UCC Art Collection

We provide professional care and development for the University College Cork Art Collection in accordance with the Museum Standards Programme for Ireland.

The University College Cork art collection focuses on modern and contemporary Irish art. These works are sited throughout the campus to provide the UCC community and visitors with a first-hand encounter with original works of art. UCC has received a number of generous donations to its art collection. These artworks increase the value of the Modern Art Collection not only in financial terms, but also as a teaching and research resource for current and future scholars. 

The Art of Looking, a guide to the UCC Art Collection is available at the gallery shop.

Book a Tour 

A wonderful exploration of the historic UCC campus, this tour guides around artworks from the UCC Art Collection sited across campus. Guided tours cost €60 for a group of up to 25 people. Tours must be booked at least one week in advance, contact education@glucksman.org.

The Glucksman gratefully acknowledges the support of the Heritage Council and the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht for grants to support the care and mediation of the collection.

Campus Art Texts

UCC academics and Glucksman curators respond to individual artworks.

You can learn more about the UCC Art collection and specific artworks in this informative series of texts from UCC News.