View allAll Photos Tagged portrait

Portrait of family 4x5

Working with Irina and Olga is such a pleasure. More about that on my IG channel

more from her senior shoot

Arielle.Portrait studio Melbourne.

James Fox Photography.

Strobist: 1 - 300W flash w/softbox to the right

Beauty dish overhead slightly camera right

Processed with VSCO with se1 preset

A portrait taken during the photo shooting at BPP.

"I've been thinking of everything

I used to want to be

I've been thinking of everything

Of me, of you and me


and I swear to go I will find myself in the end"

30 Seconds To Mars - The Story


I've actually titled another photo like this aaages ago. But it's appropriate again. Life turning upside down again, a well-timed 30 Seconds to Mars concert and the need to take photos again make me go back to basics to find new inspiration. Everything is changing rapidly and photography lets me freeze a moment in time.

Exposure 2012 shooting using WestCott Lighting System [ ]


Model "Rockstar Pinup": Olivia Armstrong

Makeup by: Shamaila J

Photo by: Me

viking & medieval weekend - caldicot castle

Kumarkhali, Kushtia, Bangladesh

This wonderful elephant was almost posing at Zoo Atlanta, in Atlanta, Georgia. As you probably know, the elephants are gravely threatened in the wild primarily due to a sickening demand for Ivory and loss of habitat. Please support the Total Ban of Ivory and support the preservation of elephants.

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