING has me feral to learn what’s next.
Profile Image for Surajat Debbie.
146 reviews43 followers
February 24, 2024
Im happy i read this! This was another interesting read involving politics, disparities between classes and old gods. It’s centred around Diem who I really think is the perfect character; she’s witty, passionate and the right amount of reckless hahaha.
The slow pacing of the story is something I really enjoyed which is shocking because I’m normally impatient. But book one literally just introduced key characters and relationships - it left A LOT of unanswered questions and I don’t even think we got that much interaction between the FMC and MMC but that worked well (apart from the fact we didn’t really get an “enemies to lovers” story. It was more, a “learning to trust him from a distance” story if that’s a thing 😂).

I think I love Luther already. He’s written well and not in a cringey way. Sometimes it’s so hard to get the whole Dark, grumpy thing right. But Luther was smooth and funny. It probably helped this was written in Diem’s POV so we didn’t get any long “I’m a bad guy who can’t love” dialogue from him that we tend to see from other books.

This could have been a 5⭐️ but it lost a star because of the way Diem handled Prince Luther when it came to her mother. For me, a big part of the story line is the missing mother. Apparently Diem is meant to be focused on finding her and even spent months investigating but you FINALLY meet the Decended she was last seen with and you do….nothing? She was so reckless all the time but made no real attempt to ask where her mother was until it was too late. She didn’t push AT ALL. At one point he literally tells her “don’t be like your mother” or something like that. Literally tells her he had some involvement with her but she doesn’t even bring it up? The same girl who fights palace guards every time she’s there? Just didn’t make sense to me and was the only frustrating thing I couldn’t seem to get over lol.

Stars of the whole read were poor Maura, who was constantly stressing 😂😭 and Teller, who just wanted to be with a girl in his class 🥺
Profile Image for Emmy Rosam.
93 reviews1,887 followers
May 31, 2024
4.25 ⭐️ This is a sloooooow burn book. Fantasy world building, politics and plot heavy with a subplot of slow burn romance. I love this story it’s so interesting and was left with a massive cliffhanger ending so you want to keep reading on to see how the story will develop. I can’t wait to keep reading on!
Profile Image for ReneeReads.
661 reviews45 followers
April 7, 2024
I went into this book with low expectations but I actually really liked it. Only 4 stars because it was a bit predictable but looking forward to reading the next in the series. Also? I need more Luther. 😁
Profile Image for Tuba Özkat.
Author 60 books176 followers
November 11, 2023
Kitabı birkaç aydır bekletiyordum, gördüğüm ve konusunu okuduğumda bana hitap ettiğini anladım ve seri olduğu için de rahat bir dönemimde okumak istedim. Bayıldım! Gerçekten çok severek okudum.
Adult fantasy-romance olarak geçiyor ama yetişkin içerikler, hani erotizm yönünden değil de kan, revan, acı ve ölümler ile ilgili diye düşünüyorum. Çünkü çooook slow-burn. Yani ağır ağır işliyor ilişkileri. Neyse önce kısa bir özet geçelim.
Tanrılar kıtayı dokuza bölüyor ve her krallıkta da Descended (yani tanrıların soyundan gelenler, Türemişler?) olanlar var. Bu dokuz krallıktaki her descended’in bölgesine göre gözleri farklı renklerde. Fanilerin gözleri kahverengi (boo) ve fakirler, hor görülüyorlar, aralarında u��urumlar var. Kızımız Diem Bellator, Işık ve Gölge krallığında, bir şifacı olarak hayatını sürdürüyor. Annesi de bir şifacı ve şifa merkezinde çalışıyorlar. Babası eski bir asker, bir de erkek kardeşi var, Henri diye de erkek arkadaşı var.
Bir gün, Diem’in annesi ortadan kayboluyor ve Diem onu en son bir ara sokakta, bir descended’la konuşurken görüyor. Yüzünde yara izi olan bir adamla. Annesi Diem’in saraya yaklaşmasına hiç izin vermiyor. Diem küçükken bir hastalık geçirmiş ve gözleri gri, saçları da bembeyaz. O yüzden de arada ona sen descended mısın diyorlar.
Neyse o olaydan sonra annesi ortadan kayboluyor ve kızımız bir yandan yaralı yüzlü bu yabancıyı ararken bir yandan da şifa merkezindeki işine devam ediyor. Bir gün sarayda bir kaza oluyor ve çocuk yarı tanrılar henüz kendilerini iyileştiremediği için şifa merkezinden kişileri çağırıyorlar ve kızımız Diem ilk defa saraya gitmek zorunda kalıyor.
Oradan sonrası olayların akışı başlıyor.
Bir de sarayda bir prensimiz var… Luther… Hasta kralın yeğeni ve varisi.
Yazar dünyayı çok güzel kurmuş. Kitabın ilk yarısı nefis. Karakterlerin, o yaşadıkları dünyanın ve evrenin anlatılışı çok güzel, çok hoşuma gitti. Kesinlikle her bir kısmı kafamda canlandı. Slow burn derken şaka yapmıyorum, bazen ana karakterleri yan yana uzun süre görmüyoruz bile ama yine de o araları okurken sıkılmıyorsunuz.
Sadece bir yerden sonra kızın iki ile ikiyi toplayamaması sinirimi bozdu çünkü karakter cidden çok zeki, çok becerikli, esprili, hafif çatal dilli :) Karakterin gelişmesini izlemek çok güzeldi. Bir anda olup bitmedi. O yavaş yavaş oluşunu izlemek çok iyiydi.
Erkek karakter… nefis. Cidden nefis ama yani :D Ona dokunursan ölürsün kısmına geldiğinde yeme de yanında yat :D
Bence bir çıkış romanı için çok iyi, hemen diğer kitaba geçmek istiyorum :)

Dikenler ve Küller Sarayı, Kan ve Külden, Yılan ve Güvercin, Cam Şato, Zalim Prens ve Ateşin Vaadi kitaplarını sevenlerin bunu da seveceğini düşünüyorum.

*Slow burn
*touch her and die
*I hate you to lovers
*dark man with a scar and a secret
*Gizem ve saray olayları
*Yarı tanrılar ve insanlar

Profile Image for Kudakwashe.
253 reviews40 followers
July 14, 2023


It’s finally happened. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I have been “she’s my mate.”-ed to death.


Part of this is I’ve read this book probably (and I’m being honest) 70 times before, I’ve had Luther as a Rhysand, Casteel, Will Herondale, Lukas Grey except the other guys were better. This was unfortunately a whole lot of nothing for me, a whole lot of done before :/
Profile Image for Alieke .
208 reviews15 followers
June 10, 2024
"Lumnos herself couldn't pull me from her side"

Well, Lumnos herself couldn't stop me from immediately starting the second book. See ya in 637 pages 👋.


Reread: that quote is still my fave and this book is honestly just 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Profile Image for V.L. Summers.
Author 1 book43 followers
May 22, 2023
✨ I received a DIGITAL ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review ✨

This story follows the badass, snarky Diem, and the chokehold that both she and this story had on me was... O M G.

When her mother suddenly vanishes, Diem's search for answers forces her out of her poor mortal village and into the dark world of the cruel demigods known as the Descended. Bloodthirsty rebels are recruiting her to join the civil war, but the King’s handsome, mysterious heir is watching her every move. Diem must navigate a dangerous game of love, power, and politics to save her mother—and all of mortalkind.

This story was such a refreshing take on fantasy that I became OBSESSED! I lost sleep trying to find out what happens next for Diem.

If you love found family, slow-burn I-despise-you-to lovers romance, sassy characters, SUPPORTER OF WOMEN'S RIGHTS, and magic then this is the story for you!

I am dying for more from Penn Cole and can't wait to get my hands on a PHYSICAL copy of this book!
Profile Image for Mandy.
297 reviews586 followers
May 21, 2023
I devoured this book in one day. Was it the best book I ever read? No. But it made me want to keep reading, as it was written in a way like made it easy to consume. There were some times I found it a tad boring and just wanted the plot to move further. I found it a bit predictable ,and some things didn’t quite make sense/and annoyed me due to personal preferences. (One example is the “friend”, and also 14 being considered an adult?? Please no. 14 is still a child) Hoping the next books really make this series stand out and make it feel more unique. I think a lot of people will find this enjoyable. I’m disappointed that it was kind of a miss for me. But also my fault, as I’m not really reading books where the FMC is under 25 anymore as I find then immature and too young for me.
Profile Image for nikki ༗.
481 reviews131 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
March 7, 2024
dnf @ 14%

i'm going to put this down for now, i was not drawn in by the writing, though i'm a bit intrigued by the world.
i will probably try to give it another go again later, but i'm going to prioritize other books in the meantime.
Profile Image for Anila Giang.
330 reviews37 followers
June 24, 2024
Rating: 3.5⭐️

I haven’t been able to get back into fantasy books for some time now. It is probably why I have been reading so many romance books lately. However, SOTE has been on my radar for a while and with the final book being released soon I thought it would be the perfect time to start it.

I’m not quite sure how I feel about Diem. She is basically a Mary Sue type lead who can do no wrong and I’m not particularly a fan of those type of FMCs. She also got on my nerves because I felt like she was not acting rationally at times and was very wishy washy when it came to her loyalties. She honestly got dumber and dumber as the book went on. It was hard to root for her for a majority of the story and hopefully that changes in the sequel.

The romance is very much still a slow-burn. We got way too much of Henri when I just wanted to get to know more about Luther. I’m hoping Diem and Luther get more chances to interact in the next book. I also would love to learn more about Teller and Lily. The little we got was enough to pique my interest. They had such a wholesome energy and I want more of it. And Maura! That woman was my favorite character! She was the only person that was talking sense.

As for the plot, I was surprised by how much I was invested in the story despite the fact that it moved rather slowly. I mean nothing major really happens for most of the book. There is a lot of potential here and I believe the author was setting a lot of things up for future books in the series. I’m going to dive right away into book two and am intrigued to see how the story continues…

Profile Image for Cassidy Chivers.
319 reviews2,722 followers
April 30, 2024
The second half worked more for me then the first half. I really wanted more of the love interest on paper. But intrigued to read the next!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,627 reviews

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