6 Great Books Hitting Shelves This Week

Posted by Cybil on April 6, 2021
Need another excuse to treat yourself to a new book this week? We've got you covered with the buzziest new releases of the day.

To create our list, we focused on the books Goodreads members can't wait to read, which we measure by how many times a book has been added to Want to Read shelves. All these top titles are now available in the United States! Which ones catch your eye?

You should read this book if you like: Nonfiction, World War II history, rigorous investigative research, true stories, amazingly courageous women, outsmarting stupid Nazis

You should read this book if you like: Autobiography and memoir, humor, mental health issues, autobiographical and humorous takes on mental health issues, very funny writers

You should read this book if you like: Science fiction, ecological themes, weird fiction, fantastically inventive and always surprising writers, top-notch speculative fiction, Annihilation

You should read this book if you like: Literary fiction, debut novels, magical realism, secrets, betrayal, intrigue, Harlem history, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Jacqueline Woodson

You should read this book if you like: Thrillers, mysteries, scary abduction stories, dangerous places, explosive confrontations, chilling truths, psychological suspense, Never Have I Ever

You should read this book if you like: Science fiction, short stories, acclaimed South Korean writers, cosmic paradoxes, philosophical dilemmas, challenging conceptual speculative fiction

Which new releases are you looking forward to reading? Let's talk books in the comments!

Check out more recent articles, including:
Goodreads Members' Most Anticipated Books of April
April's Most Anticipated Romances
April's Most Anticipated YA Books

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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message 1: by Rose (new)

Rose Bennett I'm most excited for Titan Song by Dan Stout. I did a buddy read with my teen for the first one and now I'm totally hooked!

message 2: by TMR (new)

TMR So excited for like all of them.

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

Mother, May I looks good.

message 4: by M. (new)

M. Caul Baby looks good, and Mother May I?

message 5: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Hardy I like the look of Broken (In The Best Possible Way).

message 6: by Jamie (last edited Apr 11, 2021 11:28PM) (new)

Jamie McNeely I have little experience reading literature from South Korea. I am excited to read the short stories of Kim Bo-young.

message 7: by Margaux (new)

Margaux B Jamie wrote: "I have little experience reading literature from South Korea. I am excited to read the short stories of Kim Bo-young."

May I suggest also reading another recent book about SK - If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha.

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