We tried to buy killer crossbow on the internet and this is what happened

SPECIAL INVESTIGATION - A woman who was injured and a saw her partner killed in a savage crossbow attack has spoken of her shock at how easy it still is to obtain the lethal weapons following a Sunday Express probe

Our reporter was able to purchase a trigger-operated crossbow in just a few minutes

Our reporter was able to purchase a trigger-operated crossbow in just a few minutes (Image: Sunday Express)

Our reporter paid just £50 and only had to send in a photo of his driving licence before a trigger-operated crossbow, which can be assembled into a killing device in a few minutes, was posted out.

He bought the Anglo Arms Mantis Pistol crossbow from online-only retailer Weaponsgalore.com, which uses a virtual office address in London.

The retailer suggests on its website that customers send a selfie of themselves holding identification.

However, our journalist just sent a picture of the document and was asked no further questions to verify who he was before the weapon was delivered by courier.

Crossbow attack survivor Laura Sugden, who lost her partner Shane Gilmer, 30, during an attack in East Yorkshire in January 2018, was disturbed at how easily we obtained the potentially deadly weapon.


The crossbow was sent in this box ready to be made up within a few minutes (Image: Jon Austin)

She still suffers physical difficulties from injuries caused by neighbour, Anthony Lawrence, who lay in wait for them to return home after breaking into their loft space. Shane was hit in the spine and died, while Laura was struck in the head, but incredibly survived as did their unborn child.

She has since campaigned for a licence scheme for crossbows and said our investigation highlights the need for this to happen.

She said: “It is terrifying to think this could be bought so easily online. I hope the new Government will now look urgently at some form of licensing system for the sale of crossbows that I have been calling for.”

The Sunday Express investigated availability of crossbows after an apparent rise in the number of violent incidents linked to them, including:

  • A sniper in Shoreditch who fired randomly at two separate victim’s heads in March
  • Crazed stalker Bryce Hodgson who took three crossbows and other weapons to terrorise a victim in Thamesmead before he was shot dead by police the same month
  • A police officer was struck by a crossbow bolt during a violent incident in High Wycombe in May

Laura Sugden and partner Shane Gilmer, who was killed in a crossbow attack

Laura Sugden and partner Shane Gilmer, who was killed in a crossbow attack (Image: SWNS)

The new Labour Government has vowed to “get crossbows off Britain’s streets” in the wake of our investigation.

A Labour spokesperson said: “Crossbows have been used in appalling violent attacks in recent years.

“Despite several promises to look at the arrangements in place on the sale and possession of crossbows, the Conservatives didn’t introduce any stronger measures.

“Labour will take tough action to get crossbows and other dangerous weapons off Britain’s streets.”

Under the Crossbows Act 1987 under 18s cannot purchase a cross that has a draw weight of 1.4 kilograms or greater.

There are no limits to over 18s, but retailers have to take steps to ensure they are selling to adults.

It took two weeks to arrive, during which time, no other checks were made.

Further checks can be done at the point of delivery to ensure the purchaser is over 18, but the reporter was asked just to confirm his first name before he was handed the package.

Once assembled, the weapon has a draw weight of 36kgs (80Ibs) and the three metal bolts supplied can travel about 20 metres.

Heavier crossbow bolts, capable of more damage, at speeds of up to 100mph, could also be purchased.

Although the retailer has not broken any laws, by asking to be sent a photo of the identity documents, critics argue that the ease with which one can be bought by anyone over 18, even people with violent convictions, shows the current law is too lax.

The current system also means children can potentially order crossbows and other weapons simply by sending an image of their parents’ or another adult’s identity documents.

This happened in the case of Luton-based DNA Leisure, whose knives have been linked to three murders, when under 18s obtained blades from the firm using their parent’s identity documents.

In September, a new law passed by the outgoing Tory government, which comes into force in September, will ban the online sale of knives, swords and machetes, and other bladed articles.

However, crossbows will still be available in the current way that they are.

We contacted Weaponsgalore.com and got no response.

Our investigation has led to calls for crossbows to be licensed in a similar way to firearms.

Former Met Police DCI Dave McKelvey, who spent years investigating organised crime, said: “I’m amazed this cost just £50 and is just sent out in the post. It’s concealable and could be used to kill someone at close range just like a gun, but at a fraction of the cost. Those bolts could penetrate your skull or into your heart.”

Mr McKelvey added: “They need to look at banning these as no way should anyone be able to order this online.”

Nigel Mills, Tory MP for Amber Valley in Derbyshire, said: “These weapons are deadly. In the wrong hands, they can cause carnage and multiple deaths. I am deeply concerned at how easily this has been purchased online. I think this brings into question the need for these weapons to be properly licensed.”

John Bingham, President of the National Crossbow Federation of Great Britain, said: “Most crossbow owners are law abiding. Unfortunately, there are one or two who are not and make life difficult for the rest. We would hope that anyone who uses a bow in this way, or deliberately seeks to do harm to another person, would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The NCF would prefer that there was no need for further controls for the simplicity of continuing the responsible use of crossbows for sporting purposes. Even so we do accept further control to be a likely requirement.

“Considering the instances of injury being deliberately caused using a crossbow, we have responded to the Home Office enquiry to support the use of licences.”

The former Tory Government took no action about introducing stricter controls on who can buy crossbows despite the Home Office commissioning a review after a man broke into the grounds of Windsor Castle on Christmas Day 2021 in an attempt to murder the late Queen.

Simon Foster, Association of POlice and Crime Commissioners (APCC) lead on serious violence and PCC for the West Midlands: “Incidents involving crossbows are, thankfully, rare but recent high-profile cases highlight the potential for serious injury or death that can be caused by these powerful weapons that are readily available to buy online.

"Earlier this year, the government launched a call for evidence on whether regulations around the sale of crossbows need tightening. The APCC will work with the Home Office and the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) on the outcome of that review to ensure the right safeguards are in place to keep the public safe.”

A National Police Chiefs’ Council spokesperson said: “Officers will continue to look at what action can be taken to prevent access to weapons that can be used for violence and harm.”

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