The 60 Most Popular Fantasy Novels of the Past 3 Years

Posted by Sharon on July 5, 2024

Dedicated fantasy readers are a voracious lot. We read like there’s no tomorrow, in part because we have to. Fantasy books have a famous tendency for longish page counts, and any given novel is usually part of a longer series, anyway.
As such, today’s spotlight collection—the most popular fantasy novels on Goodreads from the past three years—may set a record for total pages. We’ve got the supercomputer chewing on the numbers right now, but it’s taking a while.
The collection below features the most popular fantasy titles published between July 2021 and June 2024, as measured by Goodreads members’ ratings and reviews as well as their Read and Want to Read shelves. Each book has an average star rating of 3.5 or higher. To narrow the focus, we’ve excluded YA fantasy and books typically slotted with the romantasy designation. For series with multiple qualifying books in our three-year time span, we included whichever book was most popular overall.
You’ll find plenty of familiar author names below, including genre aces like Leigh Bardugo, Holly Black, N.K. Jemisin, T.J. Klune, and Brandon Sanderson. The nice thing about fantasy, of course, is that you can choose destinations from across the multiverse. Vaishnavi Patel’s Kaikeyi, for instance, features a kingdom based on the Hindu epic the Ramayana. R.F. Kuang’s brilliant Babel features a devastating alternate-history approach to the colonial-era British Empire. And who knows what Stephen King is up to…
Click on the book cover images for more information about each title, and add any interesting leads to your Want to Read shelf. Feel free to continue the discussion in the comments section, but please remember to play nice. Be the comments section you want to see in the world.


How many of these popular fantasy novels have you read? Let's talk books in the comments below!

Comments Showing 1-31 of 31 (31 new)

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message 1: by Jason (new)

Jason Biehl The only one I've read is Fairy Tale by Stephen King it was excellent. Im not really a fantasy fan, I'm more inclined toward thrillers, but I think I will expand my horizons and maybe check out something by Brandon Sanderson he seems to be a fan favorite. Any suggestions for a fantasy -curious reader would be great.

message 2: by James (new)

James Baker Jason wrote: "The only one I've read is Fairy Tale by Stephen King it was excellent. Im not really a fantasy fan, I'm more inclined toward thrillers, but I think I will expand my horizons and maybe check out som..."

I recommend Sanderson's first Mistborn trilogy:
The Final Empire
The Well of Ascension
The Hero of Ages

I read the first one on a whim in December, and grabbed copies of the other two immediately after because I loved it so much.

message 3: by Susan (new)

Susan Jason wrote: "The only one I've read is Fairy Tale by Stephen King it was excellent. Im not really a fantasy fan, I'm more inclined toward thrillers, but I think I will expand my horizons and maybe check out som..."

I also enjoyed Fairy Tale, When Women Were Dragons and Ink, Blood, Sister, Scribe are also excellent reads.

message 4: by Desig (new)

Desig Everdak Good

message 5: by Jeanine (new)

Jeanine I have read 4.

message 6: by Carra (last edited Jul 05, 2024 05:57AM) (new)

Carra 14 + a few on my TBR list.

The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean is one of the weirdest (in a good way) book I have ever read - really enjoyed it. Mark Lawrence's The Book that Wouldn't Burn + The Book that Broke the World, not to mention Gareth Brown's The Book of Doors, are very peculiar too - couldn't put them down! Highly recommended.

message 7: by Bella (new)

Bella Of the seven I've read (plus one DNF),
The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi is my favourite, and I think has the widest appeal. It is so entertaining. I read the first page in a book shop and the MC's sarcasm immediately drew me in, then the world building and plot kept me there. So fun.

message 8: by devynreads (new)

devynreads I’ve read 11 and have 26 others on my TBR list!! If the book featured here is part of a series then I include it as long as I have the first book on my TBR. So many good ones!

message 9: by Lexi (new)

Lexi I've read 5 and another 5 are on my TBR. I'll recommend The Starling House and the Warm Hands of Ghosts to anyone who will listen. Those were incredible magical realism stories that are just chef's kiss!

message 10: by Lia (new)

Lia It's mildly concerning how many books are on my TBR list and how few are already on my read list.
This speaks volumes about my endless TBR pile...

message 11: by Gabi (new)

Gabi I've read 19 of those. The absolute standout for me was "The Spear Cuts Through Water". Poetic perfection if I ever saw one.

message 12: by Thia Reads A Lot (new)

Thia Reads A Lot How can a book from April 2024 be on this list? Really? It's one of the most popular books of the past 3 years? How? Seeing that makes me questions this whole list. Is it just publishers paying for exposure?

message 13: by Claire (new)

Claire Bendtschneider Read 19 of these! Starling House and Ordinary Monsters are all time faves

message 14: by Lisa (new)

Lisa I've read 6, but all were just okay. Maybe I'm becoming less of a fan of this genre. I hope some of these recs in the comments will bring me back in!

message 15: by Elise (new)

Elise Read 6 and have 20 on "want to read."

message 16: by Vikas (new)

Vikas For me just one that I am currently reading and many that I have and are in my TBR list but then there are many that I want to read and will do in time no hurry I seem to be reading the back catalog for my fantasy books. Right on folks, Keep on reading.

message 17: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa I read 22 of these and I have 3 more of them in progress. Seems like I need to read more and stop looking at book lists.

message 18: by Jacquelyn (new)

Jacquelyn Nair I've 29 of them and have on my TBR!

message 19: by Meredith (new)

Meredith Miller I have read 14 of these books. Most of the others I wouldn’t even look at because they are series and due to long standing unhappiness with the second or the third book in the series. I will only read books that are standing alone.

Bridget  (Mom of 2 -MiMi to 1) Jason wrote: "The only one I've read is Fairy Tale by Stephen King it was excellent. Im not really a fantasy fan, I'm more inclined toward thrillers, but I think I will expand my horizons and maybe check out som..."

I've only read 4 of Sanderson's books and enjoyed them. My favorite of the books was Warbreaker. For now, at least at my last check, it's still a stand alone. So, if you want to try his books and don't want to commit to a series, try one of his stand alones first. I'm personally glad I started with Warbreaker because if i had started with Mistborn, I may not have understood what was going on plus, it wasnt a favorite but I did like the next 2 books. But. It may ne different for you. This is only a suggestion of course :-)

message 21: by Bridget (Mom of 2 -MiMi to 1) (last edited Jul 05, 2024 07:02PM) (new)

Bridget  (Mom of 2 -MiMi to 1) Thia Reads A Lot wrote: "How can a book from April 2024 be on this list? Really? It's one of the most popular books of the past 3 years? How? Seeing that makes me questions this whole list. Is it just publishers paying for..."

"The collection below features the most popular fantasy titles published between July 2021 and June 2024, as measured by Goodreads members’ ratings and reviews as well as their Read and Want to Read shelves. Each book has an average star rating of 3.5 or higher"

If you take note of JULY 2021 to JUNE 2024...that's how theyre able to include April. It looks like this was posted July 5th, 2024.

Read the whole part that I included. These are books that folks have read and have on their want to read shelves and have rated on average, a 3.5/5 stars. If you watch booktube or booktok, many of these books are very popular there as well.

message 22: by Len (new)

Len Almost all of these were already on my TBR list and now I've added the rest.

message 23: by James (new)

James Gilbert Definitely lots I want to check out on this list! Fairy Tale, The Familiar are certainly ones I've wanted to check out for a while.

message 24: by Brenda (new)

Brenda Waworga i’ve read 24 books of these 🤩🤭 my top 3 favorites are:
1. The Will Of The Many
2. Jade Legacy
3. Trees Of The Emerald Sea

message 25: by Coffeeshopkitty (new)

Coffeeshopkitty Jason wrote: "The only one I've read is Fairy Tale by Stephen King it was excellent. Im not really a fantasy fan, I'm more inclined toward thrillers, but I think I will expand my horizons and maybe check out som..."

If you liked Fairy Tale, I would definitely recommend The Ninth House and Hellbent by Leigh Bardugo. This series is dark, gritty, and intelligent making the victories of the characters all the more satisfying.

message 26: by Emma (new)

Emma Sadler I haven’t read nearly enough of these!

Booksblabbering || Cait❣️ I’ve read 49 of these!

⋆。°✩☾⋆benita。°✩ Read 2 and have 18 on my tbr✌️

message 29: by Law (new)

Law I plan to read Babel soon. Is it any good? I read The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo and Sword Catcher by Cassandra Clare. Both were disappointing. Can you recommend me a book to read from this list? I stopped supporting T.J. Klune, so don't recommend any books from him.

message 30: by poiboy (new)

poiboy a TON of these books have community scores of 3.5 or lower. no thanks GR! lol

message 31: by Laceygoodbooks (new)

Laceygoodbooks These books are so interesting. I have a Stephen King one have not tried it yet, but I want to.

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