Raven Belasco

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Raven Belasco

Goodreads Author

The United States




Member Since
April 2020


Raven Belasco has been fascinated by vampires since she was 12 years old. You probably shouldn’t let 12-year-olds read Stoker’s Dracula, but Raven grew up in a house where, if she could get the book off the shelf, she could read it. Anyway, the bloody seeds were planted both for her to become a fan of the paranormal, and a verbose writer. 😉

Raven also grew up in a small town in Massachusetts, with her backyard mostly comprised of a cemetery filled with graves ranging from the late 1600s through 1800s. If spending your childhood playing on old graves doesn’t prepare you for a career writing about the (un)dead, then probably nothing will.

Continuing in this vein (puns are not optional; sorry—not sorry!) Raven danced and performed for a number o

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Raven Belasco That's a great question, thank you so much for noticing!

Yes, I do massive research for these books. I've had long and detailed discussions with biolog…more
That's a great question, thank you so much for noticing!

Yes, I do massive research for these books. I've had long and detailed discussions with biologists and forensics scientists working up the hows and whys of my "am'r" (vampires) (every detail you read about has been explained in my head, even if those details never make it into the books). In that case, it's to ensure that I'm always consistent with the am'r, and that their strengths and limitations fit within their universal rules.

I also deep-dive the history of all the historical figures who go in the books. For my longer-live characters, I have time-lines that I work on of all that has kept them busy over the centuries. So if one of the am'r tells you a story about their past, that is on their timeline. Again, that's for consistency as the series continues. I don't want to say in one book that Sandu was Italy in the 1600s, and then in another that he was in Mongolia.

But you totally saw right through me that this is a bunch of subjects I'm super into. I'm a huge geek. I love vampire myth and tradition, and having to think about the science of why someone would (and could) survive and become stronger ingesting only blood is a pleasure for me. And to "have to" research history for my books is really just an excuse to spend hours reading history books. This is me getting to have the most fun I could doing my job! 🤓

Raven Belasco Trae, you're my kinda fan! 😍

You've actually almost answered your own question: the fact is that I went over the vampire myths from around the world, a…more
Trae, you're my kinda fan! 😍

You've actually almost answered your own question: the fact is that I went over the vampire myths from around the world, and I decided what I wanted to keep and what I wanted to discard. The stuff I kept all worked with the "vampire science" that I was working up with a biologist and other experts. What I like about doing it that way is that it becomes a way to differentiate the "real" facts about my "real" vampires, as opposed to what us silly humans have made up in stories.

I felt that I kinda had to do it that way, because I was playing in the sandbox of something everybody knows about. I'm not creating some new kind of aliens or other beings--vampires are one of the supernatural creatures that are the most written about. So I had to find a way to stay within the basic definition of a vampire, and giving something recognizable to readers, while at the same time clearly putting my own stamp on it.

It wasn't easy--but was (and continues to be) fun!(less)
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My interview in Publishers Weekly's BookLife!

I'm so excited! I've been interviewed in Publishers Weekly's BookLife! 🎉 (And talked about vampires with them!)
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Published on June 14, 2021 11:28 Tags: booklife, darkfantasy, publishersweekly, ravenbelasco, vampire
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