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Leica Mp-Summar 5cm f2- Tri-X400

Libertad no conozco sino la libertad de estar preso en alguien

cuyo nombre no puedo oír sin escalofrío;

Synth porn.


VCS3 analogue synth found at 2120 South Michigan the former home of Chess Records.



Electron Beam Lithography

My first analogue SLR from the flea market.


Konica Autoreflex TC

Agfa Vista 200

Siluete of prague castle in the evening with wonderful sky


Taken with Minolta XG-1 (1979) & Soligor MC Macro 28-80mm

made with my analogue camera, a nikkormat

Bevrijdingspop festival, Haarlem, The Netherlands,

American Analogue Set, SXSW 99

Chinon CM-4 [Kodak GOLD 200 35mm]

konica t4

fuji superia 200

The Analogues, Mezz, Michiel Driedijk,

Fujicolor C200

Konica Autoreflex TC

Lomography Redscale

Vista 200 / F100

These film pieces depict a girl that lays silently in a bath tub. The bath was made cloudy with the use of milk and this in turn created a solid looking form below the face of the lonely girl. The negatives make a figure seem ghost like and sad.

A series of prints I did exploring the concept of autonomy and consent. This work was largely inspired by Tracey Emin and her intimate portrayals of sexuality and her own body in her work taking the idea of vulnerability by photographing intimate objects in my room and presenting it in a way that reclaims power over my own body, as I am choosing to present these objects and selecting what parts of myself are shared. Similarly I was inspired by Justine Kurland’s Girl Pictures, which presents a seductive fantasy of a world in which being a young woman is not cause for fear but a source of freedom, exploring that level of intimacy and agency that interested me conceptually.

I dug out the first long time exposure I did on film in the early eighties...

Dials from an early analogue computer, National Museum of Computing, Bletchley Park

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