New Christmas thriller release!

I'm so excited to announce that I wrote a new Christmas thriller novelette called The Gift!

What's a novelette, you ask? Great question, because literally nobody has heard of it. It's longer than a short story, but it's not quite as long as a novella. It's six chapters (plus a shocking epilogue) of total thrills and fun!

I'd be thrilled and honored if you'd check out my little novelette, which is available from Amazon both in ebook form (also in Kindle Unlimited) and paperback!

The Gift:

Happy holidays and happy reading!

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Published on December 07, 2022 10:55 Tags: christmas-thriller, holiday-thriller, psychological-thriller
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message 1: by Regina Drake (new)

Regina Drake I already ordered The Gift. It is next in line when I finish my current read.

message 2: by RumBird (new)

RumBird Just finished my first book of yours, The Housemaid which was unputdownable and was sitting here wondering what to read next so thanks for this suggestion. All downloaded and ready for later - it will also be my first Christmas novelette read. Merry Xmas to you!

message 3: by xoxo_alba (new)

xoxo_alba Already ordered! Happy Holidays to you and your family.

message 4: by Kristin (new)

Kristin Haggerty I have read a lot of your books since august but I’ll be sure to check out this one after I finish “one by one”

message 5: by Michael (new)

message 6: by Layla (new)

Layla Markwell I read it, and wow! I did not expect that I love your writing. Please never stop!

message 7: by Mary (new)

Mary Anderson I thoroughly enjoyed The Gift...and all the other 8 books of yours I've read so far. Since this one was so short, I didn't stay up until all hours finishing it like I have your other books. I have enjoyed everything I've read of yours and have ordered those I haven't yet read. Please keep up the good work!

message 8: by Merri (new)

Merri O My only complaint was that this was too short! I read it twice and absolutely loved it & all of your books! Can't wait til the 29th to finally read the latest! :)

message 9: by Emese (new)

Emese could you please write something for the winter season again? :)
Never Lie had such a nice winter vibe as well. Love from Germany!

message 10: by Merri (new)

Merri O Agreed!!!

message 11: by Jennie (new)

Jennie I’m going to start reading it now! I just finished “Never Lie” last night. I enjoy all of your books, so much!

message 12: by Lois Frasure (new)

Lois Frasure I think I have read all your books to date. Love your writing. Entertaining.

message 13: by Merri (new)

Merri O Will there be a novel of yours released between Feb & June?😄

message 14: by Merri (new)

Merri O I'm already excited for the 2 being released in those months!🖤

message 15: by Chloe (new)

Chloe OMG this is so exciting! I always wanted to read a Christmas book for Christmas season, now it gets better! <3

message 16: by MJ Ritzel (new)

MJ Ritzel I just picked up reading after a 10 year hiatus, your books are amazing!!!

message 17: by STEFANIA (new)

STEFANIA MAIORINO MJ Ritzel wrote: "I just picked up reading after a 10 year hiatus, your books are amazing!!!"
i miei? quelli che ho letto? per me si lo sono. :)

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