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JPMorgan Chase & Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

The JPMorgan Chase Foundation, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and Gallup are working together to better understand the links between entrepreneurship and wealth creation among working U.S. adults.

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Entrepreneurial Insights: Owning and Employing as a Pathway to Wealth and Wellbeing

Entrepreneurship has long been considered a pathway to wealth. But what impact does entrepreneurship have on employee-owners’ lives beyond financial gain?

New research by Gallup, supported by JPMorgan Chase and Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, finds that owners of employer-firms experience higher wellbeing along several dimensions than employees and other types of owners, including job quality and overall life evaluation.

The report also explores key entrepreneurial traits for business success and highlights demographic disparities and challenges in starting and running a business.

Explore this new report to learn more about the characteristics and circumstances that predict wellbeing and wealth among working adults in the United States.

Entrepreneurial Insights: Owning and Employing as a Pathway to Wealth and Wellbeing report cover
Featured Report

Entrepreneurial Insights: Owning and Employing as a Pathway to Wealth and Wellbeing

Entrepreneurship has long been considered a pathway to wealth. But what impact does entrepreneurship have on employee-owners’ lives beyond financial gain?

New research by Gallup, supported by JPMorgan Chase and Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, finds that owners of employer-firms experience higher wellbeing along several dimensions than employees and other types of owners, including job quality and overall life evaluation.

The report also explores key entrepreneurial traits for business success and highlights demographic disparities and challenges in starting and running a business.

Explore this new report to learn more about the characteristics and circumstances that predict wellbeing and wealth among working adults in the United States.

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Entrepreneurial Insights: Owning and Employing as a Pathway to Wealth and Wellbeing report cover

This research utilized two sources. The Gallup Panel™ was the primary source, supplemented by data from the U.S. Small Business Administration. The final sample size of 9,852 working U.S. adults included 3,117 “owners,” defined as anyone who received at least some income in the prior month from a business they own. Among these owners, 976 reported that they employed at least one employee other than themselves. Surveys were completed between Sept. 21 and Oct. 30, 2023.

67% of owner-employers are thriving in wellbeing, compared to 52% of non-employer owners, 51% of employees and 48% of self-employed workers.
1.9x Working adults whose parents owned a business while they were growing up are 1.9 times more likely to own an employer-firm than those whose parents did not.
72% of Black and 61% of Hispanic business owners who sought financing within the past 12 months reported difficulty in acquiring it, compared to 40% of White owners.
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