


IRPF-Livre 2023 released

Suitable Online Bank(rupt)ing


The TRApp Trap: Services and Users TRApped in Telescreen-Running Apps

The TRApp Trap

Linux-libre turns 15!

RMS Tour Brazil & Argentina 2017

Events that promote free software

Richard Stallman in Brasil

Access to the Source Code of Imposed Tax Software

aí, se for incluído, precisa ver se é em todos os pacotes (contínuo) ou se é num sim outro não (alternado) :-P 2024-07-20 00:05

libre works well in the west; not so much elsewhere, where spanish and french aren't familiar 2024-07-19 23:33

o assunto me interessa. tem versão acessível e inclusiva da nota de repúdio? o site não mostra nada de útil se acessado com navegador sem JavaScript. precisava? :-( 2024-07-19 23:28

the question was not for me, but I'll give it a shot. how would one go about testing the predictions of such a hypothesis, with a single observable universe timeline? if there are no testable predictions, then it's not a scientific theory, by definition. that's not a judgment of value, just a matter of categorization. it may be fine as a philosophical belief, as a valuable heuristic, even if its prediction power is not 100% (oh the irony :-) 2024-07-19 23:14

é isso aí. não é questão da licença, é o controle, a autonomia, a liberdade. pessoal aí rodando linux com blobs privativos de liberdade e inauditáveis, atualizados automaticamente, tá correndo o mesmo risco. pessoal baixando contêineres e máquinas virtuais ou mesmo resolvendo dependências de código de repositórios alheios, seja node, cargo, pip ou mesmo de distros GNU/Linux[-libre], atualizando software sem testar antes e sem meios triviais de voltar atrás, tá correndo basicamente o mesmo risco. essa autonomia uqe propicia resiliência frente a esse tipo de desastre precisa ser construída, e pra isso o que precisa é de sistemas que não bloqueiem essa construção. infelizmente a maior parte dos ambientes computacionais de hoje tem imposto esse bloqueio, para viabilizar a estrumificação (enshittification) 2024-07-19 19:46

consider the hypothetical schrödinger's cat in the box with radioactive decay-activated poison. you open the box and find the cat dead. was its death determined by past events or by random choice? (or both)

now consider that there are radioactive elements that are important for the functioning of the brain, and that their decay may cause neurons to fire or to misfire, potentially influencing macroscopic decisions. how could those macroscopic decisions be considered deterministic, if they follow from truly random events? don't you see the discontinuity in the chain of determinism there? not that the decision doesn't follow from the random event, but that the random event itself doesn't follow from past events. 2024-07-19 19:25

Free Assange!
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-26

FSF disposition
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-17

domingo, no parking
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-03

signing digital documents
Alexandre Oliva 2024-06-01

Software Enshittification or Freedom? It's not a hard choice!
Alexandre Oliva 2024-05-08

bateria um descontrole
Alexandre Oliva 2024-04-25

monstering cults
Alexandre Oliva 2024-03-17

Happy GNU Year
Alexandre Oliva 2023-12-31

Happy GNU Year
Alexandre Oliva 2023-12-31

Happy GNU Year
Alexandre Oliva 2023-12-31

Merry Grav-Mass
Alexandre Oliva 2023-12-24