Strange Worlds: 60 New and Upcoming Dystopian Novels

Posted by Sharon on April 14, 2023

Dystopian science fiction remains one of the best and busiest subgenres in current speculative fiction. It’s no wonder, really. We live in anxious times. The good news is all that collective worrying tends to generate thoughtful and incisive novels.
Here, we've gathered up the newest dystopian books landing on shelves since last year, including some incoming titles just over the horizon. Fans of thinky, literary sci-fi will find plenty to chew on. Celeste Ng’s Our Missing Hearts, for instance, is less standard sci-fi than prescient cautionary realism. And the upcoming Chain-Gang All-Stars continues a rich literary tradition of smart science fiction as ferocious social critique.
Other high-profile recent releases include Sequoia Nagamatsu’s How High We Go in the Dark, Jessamine Chan’s The School for Good Mothers, and Justin Cronin’s new one, The Ferryman. Oh, and the intriguing Camp Zero!
Check out the list below, add anything interesting to your Want to Read shelf, and feel free to politely register your delight and/or disagreement in the comments section below. Remember our new motto! Be the comments section you wish to see in the world!

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New, Upcoming Dystopian Fiction

Dystopian fiction typically deals with near-future scenarios. In that spirit, here are the near-future dystopian books slated for release later this year. See what we did there?

Have a fantastic dystopia recommendation? Share it with your fellow readers in the comments below! 

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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message 1: by audrey (new)

audrey Shatter Me!!

message 2: by aundrea (new)

aundrea i agree with audrey honestly

message 3: by Kristi (new)

Short and Sweet Reviews by Sam The Obernewtyn Chronicles by Isobelle Carmody

message 5: by Ellen (new)

Ellen I've been reading an ARC for ECW Press called "A Tidy Armegeddon". A very different view of the end of the world. I supposed it might be better categorized as Sci Fi, but it does take a hard look at what was .... and what could be....

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