Charles and William 'resigned' attempts to reunite with Harry won't happen 'for some time'

Prince Charles and Prince William have resigned themselves over Prince Harry, says royal expert (Image: GETTY)

PRINCE CHARLES and Prince William have "resigned" attempts to heal the rift between Prince Harry and the rest of the Royal Family, according to a royal expert.

By Tim McNulty, News Reporter

Prince Harry and Prince William row over Princess Diana's statue

Prince Charles and Prince William have "resigned" themselves to the fact a reunion with Prince Harry is "unreachable" for the foreseeable future, according to royal commentator Neil Sean. He told Neil Sean's Daily News Headlines Youtube channel that Harry and William "certainly did look worlds apart" at their last public appearance together. 


Mr Sean said in his latest show: "Prince Charles and Prince William have resigned themselves to the fact that Prince Harry really is well unreachable right now, and certainly for some time to come.

"So as for the brothers reconnecting, re-patching and seemingly getting on, even at the forthcoming memorial for the former, as we know, wonderful Duke of Edinburgh in April at Westminster Abbey, that seems far out of reach.

"And when you look at the footage of them both of veiling the statues for their late mother, Princess Diana, they certainly did look worlds apart.

"And while Harry was simply acting out for the cameras, Prince William has ever remained statesmanlike, and more importantly, that's the one thing that really antagonises his younger brother, Prince Harry."

Prince Charles 'resigned' to fact Prince Harry reunion won't happen 'for some time to come' (Image: GETTY)

It comes as Kate, Duchess of Cambridge takes over Prince Harry's former roles as patron of the Rugby Football Union and the Rugby Football League.

Kensington Palace said the duchess' appointments "closely align with Her Royal Highness' long-standing passion for sport and the lifelong benefits it can provide".

Kate is the first member of the Royal Family to officially receive one of Prince Harry's past patronages.

Kate's new affiliation with England Rugby comes ahead of the Six Nations international tournament starting this weekend.

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A source said: "The Duchess has happy memories of watching rugby matches with her family as a child."

The Duchess's sister, Pippa Matthews, opened up about the family's love of rugby for Vanity Fair in 2014, writing: "Rugby was a big thing in our family, and the focal point was international matches, which were often played on Saturday afternoons and were as much social as sporting occasions.

"We'd plan our weekends around the matches."

She added: "If we lost, my dad would be in a state of despair for the rest of the afternoon as if he'd actually lost the game himself."


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Royal Family Tree (Image: EXPRESS)

It has long been reported that the Duchess, seen as a safe pair of hands by the Queen, would be filling the gap left by Harry when he was stripped of the roles in February last year.

The Duke, a passionate rugby fan who celebrated with England when they won the rugby union World Cup in 2003, had acted as RFU patron since 2016, and patron of RFL since 2017, taking over the roles from his grandmother.

After Megxit, he initially retained the positions and wanted to keep them.

But he was later stripped of all his royal patronages, along with his honorary military appointments, after talks with the Queen and senior royals as part of the 12-month review of the Sussexes' decision to step down as senior working royals and move to the US.