View allAll Photos Tagged xmas

Beano sleeping in front of the Christmas Tree.


7Artisans 50mm f1.1 M (wide-open @ f1.1)

40' of the best xmas song compilation HERE:


watch a video with the 30 TOP free camping and Nudist beaches in Greece:

Thanks to Sterling Silverrs for the Texture . I have my Christmas Puddings waiting and ready for Xmas Day.



More from Christmas party: seated at Paprika

Lavaux and lake Léman, canton of Vaud, Switzerland.


Three handheld exposure bracket shots combined with Aurora HDR.

Hi guys, as I have been very good this year, Santa has invited me to help with the gifts. By the way, I invite you to visit my store that there is a gift under the tree for you.


In the World:




Happy Holidays


Amber presents my first christmas sweater (made from a 1/1 scale sock). The pic of this little furry cutie (I'm only guessing, can it be a french bulldog?) is a little large, but since I have a hreat for big comfy sweaters, I've used the whole sock for this fashion ; ).


The gorgeous jeans skirt was made by Ilka, it's perfect for these kind of outfits <3!

Thursday Night Live Figure Drawing at OTIS with @donterlinden, @garygeraths, and @shihonakaza. Last event of 2023.


Katherine @zatannazorelle made her own costume in the best spirit of Xmas Burlesque. This was a 45-minute pose.

Otis College of Art and Design

Kuretake Gansai Tambi Watercolor on 90 lb sketchbook


December 14 2023

Xmas tree decorations lighted-up at Ngee Ann City, Orchard Road for the Christmas Festival 2018 celebrations.

Xmas Light+Heart Bokeh Thingey=Awesomeness © David Venezia, All Rights Reserved

The rare Xmas Day full moon (not seen since 1977) here behind a branch of a maple tree on our street.

Explored on December 17, 2008!


The Christmas tree in Gouda was officially lit last night during 'Kaarsjesavond' (Candle Light Evening). It was even on the national news this morning, as this is the first time no light bulbs are used, but more effective LED lights! Ah well, better than reporting about another war...

E che Natale sia...fermare il brusio di fondo, spegnere la mente diventando leggeri, vuoti, pronti a caricarci di buone energie, rinascere dentro...Auguri a tutte le persone care, reali e virtuali🌲🌲🌲


And may Christmas be ... stop the background buzz, turn off the mind becoming light, empty, ready to charge us with good energy, be reborn inside ... Greetings to all loved ones, real and virtual🌲🌲🌲

Le persone sono come le vetrate colorate: brillano e scintillano quando fuori c'è il sole, ma al calar delle tenebre viene rivelata la loro vera bellezza solo se è accesa una luce dall'interno.

F. Pessoa

Taken for Dec 2019 most versatile


Xmas gift to a friend who shares both her home and friendship. 9 1/2 x 12" fused raw edge applique quilt. Snowflake buttons were added to give a little dimension to the quilt.

Xmas tree light switch-on.

Sally gets down to business

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