View allAll Photos Tagged ice

Can you imagine the flower? Or is it the heart of the Glacier?


Ice on lake Mälaren catching the light from the sun.

This ice was along the side of the stream, and the formation caught my eye. I used a 60 mm macro lens to get some detail.

IDH Darrell Hay trying to keep the puck away from LB Alexei Smirnov.

Schaghticoke Ridge, Appalachian Trail, Kent, Connecticut. This is one of our favorite hikes in the area, from Bull's Bridge to Kent on the AT. Near the New York/Connecticut border we crossed a little stream that had some nice ice on it. Had to stop and see if I could capture some patterns.

All the posts sticking out of Lake Wingra have these ice bracelets around them several inches above the water line. They're at the height where waves kick up spray in the wind, which then freezes to the wood in the below-freezing temperature. Soon enough, of course, there will be ice at the water line as well.

Remnants of the ice storm that hit Southern Ontario at the end of 2013.

Mommy, Ice is very very cold . . .


ahhh but that didn't keep her from tending to it - she said there was a baby bird in there . . . there wasn't


But her imagination was in the ice for sure - her imagination is everywhere

My car windows were full with ice when I wanted to leave for work in the morning. Needed to scratch! (128/365)

Ice cream tastes better with a smile :)

Pekka in action on Ice at Gosport. Left to right: Steve Hartley, Neil Sahdev #21, Pekka Raittila #41 and Niall Quinn #10.

Ice skating at Molenpolder near Utrecht.

Ice boats on Vaseux Lake

This is what happens when the sprinkler system kicks on in sub-freezing temperatures! Even that last tiki torch is iced over.


Crab Cake Factory, Jacksonville Beach

Ice studies at Ilabekken.


Akam photowalk february 2014.

Around Jökulsárlón

a trip to the ice cave outside of salzburg, austria

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