Jennifer Lyn Parsons

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Jennifer Lyn Parsons

Goodreads Author

in The United States
September 25, 1975





Member Since
August 2010


A software engineer by trade, Jennifer Lyn Parsons is a life-long lover of story with a capital S. Her work has been seen in various magazines and she has published three books, with quite a few more in her back pocket. She counts Jim Jarmusch and Laura Ingalls Wilder as two of her biggest influences. Make of that what you will.

When not writing either code or fiction, she reads books and comics, and sometimes makes things out of wool or paper. She finds joy in making things, be they digital or analog.

Average rating: 4.26 · 152 ratings · 31 reviews · 63 distinct worksSimilar authors
Luna Station Quarterly: Iss...

4.50 avg rating — 12 ratings
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Luna Station Quarterly: Iss...

really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 9 ratings — published 2012
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Luna Station Quarterly: Iss...

4.38 avg rating — 8 ratings
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Luna Station Quarterly: Iss...

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 6 ratings
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The Best of Luna Station Qu...

4.17 avg rating — 6 ratings — published 2015 — 2 editions
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Luna Station Quarterly Issu...

4.17 avg rating — 6 ratings
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Take On Me

really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 6 ratings2 editions
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Luna Station Quarterly: Iss...

4.80 avg rating — 5 ratings2 editions
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Luna Station Quarterly: Iss...

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 4 ratings
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Luna Station Quarterly #25

3.40 avg rating — 5 ratings — published 2016 — 2 editions
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Take On Me has been my journey. Now it’s your turn to take the next step…

I had originally set out to write a novel about gay werewolves in NYC. I had even written 50,000 words of a first draft during NaNoWriMo years ago. Then I put the book down and basically forgot about it, moving forward with other books while I left that one to marinate.

A couple years later the best cat ever died and I had to learn to be an adult without him. I was struggling and needed some way to

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Published on February 13, 2020 22:06
Leaves of Grass: ...
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An Elegant Puzzle...
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Jennifer Parsons is now friends with Rine Karr
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Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
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Multipliers by Liz Wiseman
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An Elegant Puzzle by Will Larson
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Engineering Management for the Rest of Us by Sarah Drasner
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Autism Rules by Christine Le
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Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport
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No Time To Spare by Ursula K. Le Guin
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Jennifer Parsons is currently reading
Steering the Craft by Ursula K. Le Guin
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Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
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Neil Gaiman
“No, look, there's a blue box. It's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. It can go anywhere in time and space and sometimes even where it's meant to go. And when it turns up, there's a bloke in it called The Doctor and there will be stuff wrong and he will do his best to sort it out and he will probably succeed 'cause he's awesome. Now sit down, shut up, and watch 'Blink'.”
Neil Gaiman

Thomas Jefferson
“I do not take a single newspaper, nor read one a month, and I feel myself infinitely the happier for it.”
Thomas Jefferson

Philip K. Dick
“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.”
Philip K. Dick, I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon

“Many native traditions held clowns and tricksters as essential to any contact with the sacred. People could not pray until they had laughed, because laughter opens and frees from rigid preconception. Humans had to have tricksters within the most sacred ceremonies for fear that they forget the sacred comes through upset, reversal, surprise. The trickster in most native traditions is essential to creation, to birth.”
Byrd Gibbens

A.S. Byatt
“He was beautiful, that was always affirmed, but his beauty was hard to fix or to see, for he was always glimmering, flickering, melting, mixing, he was the shape of a shapeless flame, he was the eddying thread of needle-shapes in the shapeless mass of the waterfall. He was the invisible wind that hurried the clouds in billows and ribbons. You could see a bare tree on the skyline bent by the wind, holding up twisted branches and bent twigs, and suddenly its formless form would resolve itself into that of the trickster.”
A. S. Byatt, Ragnarok: The End of the Gods

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message 1: by Robin

Robin Craig Clark Hello Jennifer, thank you for being my friend.
Peace and happiness be with you,

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