SHOCK CLAIM: Trump is HELPING Kim Jong-un achieve dream of DESTROYING enemies in Seoul


North Korea dreams of the US being removed from the peninsula

DONALD Trump could actually be helping North Korea with controversial comments that could see the US pulled out of the peninsula as Kim Jong-un’s dynasty taking full control, an expert has warned.

For generations, North Korea has dreamed of having the United States removed from the Korean peninsula amid its ongoing conflict with Seoul.

And Kim Jong-Un seems to be no exception, ramping up his nuclear weapons programme as he threatens to strike the US mainland.


However it seems the current US President could be making the hermit state’s dreams come true just eight months into his term, according to Dr Andray Abrahamain.

During his election campaign, Donald Trump and his ‘America First’ rhetoric struck fear into the eyes and hearts of many of the US’s allies across the globe.


Kim Jong Un has ramped up his nuclear weapons programme

The billionaire also sparked concern after he suggested Japan and South Korea may be forced to go nuclear as the fear from the tyrannical regime grew - leaving many allies worried they may not be able to count on the US nuclear umbrella to protect them.

And as soon as he took office, Mr Trump walked away from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal in a shocking power play.

The agreement was widely seen as a move from the US to reassure allies, and the decision to abandon the deal was thought to be a sign America was abandoning the region.

But it has been over the most recent few months that the divine between the US and allies in South Korea have really started to grow.


US disarmament ambassador: Pyongyang only interested in threats

The end game isn’t nuclear war, which would lead to the destruction of North Korea and the end of the Kim dynasty.

Dr Andray Abrahamain

Mr Trump has issued a number of statements and inflammatory tweets which have continued to “profoundly undermine the US-ROK alliance” according to Dr Abrahamain of the Jeju Peace Institute.

The scholar said: “The first [undermining statement] was his August 8 off-the-cuff “fire and fury” remarks. 

“The second was his more deliberate disdain for the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA) that has been in effect for five years. 

“Negotiations began during the Bush administration and the FTA was signed in 2012 during President Obama’s first term. 

“Trump is now threatening to unilaterally pull out of the deal, and soon.”


Donald Trump is threatening relations with South Korea

However while Mr Trump continues to undermine south Korea, Kim Jong-un continues to “march along at his own pace” in his quest for a working nuclear deterrent.

Mr Abrahamian said: “Pyongyang chooses more or less provocative ways of testing its nukes and missiles, but it has an end game and several overlapping goals in mind. 

“That end game isn’t nuclear war, which would lead to the destruction of North Korea and the end of the Kim dynasty. 

“But driving a wedge between the United States and its allies, especially South Korea, is among the likely aims (or at least hopes).”