Fall's Most Anticipated New Horror Novels

Posted by Cybil on August 14, 2023

If you’re in the market for a good horror novel, you should find the rest of 2023 very scary.
This year is proving to be one of the strongest in recent memory for devotees of terrifying tales. We’ve collected here the fall season’s most anticipated upcoming horror titles on Goodreads, according to early reviews, ratings, and members’ Want to Read shelves. The books listed here are set to publish from August to the end of the year, and we’ve separated out the YA horror titles at the bottom.
So much creepy goodness: A grieving daughter encounters a demonic health-and-beauty cult in Mona Awad’s Rouge. A novelist explores a deadly small town in Sam Rebelein’s Edenville. And a young man in the Jim Crow South confronts terrors both earthly and infernal in Tananarive Due’s The Reformatory.
Elsewhere in the near future, author Isabel Cañas rethinks the paranormal Western novel with the buzzy Vampires of El Norte. Oh, and Stephen King is back. Catriona Ward, too.
Click through the book cover images for more information on each title and feel free to add to your own Want to Read shelf.

YA Horror

Looking forward to a new fall horror novel? Let us know all about it in the comments below!

Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)

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Rose-Marie Stoesz really interested in Bill Thompson books, he is my favourite author could you add more of his books please.

message 2: by Gabi (new)

Gabi Strueby Vampires of El Norte!!! I can’t wait to read it!

message 3: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer I'm pretty shocked that Sarah Lyon Fleming's latest book, World Without, isn't listed. Her writing is on par with Stephen King, and I do not say that lightly. I'm an avid reader (although I'm terrible about posting reviews and I really need to work on that) and she has become one of my all time favorite writers. If you are a fan of horror novels, you need to read one of her series. I started with her Until the End of the World series, so it's still my favorite, but all of them are great. You will not be disappointed!!

message 4: by AshLynn (new)

AshLynn Gabi wrote: "Vampires of El Norte!!! I can’t wait to read it!"


message 5: by Pat (new)

Pat Bryan Surely SOME anthologies....?

message 6: by Paige (last edited Aug 15, 2023 06:16PM) (new)

Paige Turner I really can't wait to read Together We Rot, Find Him Where You Left Him Dead, and The Reformatory.
Together We Rot I want to see how they manage to get out of their situation.
Find Him Where You Left Him Dead is such a unique premise, I really want to see the world building and lore.
The Reformatory is one that I really want to see how the mechanics of his power work and how everything will play out.

message 7: by Arzu (new)

Arzu Gokyolcu Gabi wrote: "Vampires of El Norte!!! I can’t wait to read it!"
yeap:))''love bites:))

message 8: by Tris (new)

Tris I'm a simple man.... I see "gothic" as an adjective and I add to my list.

message 9: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Finally ~ Goodreads gives an article I'm excited about :)

message 10: by M. (new)

M. Tris wrote: "I'm a simple man.... I see "gothic" as an adjective and I add to my list."


message 11: by alexa (new)

alexa Mona Awad. Mona Awad. Mona Awad.

SO excited to read Rouge.

message 12: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer T. Soooo many good books coming! I preordered Holly and The Reformatory and might preorder Red Rabbit.

message 13: by Tara Y (new)

Tara Y I'm so very excited looking forward to have awesome wide variety of books ,in this genres I just love the creepiest , the scariest books
I just can't wait to get them . , and to treasure them as well . I'm looking forward Stephen King newest book holly and Silvia Moreno Garcia silver nitrate.

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