


IRPF-Livre 2023 released

Suitable Online Bank(rupt)ing


The TRApp Trap: Services and Users TRApped in Telescreen-Running Apps

The TRApp Trap

Linux-libre turns 15!

RMS Tour Brazil & Argentina 2017

Events that promote free software

Richard Stallman in Brasil

Access to the Source Code of Imposed Tax Software

RT @Ursalzona @vespa no dia 9 de julho de 1562 — O Cerco de Piratininga foi o ataque realizado na então vila de São Paulo dos Campos de Piratininga por índios que se uniram numa coligação e se rebelaram contra a aliança entre Tibiriçá e os jesuítas.Esse é o meu 9 de julho! 2024-07-09 13:27

RT @eliasr @OpenSciTwente @oscu @oscmaastricht @oscgroningen the following have been useful for me:- GNU/Linux operating system
- LaTeX for preparing articles
- Octave for making graphs
- Dia for making diagrams
- emacs text editor
- gcc for compiling programsI think it would be good to raise awareness of the fact that any proprietary software used in a research process is bad for reproducibility, so should be avoided. It should be possible to reproduce your research using free (as in freedom) tools. 2024-07-09 12:21 2024-07-08 21:34

fact check: é pouquíssimo provável que toda a matéria constituinte desse indivíduo seja proveniente da cauda de um mesmo cometa :-)
força, companheiro 2024-07-08 19:30

vamos dar logo uns braceletes, correntes e barras pra ele, se ele gosta tanto dessas coisas 2024-07-08 19:28

I agree it doesn't work for the alleged purpose
the underlying legal frameworks are still entirely different
that exploiters found ways to exploit them to the same end, and to maintain and expand them despite their not working for the claimed ends, tells us more about the exploiters than about the legal frameworks
describing them as essentially the same thing is, to me, analogous to describing two entirely different illnesses as a fever, mistaking them symptom for the illness
there's hardly any similarity between the legal frameworks: how rights come to be, how they're justified, who gets them, how long they last, what goods or activities they apply to, it's all different 2024-07-08 19:19

the post was an image containing text, but rendered as pixels, rather than as something that screen readers could read 2024-07-08 18:59

Free Assange!
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-26

FSF disposition
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-17

domingo, no parking
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-03

signing digital documents
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-01

Software Enshittification or Freedom? It's not a hard choice!
Alexandre Oliva 2024-05-08

bateria um descontrole
Alexandre Oliva 2024-04-25

monstering cults
Alexandre Oliva 2024-03-17

Happy GNU Year
Alexandre Oliva 2023-12-31

Happy GNU Year
Alexandre Oliva 2023-12-31

Happy GNU Year
Alexandre Oliva 2023-12-31

Merry Grav-Mass
Alexandre Oliva 2023-12-24