Pascal Soriot has helped transform AstraZeneca’s fortunes through cancer drugs and other blockbusters © EPA-EFE

AstraZeneca’s chief executive has been handed the same pay rise as staff across the company, though future payouts could swell his £15.4m package after a year in which he oversaw the launch of one of the world’s most promising coronavirus vaccines.

Pascal Soriot received a package that included a base salary of £1.29m, annual bonus of £2.3m and payouts under a long-term incentive scheme worth £11.1m for 2020, the Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical group disclosed in its annual report on Monday.

The Frenchman’s total pay, equivalent to 197 times that of the Cambridge-based company’s median pay, rose £140,000 from 2019 levels. He is also due to receive a 3 per cent salary rise for this year to which all employees are entitled, bringing his base pay for 2021 to £1.33m.

Soriot was feted for AstraZeneca’s decision not to profit during the pandemic from the vaccine the company has developed with Oxford university, making it affordable for the developing world. He has been under fire in recent weeks, however, over the group’s inability to meet its initial European delivery schedules, because of manufacturing delays, and a dearth of trial data in over-65s that has led some countries to hold back from recommending its use for older people.

The 61-year-old — who once suggested he was underpaid compared to rival pharma bosses — has helped transform the company’s fortunes through cancer drugs and other blockbusters since he took the helm in 2012 and could be in line for higher payments in future.

AstraZeneca put forward plans to increase the maximum award under Soriot’s performance share plan from 550 per cent to 650 per cent of his salary. His pension contributions would, however, be reduced to 11 per cent of base pay, the same level as the wider workforce.

AstraZeneca said the changes it was proposing were partly in recognition of the chief executive’s “criticality to future business success and increased scope of roles” in light of the coronavirus vaccine development, and were an attempt to “close the gap to market pay levels within the competitive global and European pharmaceutical talent pool”.

“In the last year, it became apparent that the current remuneration policy did not provide the committee with sufficient flexibility to appropriately reward the exceptional performance and growth we expect the executive team to deliver,” AstraZeneca said in its annual report.

Some shareholders have objected to executive pay at the company in the past. About 35 per cent of shareholders at its annual meeting three years ago voted against its remuneration report.

But Soriot told the Sunday Times in 2018: “The truth is I’m the lowest-paid CEO in the whole industry.” His pay deal last year was waved through with support from 97 per cent of votes cast at the shareholder meeting.

As well as delivering on financial targets and accelerating scientific innovation, the remuneration committee said it had considered Soriot’s “inspiring leadership” in response to the pandemic — including the delivery of the coronavirus jab. About 3bn doses of the vaccine are set to be delivered worldwide.

Soriot’s annual bonus, split equally between cash and deferred stock, was 90 per cent of the maximum permitted. His share-based long-term incentive payout was worth 99 per cent of the maximum, and will be released following a two-year holding period.

The company hit a series of targets on revenues, profits and cash flows, while about a quarter of Soriot’s pay was thanks to appreciation in the London-listed company’s share price over the period.

“The benefit of the increased share price has also been experienced by shareholders,” AstraZeneca noted in the report.

The company said its total shareholder return of 77 per cent over three years was in the top quartile of a peer group that included GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer and Sanofi.

Executives had driven a “remarkable” turnround in the company’s performance, delivering a TSR of almost 300 per cent over the past eight years.

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