Americans try Full English breakfast for the first time and the reviews are brilliant

Visiting from across the Atlantic, Americans had some very varied responses to the British classic - but one foodstuff in particular became a key point of discussion.

The Full English is a classic staple of British cuisine (Image: Getty)

Americans and Brits may have their fair share of differences - but one area that is sure to drive a wedge across the Atlantic is our different approaches to bacon. 


When some yanks decided to forgo their thin crispy rashers for our meaty slabs as part of their first Full English breakfasts, they were left blown away. 

Leaving a review of their first ever British brekkie at Regency Cafe near Westminster, Lilian from Ohio was unable to resist our bacon's porky charms, writing: "I can't believe that I'm going to say that I love this bacon more than bacon back home in the states. It's thicker so you can actually have a chew on the meat."

She was less positive about a more controversial inclusion in the classic morning fry-up, though, adding: "The black pudding surprised me because I've heard what it's made of but thought it tasted just like potatoes with oats inside."

Lilian is among many Americans who have sampled the English staple who found themselves surprised with the results.

Another American, in a review of his Full English at De Vine in east London, wrote: "These British know how to start the day, it was a tonne of food."

While Ingrid from California wrote of her food in Joe's Kitchen: "This was my first Full English Breakfast and I loved everything about it."

But it was the bacon that kept capturing American hearts, reported MyLondon.

Ingrid added: "I am a huge fan of their floppy, non-crispy bacon as well as the black pudding! I feel like baked beans should be a part of every breakfast now!"


The American posted on Reddit with their own homemade Full English (Image: Reddit)

While Lauren from Amherst said: "I dream about those rashers. And the sausage - mix it with the beans. Oh man. Yes please.

"America, please learn from England. This is the way to do breakfast.

"It does not need to be fancy and overdone. Also, can we please get some rashers over here?"

However, American attempts to recreate the dish have been met with mixed responses from Blighty.

Another attempt by an American was met with far less praise (Image: Reddit)

One picked up the staple fry-up ingredients from their local supermarket in the US and had a go at home, before sharing the results on Reddit.

They wrote: "As an American, I tried my best with what I had at my local grocery store, and gave their verdict: "It was great. Thanks for inventing this lol."

Many fellow users of the site were impressed with the results, with one writing: "This may well be the finest looking English breakfast made by an American."

And another replied: "Agreed. I wouldn't complain if I was served that in a caff."

However, some attempts have not been so successful. 

Another Redditor who attempted to make one for their partner found themselves the target of ridicule as while some were supportive, other commenters questioned whether they had even cooked the ingredients.

One said: "Hash browns look like you’ve just waved them at the oven instead of actually cooking them pal."

Another added: “Bangers ain't blackened enough and what are those triangular foreign things with rounded corners? Fried half tomatoes would negate the cholesterol levels in the traditional manner.”

And of course, bacon emerged as a key point of contention, with one writing: "You’re missing proper English bacon mate, not that American stuff that comes in strips."