What's Kim up to now? New images suggest North Korea planning ANOTHER nuclear test


Analysts believe Kim Jong Un may be planning a new nuclear test

NORTH KOREA could be preparing for yet another underground nuclear test, according to experts analysing the latest set of satellite pictures.

New imagery taken from above the Punggye-ri nuclear test site in the north of the country indicates Kim Jong-un's nuclear ambitions continue to build. 

Satellite images appear to show large cargo trucks and mining carts in the South Portal area, on the other side of the site where the hydrogen bomb was detonated on September 3 in Kim's most powerful nuclear test to date. 


Analysts for 38 North believe this activity shows focus might be shifting from a clean-up operation to preparation for future tests in other underground portals. 

The satellite pictures were taken on September 8, five days after the bomb went off, and also show more widespread disturbances than the previous five nuclear tests conducted by the rogue state. 

The pictures show what appears to be a fresh crater, potentially caused by the portal used for the hydrogen bomb test caving in after detonation, although 38 North said it was impossible to be certain. 

But analysts have now concluded the latest nuclear test yielded an estimated 250 kilotons blast, or one quarter megaton, which is believed to be the maximum yield the Punggye-ri can contain. 

The website said: “Imagery from September 8 also shows a large tractor/trailer cargo truck in the South Portal Area for the first time, and mining carts and other equipment are present outside the West Portal. 

“Such activity, coming shortly after the largest underground nuclear test conducted at Punggye-ri to date (via the North Portal), suggests that onsite work could now be changing focus to further prepare those other portals for future underground nuclear testing.



Pictures show vehicles and equipment around the test site's west portal


A map showing the estimated range of the blast on September 3

It added: “The most recent imagery from September 8 shows some mining carts on the rail line that extends from the West Portal to the spoil pile. This may be a prelude to new tunnel excavation activity.

“For the first time in over a year, activity was noted within the South Portal Area. A large tractor/trailer cargo truck was located in the area between the primary and secondary tunnel portals. The purpose of the vehicle is as yet unknown.” 

North Korea drew condemnation from all over the world when it tested the gigantic hydrogen bomb earlier this month, which caused a 6.1 magnitude artificial earthquake that was felt in parts of South Korea and China.

The UN Security Council this week unanimously approved fresh sanctions drawn up by the US against Pyongyang for its latest breach of international law. 

North Korea responded in characteristically aggressive fashion, promising to “redouble the efforts” to develop a nuclear arsenal after the “unprecedented sanctions and pressure”.

The Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea’s report said: “The adoption of another illegal and evil ‘resolution on sanctions’ piloted by the US served as an occasion for the DPRK to verify that the road it chose to go down was absolutely right and to strengthen its resolve to follow this road at a faster pace without the slightest diversion until this fight to the finish is over.”

North Korea warns USA of 'greatest pain' over sanctions

Today South Korea confirmed it had carried out a live fire drill using an advanced air-launch cruise missile for the first time. 

The missile has a range of more than 300 miles, putting Pyongyang well within reach of South Korea’s launch sites. 

Seoul said this sort of military muscle can be used in a pre-emptive strike against North Korea - although Kim Jong-un is likely to argue the drill is further evidence South Korea, an ally of the US, is planning an attack.