iPhone tip means you'll never forget to reply to a text again

Forgetting to reply to a text is something we're all guilty of, but there's an easy way to make sure you never miss a message again

a woman holding her phone

There's a useful feature in messages (Image: Philip Toscano/PA)

Are you the sort of person who always responds to a message as soon as you see it? Or are you prone to giving it a read and thinking 'I'll reply to that in a minute"?

If you're the latter - and a minute soon becomes a few hours, or even days, then a little-known iPhone trick could be a lifesaver. Faris Memon, a tech expert at Vivid Ads, has outlined how to pin important conversations to the top of your Messages app.

Faris said: "If you get a text you can't answer straight away, pin the conversation to remind yourself to reply later. Once you've messaged back (usually at the end of the day), you can unpin it and it'll go back to the regular list."

To do that, Faris explains: "To pin a text conversation on your iPhone, simply hold down on the thread you want to prioritise in your Messages list. A menu will appear with several options, including "Pin" with a thumbtack symbol next to it."

"Give that a tap, and there you go, Your important conversation will be pinned to the top."

There are a couple of other ways to pin conversations.

Faris said: "You can either hold down the chat and drag it all the way up to the top of your Messages list. Alternatively, tap "Edit" in the top left corner, then select 'Edit Pins'."

"Here, you'll see yellow thumbtacks next to each conversation. Tap the ones you want to pin, then hit "Done" to save. Remember, you can pin up to nine chats at once."

The pinning feature is available on iPhones with iOS 14 or newer. It's worth noting that swiping right to pin a conversation used to be an option, but that's no longer available on iPhones running iOS 16 or later.

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