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Informing Public Policy

Everyone has an opinion. Anyone can make a survey. But when it comes to identifying and addressing data gaps and getting decision-makers the credible, unbiased research findings they need to set policy that leaves no one behind, Gallup is a category of one.

Our Mission

Inform Thought Leadership and Evidence-Based Policymaking

Evidence-based policymaking requires just that -- credible evidence and changemakers who know what to do with it.

At Gallup, we are committed to discovering what people around the world think, feel and believe and helping government and multilateral leaders use our discoveries to change lives.

We conduct research independently and in partnership to define problems and lead the discussion toward solutions.

Our data are routinely used to shape U.S.-based and global policy.

Descriptive image of George Gallup

"If democracy is supposed to be about the will of the people, someone should find out what that will is."

George Gallup (1901-1984)

Gallup Provides the Official Statistics for the World's Most Pressing Development Goals

We are committed to developing indicators to measure key global development and social responsibility issues across time -- including those monitored by the U.N. sustainable development goals (SDGs) -- because we know that consistent and reliable data are crucial for holding ourselves and leaders accountable to our goals to make the world a better place.

Gallup Logo

Law and Order Research Center

Used for Law and Order (SDG 16)

Allows world leaders to compare each country's progress (including their own) toward reaching the United Nations' goal of building a more peaceful and secure world.

Walk Free Logo

The Global Slavery Index

Uncovers the number of people across the globe who are affected by modern slavery in order to meet the goal of ending modern slavery in our generation.

World Bank Group Logo

Global Findex

Used for Financial Inclusion (SDG 8.10.2)

Tracks how the world saves, borrows, pays and manages risk with the most comprehensive database on financial inclusion.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Logo

Food Insecurity Experience Scale

Used for Zero Hunger (SDG 2)

Measures the amount of people worldwide who suffer from hunger, to make progress on ensuring the human right to adequate food.

Our Impact

How Does Research Influence Policy Decisions?

We help elevate the voices of constituents around the world so leaders can make informed decisions about how to improve people's lives.

Our Tools

Information Made Useful to Policymakers

No one reaches as many people or asks as many questions as we do. Learn how we partner with mission-driven organizations across the public, social and philanthropic sectors to fill data gaps, take the pulse of the world, and generate new insights that leaders and policymakers need to hear.

What's on your agenda?

Fill out the form below to learn more about how we can help you drive policy change. A Gallup expert may contact you.