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A scene from Toledo, Spain. Captured on October 15, 2014, on a hike along the river.

An early Spring butterfly from the Sierra de Tejeda y Almijara on the Costa del Sol in Andalusia (6929).

Detail of the 2007 Spaanse Brug ("Spanish Bridge") connecting the Rotterdam quarters Delfthavense Schie and Overschie.


Wikipedia: Spaanse Brug (in Dutch)

(In some parts of the Europe also known also as "Tito's" rose)

for bokeh wednesday!


*asahi pentax super takumar 50mm f1.4*

Birds of Britain and the Western Palearctic - Osuna, Spain.


Thank you for taking a look at my images.

In Milano, Spain, they eat croquettes filled with penne and pesto on top of paella. They look very stylish in cathedrals as well. They have sangria and panettone at every communion.


**All photos are copyrighted**

for bokeh wednesday!


*asahi pentax super takumar 50mm f1.4*

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Submitted: 17/09/2016

Accepted: 29/09/2016

Mating pair on bramble flowers on a hillside track in Northern Spain (2844). The diminutive male is hanging below the much larger female!

Seville is the capital and largest city of the Spanish autonomous community of Andalusia and the province of Seville. It is situated on the lower reaches of the River Guadalquivir, in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula.

Seville has a municipal population of about 701,000 as of 2022, and a metropolitan population of about 1.5 million, making it the largest city in Andalusia, the fourth-largest city in Spain and the 26th most populous municipality in the European Union. Its old town, with an area of 4 square kilometres, contains a UNESCO World Heritage Site comprising three buildings: the Alcázar palace complex, the Cathedral and the General Archive of the Indies. The Seville harbour, located about 80 kilometres (50 miles) from the Atlantic Ocean, is the only river port in Spain. The capital of Andalusia features hot temperatures in the summer, with daily maximums routinely above 35 °C (95 °F) in July and August.

Seville was founded as the Roman city of Hispalis. Known as Ishbiliyah after the Islamic conquest in 711, Seville became the centre of the independent Taifa of Seville following the collapse of the Caliphate of Córdoba in the early 11th century; later it was ruled by Almoravids and Almohads until being incorporated to the Crown of Castile in 1248. Owing to its role as gateway of the Spanish Empire's trans-atlantic trade, managed from the Casa de Contratación, Seville became one of the largest cities in Western Europe in the 16th century. Coinciding with the Baroque period, the 17th century in Seville represented the most brilliant flowering of the city's culture; then began a gradual economic and demographic decline as silting in the Guadalquivir forced the trade monopoly to relocate to the nearby port of Cádiz.

The 20th century in Seville saw the tribulations of the Spanish Civil War, decisive cultural milestones such as the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929 and Expo '92, and the city's election as the capital of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia.


The Zubizuri Bridge in Bilbao, Spain.

have a nice new week

Architecture in Madrid, Spain

Parque de El Capricho, Madrid, Spain

Gracias a todos por vuestra visita, amables comentarios y fav/ Thank you all for your visit, kind comments and fav

coming down from Pica d'estats, 3.143 m.

Sunset in Spain (HPB Alfaix) whilst on holiday, reflected in the swimming pool

Benidorm spain feb 2017

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