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GET SMART! : A video tutorial from the Italian DPA to protect privacy on smartphones and tablets

versione italiana

"GET SMART!" : A video tutorial from the Italian DPA to protect privacy on smartphones and tablets

Millions of people throughout the world use smartphones and tablets to stay in touch, work and have fun. These devices allow surfing the Web just like any PC but include many more functions and applications which may disclose a large part of one´s personal habits and preferences. Smartphones and tablets store a large amount of personal information such as pictures, videos, messages, traffic data, or even one´s geographic location at any time of the day.

To realize what risks one may be running, only think that these devices are sometimes used to store personal passwords, access codes or banking information. Indeed, when making phone calls, texting or chatting via messenger services one does handle personal data.

To make Italian users better aware of how important it is to protect this information, the Italian DPA created a video tutorial providing simple, useful tips to protect one´s privacy when using tablets or smartphones.

There are simple though basic precautions the DPA recommends, and one should always keep informed and responsibly store and share personal data. The DPA recalls that users can at any time contact it to get information and guidelines or to enforce measures to protect their privacy.

The video is called "Fatti Smart!" [Get Smart!] and was tailored especially to younger users. It can be downloaded from the DPA´s website at www.garanteprivacy.it or watched on the DPA´s YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/videogaranteprivacy.

Rome, 15 April 2013