Prepare for MISERABLE DESTRUCTION: North Korea sends warning shot to South Korea 'puppets'


North Korea has sent a warning shot to South Korea

NORTH KOREA has sent a warning shot to South Korea, telling Seoul its alliance with the US will only lead to “miserable destruction”.

Kim Jong-un’s hermit state hit out at its southern neighbour for being “puppets” to the US as it accuses Seoul of “blindly dancing to the tune of the US" in the wake of the reclusive state’s sixth and largest nuclear test of an advanced hydrogen bomb.

The latest warning, pumped out by the communist state’s propaganda machine, set to stoke World War 3 tensions, comes as South Korea ramps up its military actives in the event of an attack from the North. 


Shocking video footage shows South Korea's military praising missile launching during a joint exercises with US forces in Pohang, South Korea. 

Taking a swipe at the US, the DPRK says Donald Trump's nation is “feeling extreme uneasiness and terror” as they seek to capitalise on the success of the latest test. 


Kim Jong-un claims there will be 'miserable destruction' in light of South Korea and US relations

Sycophantic and treacherous acts and dependence on outside forces will lead to miserable destruction

It says: “The south Korean puppet forces disclose again their chronic evil practice of depending on outside forces while looking up to their master at a time when US-led imperialists are feeling extreme uneasiness and terror owing to the great tremor caused by the DPRK's nuclear thunder.

“Their criminal action goes to clearly prove once again their ugly colours as henchmen carrying out outside forces' policy for aggression against the DPRK.”

It is believed the secretive state now has enough power and technology to fire a missile, which will hit the US.

As North Korea continues to flex its military muscle there is now mounting international concern the country plans even more weapons tests, possibly of a long-range missile.



Fears are growing the world is on the brink of World War Three

After weeks of rising tension, South Korea and the United States have been discussing the deployment of aircraft carriers and strategic bombers to the Korean peninsula.

But North Korea has accused the South of turning its back on any peaceful way out of war. 

In an article featured in North Korea’s newspaper Rodong Sinmun, it said: “It is illogical for the south Korean puppet authorities to talk about "dialogue" and "restoration of south-north relations" while desperately working to stifle the DPRK together with outside forces.

"They are going reckless in the van of the brigandish anti-DPRK sanctions of their US master while crying out for the ‘harsh sanctions and pressure’. "

North Korea warns USA of 'greatest pain' over sanctions

Showing no signs of reconciliation on the Korean Peninsula, the article added: “The catastrophe of north-south relations will be worse as long as the south Korean puppet forces are bent on the confrontation with the compatriots in collusion with outside forces,

“Sycophantic and treacherous acts and dependence on outside forces will lead to miserable destruction.”