Geographic Information Systems Certificate

The Department of Geology and Environmental Science offers a Certificate in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). GIS is a computer-based system that allows you to display virtually any type of information that can appear on a map.  As long as you have precise geographic coordinates, you can plot census data, geologic data, species data, historical data, economic data, and any other sort of information you can find onto maps that may highlight topography, geographic features, bedrock or surficial geology, ecologic setting, satellite imagery, etc.  GIS makes it easy to discover and display relationships between multiple types of information stemming from a range of sources.  GIS is thus a powerful tool for analyzing and understanding the past, present, and future of any given natural or human-made landscape.

GIS topics covered include the nature of geographic data, map projections, raster images, the basic elements of a GIS database, sources of data, and training in the Arc/Info software package.  Students also have the option of focusing on remote sensing, which focuses on how to convert raw data from satellites and air-born instruments to useful images that reveal new information about the geology and ecology of the Earth's surface.  Remote sensing topics include image analysis and processing, field validation of satellite and airborne datasets, GPS training, and the use of software packages such as ENVI, Erdas Imagine, ERMapper, and Trimble's Pathfinder Office.

GIS has become increasingly important in many areas of science, government, and industry.  Students who know GIS are at a distinct advantage when looking for jobs in geology, environmental science, city and regional planning, and engineering. This certificate is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed for immediate success in GIS-related jobs.


Only University of Pittsburgh undergraduates pursuing a degree are eligible to enroll in this certificate program. 16 total credits are required to complete this certificate program, which is normally spread over four terms (two academic years).  It is therefore suggested that undergraduates begin no later than their junior year. A grade of C or better is required in all courses for successful completion of the certificate.
You may declare your intent to complete the GIS Certificate by filling out the appropriate form in the Arts and Sciences Advising Center (201 Thackeray) or Student Records (140 Thackeray).  You can declare the GIS Certificate by filling out this form on-line.

You are required to take both core courses (6 credits), two elective courses (6-8 credits), and GEOL 1490 GIS/RS Independent Study Capstone (4 credits).  NOTE:  For students who declare this certificate after Fall 2020, a maximum of 8 credits may count for both your undergraduate major and the GIS Certificate.  In practice, this generally means that two classes (6 to 8 credits) can count for both your major and the certificate.  The remaining 8 to 10 credits of certificate classes must be over-and-above the core and elective classes for your major.  

Core Courses (6 credits)

Elective Courses (6 credits)

Two elective courses may be chosen which have special relevance to the student's major or employment goals. Appropriate courses will be available from many different departments. Courses not on the following list may be selected contingent on approval by the certificate advisor.



GEOL 1490 GIS/RS Independent Study Capstone (4 credits)

The independent study for the GIS & Remote Sensing Certificate is a major project intended to allow students to reinforce and polish their GIS and/or remote sensing skills. Students interested in projects primarily using GIS should register with Dr. Williams' section, whereas students interested in projects primarily using remote sensing should register with Prof. Ramsey's section. Students may either generate their own projects in consultation with their section advisor, or alternatively, if you are interested in another member of faculty's research, students are encouraged to reach out and work with them in their primary area of interest. After defining the scope, students should plan on spending at least five hours each week working on the project and having regular weekly/biweekly meetings with their advisor.  The purpose of these meetings is to ensure that adequate progress is being made and that the final product will meet the criteria of the capstone project. Sufficient work must be performed to earn four capstone credits. Projects must use GIS and/or Remote Sensing as a major tool, and result in a presentation, report, or poster that describes the results of the research and the final result maps. Click here for complete details on what you should hand in

A copy of your project should be turned in to your section advisor - either Dr. Daniel Williams (for projects that are mainly GIS) or Prof. Michael Ramsey (for projects that are mainly remote sensing).