Get informed and inspired by interactive search trend data

Search for a term, see how it’s trending, and use the insights to confidently choose the right visuals for your marketing campaigns and brand content.


Follow rising and falling trends

Keep track of the most dramatically changing trends each month with this list of the fastest rising and falling search terms. Selecting editorial content will show trending news, sports and entertainment searches.

The rising and falling trends are specific to your region. If we’re not able to find data based on your selections, we’ll default to worldwide trends.
Last 30 daysUnited StatesAll industries

How to use VisualGPS Insights

01. Search

Enter a term and interact with the charts to understand user interest. See how people are searching for a concept, and the kinds of visuals they’re choosing.

02. Explore

Get a fresh perspective, spot patterns, be surprised. See what’s trending—or what isn’t—and get a sense of what will resonate with your audience.

03. Inform

Now you’ve got real data about how people are searching to inform your content strategy, communicate with stakeholders, and guide your visual decision making.

Insights from our experts
Get the latest analysis and reporting from our team of creative researchers. Explore themes of wellness, realness, sustainability, and technology, and get new insights into the visual trends shaping the world.
  • Mental Health in the Workplace
    The pandemic saw workers across industries re-evaluate what matters. That shift led to increases in searches for both “mental health” and “employee appreciation.
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  • How to use VisualGPS Insights to inform your SEO strategy
    High-quality visuals are essential for SEO ranking. Learn how VisualGPS Insights helps you understand the relevance and timeliness of a stock image or video file before you commit budget.
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  • Harness the Sun: Bringing Renewable Energy Home
    As people try harder than ever to utilize renewable energy, brands are focusing on renewables in their visuals. Image searches for clean energy have increased 96% over the past year.
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