7 New Books Recommended by Readers This Week

Posted by Sharon on October 3, 2023
Need another excuse to treat yourself to a new book this week? We've got you covered with the buzziest new releases of the day, according to early data from your fellow readers.

To create our list, we focused on the books Goodreads members can't wait to read, which we measure by how many times a book has been added to Want to Read shelves. All these top titles are now available in the United States! Which ones catch your eye?

  Best books of the week:

You should read this book if you like: Memoirs, nonfiction, critically acclaimed Jamaican poets, reckoning with Rastafarian patriarchal traditions, gorgeous use of language, Educated

You should read this book if you like: Highly anticipated biographies, well-respected biographers, Sam Bankman-Fried, world-famous cryptocurrency scandals still playing out in the news headlines, The Big Short

You should read this book if you like: Memoirs, autobiographies, nonfiction, the Vietnamese immigrant experience in America, cultural criticism, rigorous emotional honesty, playful wit, The Sympathizer

You should read this book if you like: Contemporary fantasy, Southern gothic horror, creepy old mansions in rural Kentucky, reclusive authors, buried secrets, literal nightmares, The Ten Thousand Doors of January

You should read this book if you like: Thrillers, more Southern gothic horror, faceless killers stalking small Louisiana towns, mysterious carved symbols in the bayou, In My Dreams I Hold a Knife

You should read this book if you like: Literary fiction with elements of magical realism, mystical cacti in the high desert gloom of California, interesting twists on the survival story template, Milk Fed

You should read this book if you like: Horror, short stories, horror short stories, Jordan Peele's movies, spine-chilling tales of the supernatural, scary fiction about real-life injustices

Which new releases are you looking forward to reading? Let's talk books in the comments!

Check out more book coverage here:

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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message 1: by Law (new)

Law All of them look interesting, where do I even get them?

message 2: by Tim (new)

Tim Brindle Josie Silver has a new book out today! "Winter in New York" I believe it's called.

message 3: by MundiNova (new)

MundiNova I started reading Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon the second it was delivered to my kindle and stayed up too late last night!

message 4: by Kathy (new)

Kathy Allard Patrick Stewart's memoir is out today:
Making It So: A Memoir

message 5: by Marianne (new)

Marianne KB Eve (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1...) came out today. The author was interviewed on NPR today. Sounds fascinating. Bought it and can't wait to read it Cat Bohannon

message 6: by Crissy (new)

Crissy So many great books!

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