View allAll Photos Tagged fence

Derbyshire Dales. There's a fence there somewhere.



Mayberry Gardens. Condos, Grand Prairie, Texas

have a wonderful weekend :)

Zonzeelsche polder, Hooge Zwaluwe


(this photo is part of my album Hooge & Lage Zwaluwe)

Near Mönchaltorf, Switzerland

Oh dear!

This is the one photo I've uploaded today that I'm happy with!!


Better viewed large and thank you for your favourites. :O)

Flickr Lounge weekly theme - something beginning with F.


Another one of my local fences on some nearby country road.

I need a few fall images. I have been so busy.

Happy Fence Friday


Doctor says the wrist has healed nice. "But why does it hurt more with the cast off?"

Well all the muscles are messed and I have to rework them.

It's a really spacial border, especially nowadays...


The Polish-Russian border on the Vistula Spit (or more precisely - between Poland and the Kaliningrad Oblast) is one of the most unusual in Europe. The external border of the European Union and NATO runs here, and the dividing line is marked by a narrow, spit. After the Second World War, this narrow strip of land between the Baltic Sea and the Vistula Lagoon was divided between Poland and the USSR. There is a mesh fence across the beach and several meters into the water. Behind it, the exclusion zone begins and about 250 meters away is the border of the two countries. The border cannot be crossed here, but its surroundings are a beautiful place for a walk.



Płot graniczny na Mierzei Wiślanej. Specyficzne miejsce, zwłaszcza w dzisiejszych czasach...


Granica polsko-rosyjska na Mierzei Wiślanej (a dokładnie miedzy polską a Obwodem Kaliningradzkim) jest jedną z najbardziej niezwykłych w całej Europie. Przebiega tu zewnętrzna granica Unii Europejskiej oraz NATO, a linia podziału wyznaczona została przez wąską, niezamieszkałą w tym miejscu mierzeję. Ten wąski pas lądu oblewany przez Morze Bałtyckie oraz wody Zalewu Wiślanego po II wojnie światowej został podzielony miedzy Polskę a ZSRR. W poprzek plaży oraz kilkanaście metrów wgłąb wody stoi siatka. Za nią rozpoczyna się strefa zamknięta i około 250 metrów dalej jest granica obu państw. Granicy nie można tu przekraczać, jednak jej okolice to piękne miejsce na spacer.


Still life.


Portland, Oregon. Northwest 6th and Davis.


"None are so empty as those who are full of themselves". - Benjamin Whichcote


Here's to quiet weekend ahead.


Standing on shore of llyn gwynant,with a fence in the water.

Another view of Parkhouse Hill in Derbyshire England.

Another fence for friday :) Hope you all have a HFF and a great weekend :)

For 121 Pictures in 2021 #34 "Fence", this is my back fence, with some built-in planter boxes. At the moment they hold various herbs - Italian and Greek oregano, thyme, several kinds of mint, dill, and chives. Herbs (and most other plants) are in short supply here because of all the losses in the February Big Freeze, so this may be it for the year, although I do have some basil and rosemary that are too big to grow in the boxes.

Seen in Hamburg, Botanischer Sondergarten Wandsbek

Happy Fence(d) Friday!

Fuji X-Pro1 plus Helios 44M-7 at approx. F5.6.

Happy Fence Friday

And Have A Wonderful Weekend!


祝大家中秋佳節快樂!! ∧_∧


taken at Elizabeth Morton Bird Sanctuary...


Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend...

for Fence Friday HFF

Le Mont Ruapehu, situé dans le Parc National de Tangariro de l'Ile du Nord de la Nouvelle Zélande est connu avec deux autres montagnes pour être les seuls sites du coin pour la pratique du ski. Ce jour là, le soleil bat son plein et la température est de l'ordre de 5 degrés à Ohakune. Le spectacle de cette montagne enneigée est splendide. Pourvu qu'elle reste en sommeil encore très longtemps.

Old abandoned farm.

Buffalo River Basin.

Boxley Valley Arkansas.

11th Anniversary Trip 2017.

Nikon D7200

Happy Fence Friday and have a nice weekend.

Misty Valley on an early Sunday morning.

This was an interesting mesh fence separating the golf area from a walking trail. I loved how you could see the mesh shadow through the leaf and some water drops as a bonus! So glad it's Friday! HFF!

Welcome to Smithfield..

During Birmingham's Commonwealth Games 2022

Snowy Fence Friday! Happy Day to All. :-)


Brimfield Township, Ohio

Portage County

From the series Fences: I tried to capture the fences on the fields around Hurecourt in several different ways, 2015.


Here the sun is captured by the split in this fence pole.


Hurecourt is a very small viillage with about 55 inhabitants in Haute-Saône, France.


Thank you very much for your visits, faves and kind comments.

The Fence Posts, and all the flowers that grew along them, this was part of the view from my holiday lodge on the Black Isle, Scotland, if was full of life and birds over the two weeks.

Happy Fence Friday!

Fence on the bridge...

I found a fence photo in a Flickr subfolder on my computer -- from 8 years ago if you can believe it.

7 Days of Shooting/Week #20/Repetition/Focus Friday

1 2 3 5 7 ••• 79 80